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Am-Rus Literary Agency records, 1927-1990

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Author File, 1936-1990 (continued)
Rybnikov, Aleksei, and Andrei Voznesenskii, Avos, 1981-1987
Ryss, Evgenii, Search Behind the Lines, 1973-1981
Semin, Vitalii, Seven in One House, 1966-1972
Schechtman, Eli, Erev, 1966-1969, undated
Shishkov, Viacheslav IAkovlevich, 1945, 1956
Shklovskii, I. S., Cosmic Radio Waves, 1958-1961, 1967-1972
Sholokhov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
Early Stories by Mikhail Sholokhov, 1966
Fierce and Gentle Warriors, 1966-1982
(2 folders)
BOX 19 One Man's Destinyand Tales of the Don, 1943, 1960-1984
(4 folders)
Shtemler, Il'ia, 1988, undated
Shternfel'd, Ario Abramovich, Interplanetary Travel, 1958-1970
Shkvarkin, Vasillii Valil'evich, Nobody's Child, 1946
Simonov, Konstantin Mikhailovich
Days and Nightsand The Russian People, 1943-1950, 1970
Miscellany, 1943-1947, 1960-1964
The Whole World Over, 1945-1951
Skrebitskii, Georgii Alekseevich
Forest Echo, 1965-1981
Miscellany, 1947-1951, 1965-1981
Slonim, Abram Donovich, Instinct: The Mysteries of Innate Behavior of Organisms, 1968-1977
Smirnov, Vasilli Aleksandrovich, Sons, 1946-1948
BOX 20 Sobolev, Leonid, The Soul of the Sea, 1945-1948
Soloukhin, Vladimir Alekseevich
The Black Boardsand Searching for Icons in Russia, 1970-1975
A Walk in Rural Russia, 1965-1970
Solov'ev, Leonid Vasil'evich, The Beggar in the Harem, 1956-1962, undated
(2 folders)
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, 1962-1963
Stavitsky, Arkady, Sholom Aleichem Street, House 40, 1985-1987
Strugatskii, Arkadi Natanovich and Boris Natanovich
Hard to Be a God, 1971-1974
Snail on the Slope, 1974-1984, undated
Ugly Swans, 1978-1989
Sudakov, Ilya V., The Patriotic War, 1942
Surits, E. IA., Soviet Choreographers, 1980-1981, 1987-1990
BOX 21 Suvin, Darko (editor), Other Worlds, Other Seas, 1967-1970
Tairov, Aleksandr IAkovlevich, Notes of a Director, 1968-1970
Tarle, Evgenii Viktorovich, Bonaparteand Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812, 1936-1942, 1951
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich, The Diaries of Tchaikovsky, 1944-1950, 1956-1960
Tinyanova, Helen, Stradivari, the Violin-maker, 1938-1942
Tolstoi, Il'ia L'vovich, Tolstoy, My Father, 1969-1975
Tolstoy, Aleksey Nikolayevich
Love's Golden Book, 1944
Peter the First, 1945-1951, 1959-1970
Road to Calvaryand Selected Stories, 1945-1951, 1956-1963, 1969
Tolstoy, Leo, 1959-1985
Trifonov, IUrii Valentinovich, 1977-1978
Troepol'skii, Gavriil, White Bim Black Ear, 1977, undated
Vaganova, Agrippina IAkovlena, Fundamentals of Classical Dance, 1944-1950
Vampilov, Aleksandr Valentinovich, The Elder Sonand Last Summer in Chulimsk, 1979-1983
Vassiliev, Boris, The Dawns Are Quiet Here, 1984-1985
BOX 22 Vershinin, Ilya, and Mikhail Ruderman, Counterattack, 1942-1944
Vigdorova, F., Diary of a Russian Schoolteacher, 1957-1987
Vil'iams, Vasilii Robertovich, Principles of Agriculture, 1951, 1964-1965
Vladimov, Georgii, “Three Minutes of Silence,” 1970-1973
Voronkova, Liubov, Little Girl from the City, 1947, 1967-1969
Voznesenskii, Andrei
Antiworlds, 1966-1968, undated
Avos, See Container 18, Rybnikov, Aleksei, and Andrei Voznesenskii
Selected Poems by Voznesenskii, 1964-1990, undated
Wagner, Ray (editor), The Soviet Air Force in World War II, 1971-1982, undated
Wasilewska, Wanda, The Rainbow, 1943-1944
Yakovlev, Yuri, “A Little Sun with White Rays,” 1985, undated
Yefimov, Felix, 1983-1987, undated
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich, Selected Poetry, 1962-1963
Zacharoff, Lucien, “The Soviet People,” 1941
Zhurbin, Alexander (composer), 1983-1986, undated
Zolotovskii, Konstantin Dmitrievich, Deep Sea Divers, 1937-1946
Zolotusskii, Igorʹ, “Gogol,” 1988
BOX 23-34 Miscellany, 1927-1990
Correspondence, financial records, contracts, royalty statements, news clippings, and printed matter. This series contains all files not identified by the name of a Soviet writer.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization, individual, or subject and chronologically thereunder.
BOX 23 Actor's Theater of Louisville, Louisville, Ky., 1986-1988
Alley Theatre, Houston, Tex., 1978-1985, undated
The American Review, 1976
ANONS Literary Information Cooperative Agency, 1990, undated
Arena Stage, Washington, D.C., 1976-1986
Ballet, 1953
Barker, John, 1970-1974, undated
Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1968-1971
Book contracts, lists of, circa 1972-circa 1981
Books by American writers for publication in the USSR
Correspondence, 1979-1985
(2 folders)
Lists, 1974-1982
Cadell, John, 1977-1978, undated
Center for Advanced Study in Theatre Arts, City University of New York , New York, N.Y., 1980-1981
Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, Calif., 1977-1987
BOX 24 China Photo Service, monthly reports to Federal Reserve Bank, 1975-1980
(3 folders)
Communist Party of the USSR, 1963
Consultants Bureau, contracts for science writings, 1957-1960
(2 folders)
Copyright Agency of the USSR (VAAP)
Budget and advertising, 1974-1980, undated
Expense reports from Am-Rus Literary Agency
(4 folders)
BOX 25 1980-1986
(6 folders)
Miscellany, 1981
Mitrokhin, Lev, 1975-1978, undated
(2 folders)
Royalty reports, 1974-1985
(2 folders)
Correspondence, miscellaneous, 1928, 1986-1989, undated
Dance Horizons, 1970-1984, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 26 Dictionaries
Akhmanova (editor), 1959-1963
Lapidus and Shetsova, Folokina and Weiser (editors), 1962-1987
(2 folders)
Meyer's Technical Dictionary, 1942
Muller, V. K., and A. I. Smirnitsky (editors), 1943-1951, 1958-1986, undated
(3 folders)
Zaimovsky, S. G. (compiler) and Ivy Litvinov (editor), 1958-1970
Drama correspondence, 1977-1990, undated
(3 folders)
E. P. Dutton
BOX 27 1967-1981
(3 folders)
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