| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Post-Gubernatorial File, circa 1923-1942
(continued) |
(continued) |
Highland College, Highland,
Kana. |
Isely, Merrill N. |
Kansas City Council of Clubs, Kansas City,
Kans. |
Kansas Council of Religious
Education |
Kansas Diamond Jubilee |
Kansas League of Women Voters |
Kansas Society for Crippled
Children |
Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina,
Kans. |
Miscellaneous |
BOX C124 |
National Illiteracy Committee |
National Kindergarten
Association |
Ottawa University, Ottawa,
Kans. |
Salvation Army |
Southwestern College, Winfield,
Kans. |
Sprague Foundation |
Unemployed Trading Post |
University of Kansas, Lawrence,
Kans. |
Wesley Hospital Building Fund, Wichita,
Kans. |
Wesley Methodist Church, Wichita,
Kans. |
Wichita Community Chest, Wichita,
Kans. |
Wichita Home for the Aged, Wichita,
Kans. |
Wichita University, Flo Brown Memorial
Laboratory |
YMCA, Wichita, Kans. |
YMC. College |
Council of Personnel
Administration |
Courtesy cards |
Debenture |
Dehner case |
Depression |
(2 folders) |
Engagements closed |
Engagements suspended |
BOX C125 |
England, correspondence |
English Speaking Union |
(2 folders) |
Europe |
Favorable comment |
Gas tax exemption |
German situation |
Gifts received |
(2 folders) |
Gold Star mothers |
Golden wedding letters |
Grain grading |
BOX C126 |
Harvard Advertising Awards, Harvard
University, Cambridge, Mass. |
Hoover, Herbert |
Housing |
Illiteracy Crusade |
Immigration |
Introductions |
Introductions to president |
Italy |
Kansas Chamber of Commerce Survey
Fund |
Katz Advertising Agency |
(2 folders) |
Kimberley-Clark Co. |
BOX C127 |
Kiwanis |
(2 folders) |
Ku Klux Klan |
Labor |
Law suits |
League of Nations |
Legislation |
Letters of introduction |
(2 folders) |
Letters of recommendation |
(3 folders) |
Letters of sympathy |
Letters prior to appointment |
Lindley Memorial, Lawrence, Kans. |
Loans |
Lobbying |
BOX C128 |
Mexico |
Correspondence |
Hinshaw, David |
Miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
BOX C129 |
Miscellaneous |
McHenry, Myra |
Memberships |
Minnesota editors |
Miscellaneous organizations |
Money matters |
National Conference of Christians and
Jews |
National military homes |
BOX C130 |
Nebraska-Kansas |
New York World's Fair, New York,
N.Y. |
Newspapers |
Newspaper inquiries |
Newspaper matters |
(2 folders) |
Newspaper prospects |
Nobel Peace Prize |
Norris (Mrs. George) Fund |
Old age pensions |
BOX C131 |
Pamphlets |
Pan-American Conference |
Articles |
Correspondence |
Miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
Personal |
American Foundation |
Baker University, Baldwin,
Kans. |
Chauffeur |
Christmas lists |
(2 folders) |
BOX C132 |
Clubs |
Committee memberships |
American Hellenic Committee |
American League of Good
Will |
Bok Memorial Committee |
Citizens Committee of 1000 |
Colonial Society of America |
Educational Publicity, World
Peace |
Methodist Brotherhood Men's Work
Committee |
Miscellaneous |
National Advisory Committee on
Illiteracy |
National Lincoln League |
Pioneer Women's Memorial
Association |
Puerto Rico Child Health
Committee |
Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Foundation |
U.S. Civil Legion |
World Peace Commission |
Next Page » |