| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Post-Gubernatorial File, circa 1923-1942
(continued) |
United States Government
(continued) |
BOX C63 |
Reconstruction Finance
Corporation |
Allen, Henry J. |
Allen, Henry J., releases and
statements |
Appointments |
Advisory Board |
Secretarial |
Branch banking |
Congratulatory letters |
Miscellaneous |
State, Department |
Appointments |
(2 folders) |
Foreign service, favorable
comment |
Miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
Secretary of state |
Tariff Commission |
(2 folders) |
Treasury, Department of |
Appointments |
(2 folders) |
Public Health Service |
Receiver |
Customs, duty on tractors |
Federal Reserve Bank |
Internal Revenue |
Kansas City Joint Stock Land Bank |
(2 folders) |
BOX C64 |
Miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
Port of entry |
Russian lumber importation |
Russian manganese |
United States Employees Compensation
Commission |
United States Shipping Board |
(2 folders) |
Veterans Administration |
Appointments |
(2 folders) |
Compensation |
(2 folders) |
BOX C65 |
Compensation, Spanish-American War back
pay |
Hospital |
Kansas |
Wichita, Kans. |
Hospitalization |
Hospitals |
Loans |
Miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
Special acts |
BOX C66 |
War, Department of |
Appointments |
(2 folders) |
Flying cadets |
Philippine Islands |
(2 folders) |
West Point, N.Y., United States Naval
Academy |
(2 folders) |
Fort Riley Air Corps removal |
Miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
Near East Relief Warehouse |
Philippine Islands |
Reserve Officer' Training Corps Medical
Unit |
Secretary of war, Hurley, Patrick
J. |
Veterans Hospital, Kansas |
BOX C67-C78 |
Campaign File, 1930-1936
Correspondence, reports, invitations, petitions, photographs, press releases,
clippings, notes, public relations material, and miscellaneous items. |
Organized into three groups: Senate, 1930; National Campaign, 1932; and
National Campaign, 1936, and therein alphabetically by subject, topic,
jurisdiction, or type of material. |
BOX C67 |
Senate, 1930
Advertising |
Analysis of primary vote |
Brinkley, John R. |
Campaign issues |
Chairman (by county) |
Allen |
Anderson |
Atchison |
Barber |
Barton |
Bourbon |
Brown |
Butler |
Chase |
Chautauqua |
Cherokee |
Cheyenne |
Clark |
Clay |
Cloud |
Coffey |
Comanche |
Cowley |
Crawford |
Decator |
BOX C68 |
Dickinson |
Doniphan |
Douglas |
Edwards |
Elk |
Ellis |
Ellsworth |
Finney |
Ford |
Franklin |
Geary |
Gove |
Graham |
Grant |
Gray |
Greeley |
Greenwood |
Hamilton |
Harper |
Harvey |
Haskell |
Hodgeman |
Jackson |
Jefferson |
Jewell |
Johnson |
Kearny |
Kingman |
Kiowa |
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