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Alexander Meigs Haig papers, 1962-1982

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Classified, 1969-1982 (continued)
Department of State (continued)
1981 (continued)
BOX CL 146 (2 folders)
(1 folder)
Portugal, 1981
Romania, 1982, undated
(2 folders)
St. Lucia, 1981-1982
Saudi Arabia, 1981-1982
(2 folders)
BOX CL 147 Somalia, 1981-1982
South Africa, 1982
Southeast Asia, 1981
Southwest Asia, 1981
Spain, 1981-1982
(2 folders)
Sudan, 1981-1982
Surinam, 1981-1982
Sweden, 1982
Syria, 1982
Taiwan (Republic of China), 1977-1982
Thailand, 1981-1982
Turkey, 1981-1982
(2 folders)
United Kingdom, 1982
Uruguay, 1982
(1 folder)
BOX CL 148 (4 folders)
BOX CL 149 (1 folder)
1982, undated
(3 folders)
Venezuela, 1981-1982
Vietnam, 1981-1982
West Bank of the Jordan River, 1982
Yemen, 1981
Yugoslavia, 1982
Zaire, 1981-1982
Zambia, 1981-1982
BOX CL 150 Topics
Abu Eain, Zaid, extradition case, 1981-1982
Affirmative action plan, 1982
Agency for International Development (AID), 1982. See also Container CL164, United States International Development and Cooperation Administration
Agriculture, 1981
Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)
(5 folders)
BOX CL 151 (3 folders)
1982, undated
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), 1981-1982, undated
Anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs), 1982
Asian policy, 1981, undated
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 1982
Board for International Broadcasting (BIB)
(2 folders)
BOX CL 152 1982, undated
(2 folders)
Bureau of African Affairs (AF), 1982
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 1982
Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, 1982
Bureau of European Affairs, 1982
Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 1982, undated
Bureau of Inter-American Affairs (ARA), 1982
Bureau of International Organization Affairs, 1982
Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, 1982
Bureaus of European Affairs/Politico-Military Affairs, division of responsibilities, 1982
Cabinet council meetings, 1982
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1981
Church groups, Walter F. Wichmanowski and others, 1982
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 1981-1982
Congressional correspondence
BOX CL 153 1982, undated
Congressional relations, 1981-1982, undated
(2 folders)
Conventional arms transfers (CAT), 1979
Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Committee on East-West Trade (COCOM), 1982
Cost control, private sector survey, 1982
Council on Foreign Relations, 1982
Crisis management, 1981
Dissidents, 1981-1982
Economic sanctions, 1982
Eli Lilly, Inc., 1982
Energy policy, 1981-1982
Enhanced radiation warhead (ERW), 1981-1982
Executive Secretariat, 1982
Export controls, 1982
F-4 (aircraft) engine See Container CL164, United Technologies (Corp.)
F-5G (aircraft), 1982
F-15 (aircraft), 1980-1981, undated
BOX CL 154 Fahd ibn `Abd al-`Azìz (Saudi crown prince) peace proposal, 1981-1982, undated
Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), 1981, undated
Finances, international, 1982
Foreign aid, 1981-1982
Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, Pa., 1979-1982
Foreign policy, critical choices in, 1981
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 1981
FX (aircraft), 1982
Geopolitics, 1982
Global negotiations, 1981-1982
Grain embargo against the Soviet Union (USSR), 1980-1982, undated
BOX CL 155 Human rights, 1981-1982
Immigration, 1981
Intermediate nuclear forces (INF), 1981-1982
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 1981-1982
International Communication Agency (ICA), 1981-1982
Israeli settlement in Occupied Territories, 1981
Jewish affairs, political, 1981-1982
Jews, Falasha, Ethiopia, 1982
Law of the Sea
(3 folders)
BOX CL 156 1982, undated
(2 folders)
Leaks of information, 1981-1982, undated
Legal advisor, 1981-1982
Legal issues, 1980-1982
Maritime negotiations with Soviet Union (USSR), 1981
Mass media, 1982
Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), 1981
Military manpower requirements, 1981
Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE) System, 1982
Moon and other celestial bodies, treaty on the, 1981
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