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Am-Rus Literary Agency records, 1927-1990

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Author File, 1936-1990 (continued)
Face to Face, 1986
Gessler, A., See Container 6, Druts, E.
Gorbatov, V. S., “Theory of Partially Ordered Systems,” 1979 See also Container 27, Intersystems Publications
Gorchakov, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Stanislavsky Directs, 1953-1984, undated
(2 folders)
Gorin, Grigorii, The House That Swift Built, 1985-1986
Gorky, Maksim
Country People, 1967-1972
General, 1946-1955, 1961-1969
BOX 9 Gozenpud, Laskin and Novikov, “Diaghilev: The Formation of His Personality,” 1976-1982
Gozman, Leonid, 1989-1990, undated
(2 folders)
Grekhov, Nicolai, Soviet Chess, 1944-1951
Grossman, Vassilii Semenovich, 1938, 1944-1945
Halkin, Shmuel, In Life and in Death, 1979
Huseinov, Chingiz Hasan Oghlu, Magomed, Mamed, Mamish, 1975-1984
Iskander, Fazilʹ, The Goatibex Constellation, 1969-1977, undated
Kapp, Yvonne (editor), Short Stories of Russia Today, 1957-1963, 1970, undated
Kassilʹ, Lev Abramovich, Brother of the Heroand Once in a Lifetime, 1966-1978, undated
Katayev, Valentin, The Magic Flowerand The Wife, 1945-1946
Kaverin, Veniamin, “Desires Fullfilled,” “The Titian,” and Two Captains, 1937-1944
Kazakov, IUrii, Going to Town and Other Storiesand Acturus, the Hunting Hound, 1962-1978, 1985, undated
Kazantsev, A., 1983-1984, undated
BOX 10 Klimova, Nina T., Folk Embroidery of the USSR, 1975-1986
Kokovkin, Sergei, Five Corners, 1984-1987
Kostrovitskaia, Vera Sergeevna, School of Classical Dance, 1969-1973
Kozintsev, Grigori Mikhailovich, “Deep Screen” and Shakespeare: Time and Conscience, 1962-1984, undated
(2 folders)
Krasovskaya, Vera, History of Russian Balletand Vaslav Nijinsky, 1975-1982
Kudriavtsev, V., 1980-1982
Kuperman, Vladimir Leonovich, 1987-1989, undated
Kushner, Pavel Ivanovich (editor), The Village of Viriatino, 1965-1976, undated
Kuznetsov, Anatolii Vasilʹevich, “The Fire,” 1969-1974
Kuznetson, Boris Grigorʹevich, Einstein, 1969-1972
Lebedev, Vladimir See Container 8, Gagarin, Yuri Alekseyevich
Leonov, Leonid, Chariot of Wrath, “Ocean Road,” and “Orchards of Polovchansk,” 1941-1947
BOX 11 Liberman, Evsei Grigor'evich, Economic Methods and the Effectiveness of Production, 1969-1979
Linevskii, Aleksandr, An Old Tale Carved out of Stone, 1972-1981
Lurye, Noach, Wiederstand, 1946
Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich, Heredity and Its Variability, 1945-1971
Makarenko, Anton Semenovich, A Book for Parents, 1964-1979
Mamlin, Gennandi, Hey, There–Hello!, 1986-1987 See also Container 34, Trips to Moscow, visit with Gennandi Mamlin
(2 folders)
Marshak, Ilʹia Iakovlevich, children's stories, 1943, 1959-1975
Marshak, Samuil, At Life's Beginning, “The Postman,” and Twelve Months, 1944-1948, 1962-1969
Mavrina, Tatʹiana Alekseevna (illustrator), 1976-1977, undated
BOX 12 Mayakovsky, Vladimir, The Bedbug and Selected Poetry, 1958-1984
(2 folders)
Meierkholʹd, Vsevolod Emilʹevich, 1976-1977
Mikhailov, Nikolai Nikolaevich, Land of the Sovietsand The Russian Story, 1938-1939, 1945
Mikhailov, Sergei Vladimirovich, Let's Fight and Other Russian Fables, 1967-1990
