| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 1 |
Orders to Duty, 1912-1956
Orders to duty. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 1 |
1912-1956 |
(9 folders) |
BOX 2-18 |
General Correspondence, 1908-1957
Letters received and copies of letters sent, telegrams, invitations, memoranda,
and miscellaneous attachments. |
Arranged chronologically according to King's various commands and therein
alphabetically by name of correspondent. |
BOX 2 |
1917, Jellicoe, John |
(10 folders) |
BOX 3 |
(12 folders) |
BOX 4 |
1933, “A-W” miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
“A-R” miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
James, Edwin W. |
“S-W” miscellaneous |
Tyree, Alexander M. |
1936 |
Mayo, Henry T. |
Puleston, William D. |
Memoranda |
Owen, George T. |
BOX 5 |
Wright, Orville |
Yount, Barton K. |
“A-C” miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
Cook, Arthur B. |
“D-G” miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
Greenslade, John W. |
Gutmann, Addis |
“H” miscellaneous |
BOX 6 |
“I-L” miscellaneous |
Invitations |
Land, Emory Scott |
“M-Z” miscellaneous |
(6 folders) |
1936-1939, Standley, William Harrison |
Cabot, Godfrey L. |
Pownall, C. A. |
BOX 7 |
Kalbfus, Edward C. |
Walsh, David I. |
Andrews, Adolphus |
Arnold, Henry Harley |
Ayres, William A. |
Bloch, Claude C. |
Halsey, William Frederick |
Litchfield, P. W. |
Memoranda |
Stark, Harold R. |
“A-H” miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
“C-H” miscellaneous |
Cook, Arthur B. |
Halsey, William Frederick |
Invitations |
“J-R” miscellaneous |
Memoranda |
Pihl, Paul E. |
“S-Z” miscellaneous |
BOX 8 |
1941, Atlantic Fleet |
“A” miscellaneous |
Andrews, Adolphus |
“B-I” miscellaneous |
(8 folders) |
Ingram, Jonas |
“J-K” miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
Knox, Frank |
“L” miscellaneous |
Litchfield, P. W. |
Lovett, Robert M. |
Memoranda miscellany |
Morison, Elting |
“N” miscellaneous |
Nimitz, Chester W. |
“O-S” miscellaneous |
(4 folders) |
Sinnott, Arthur J. |
“U” miscellaneous |
Yarnell, Harry E. |
“W-Y” miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
BOX 9 |
“A” miscellaneous |
Adams, Charles F. |
Adams, Phelps H. |
Andrews, Adolphus |
Andrews, Bert |
Arnold, Henry Harley |
Attlee, Clement R. |
“Ba-Be” miscellaneous |
Baldridge, Harry A. |
Barbour, W. Warren |
Barron, Carter |
Baruch, Bernard M. |
Beale, Marie (Mrs. Truxton Beale) |
Beardall, John R. |
Berryman, Clifford |
“Bi-Br” miscellaneous |
Biddle, Francis |
Blake, Geoffrey |
Blakely, Charles A. |
Bonesteel, Charles H. |
Bonner, Herbert C. |
Brace, Donald C. |
Bradley, Omar Nelson |
Brandt, Raymond P. |
Brennan, Walter |
Bridges, Styles |
Brooke, Alan F. |
Brown, Constantine |
“Bu” miscellaneous |
Burton, Harold H. |
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