(2 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX 13 M-Z
(2 folders)
Montgomery, Jean, Search the Wild Shore, 1976-1979
Mukhamedzhanov, Kaltai See Container 1, Aitmatov, Chingiz
Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich, The Musorgsky Reader, 1944, 1951-1961, 1967
Nagibin, IUrii Markovich, “Winter Oak,” 1979
Nagishkin, Dmitri, Folktales of the Amur, 1970-1984, undated
(3 folders)
Nechaev, I., Chemical Elements, 1942-1951
BOX 14 Nekrasov, Viktor, Front-Line Stalingrad, 1960-1962
Nest'ev, Izrail' Vladimirovich
Prokofiev, 1944, 1956-1989
“Prokofiev,” Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1970
Nikolaeva, Galina, “Battle on the Way,” 1960-1965
Nikitenko, Aleksandr Vasil'evich, The Diary of a Russian Censor, 1969-1989, undated
(2 folders)
Nikitin, Boris and Lena, “An Experiment in Early Childhood Education,” 1979-1980, undated
Nilin, Pavel, Comrade Venkaand Cruelty, 1958-1962
Nizhnii, Vladimir, Lessons with Eisenstein, 1962-1977, 1986-1990
Okudzhava, Bulat Shalvovich
Nocturne, 1977-1981
“Poor Avrosimov,” 1969-1974
BOX 15 Oparin, Aleksandr Ivanovich, and V. G. Fesenkov, Life in the Universe, 1960-1968
Panova, Vera Fedorovna, Sputnikiand The Train, 1947-1950
Pasternak, Boris, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Marina Zwetajewa, Letters, Summer 1926, 1979-1990, undated
Perovskaia, Ol'ga, The Wolf in Olga's Kitchen, 1968-1980, undated
Perventsev, Arkadii Alekseevich, The Ordeal, 1943-1949
Petrov, Demitri, “Son of the Don Steppes,” 1961
Pisemskii, Aleksei Feofilaktovich, One Thousand Souls, 1958-1971
Platonov, Andrei Platonovich, The Fierce and Beautiful World, 1967-1986, undated
Poliakov, Aleksandr, Russians Don't Surrenderand White Mammoths, 1942-1945
Potapova, Nina F., Learning Russian, 1961-1974
Prokofiev, Sergy
The Duenna, 1948-1950
The Love for Three Oranges, 1962-1965
War and Peace, 1947, 1953-1955, undated
BOX 16 Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergevich, The Queen of Spades, 1960-1990
Radlov, Nikolai Ernestovich, The Cautious Carp and Other Fables in Pictures, 1938, 1947-1950
Radzinskii, Edvard
In the Absence of Love and Deathand An Old Actress in the Role of Dostoevsky's Wife, 1986
Conversations with Socrates, 1986-1987
Jogging, 1987-1988
Lunin, 1985-1986
Theater in the Time of Nero and Seneca, 1984-1985
Rasputin, Valentin Grigor'evich
Farewell to Matyora, 1977-1990
(2 folders)
Live and Remember, 1975-1988, undated
(2 folders)
Rozanov, Sergei Grigor'evich, The Adventures of Misha, 1937-1946
Roschin, Mikhail
Echelon, 1977-1979, undated
Short stories, 1988-1989
Rozenfel'd, Semen Efimovich, The First Song, 1967-1973, undated
BOX 17 Rozov, Viktor
Miscellaneous plays, 1962-1966, 1978-1979, 1988, undated
The Nest of the Woodgrouse, 1980-1984
(3 folders)
Rozovskii, Mark
Kafka: Father and Son, 1984-1985, undated
Correspondence, 1977-1990, undated
(2 folders)
Chelsea Theater, New York, N.Y., 1978-1981, undated
Helen Hayes Theater, New York, N.Y., 1979-1980, undated
BOX 18 Various venues, 1980-1990, undated
Rybakov, Anatolii Naumovich
Children of the Arabat, 1988-1990, undated
Heavy Sand, 1978-1986, undated
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