The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Alexander Meigs Haig papers, 1962-1982
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White House Files, 1969-1974 (continued)
Richard M. Nixon Administration (continued)
Subcommittee on Government Activities, 1973
Press reaction
Procedural details, Jan. 1974
Proposed articles of impeachment, undated
White House organization to counter
May-July 1974
BOX 28 Aug. 1974
Krogh, Egil, affidavit, May 1973
Miscellaneous, 1974, undated
Search for counsel for the president, Dec. 1973-1974
St. Clair, James
Correspondence, Feb.-Mar. 1974
District Court papers, 1974
Miscellaneous, 22 July 1974
Summation before House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary impeachment inquiry, 18 July 1974
Supreme Court brief for Richard M. Nixon, July 1974
Sullivan, John J., Mar.-May 1974
White House legal staff organization, Nov.-Dec. 1973
Wright, Charles A., Aug.-Oct. 1973
Legal fees for staff, 1973-1974
Miscellaneous, 1974, undated
Mitchell, John and Maurice Stans trial, 1974
Press coverage
Associated Press and United Press International wires, 1974
Miscellaneous, 1973
BOX 29 Presidential press conferences, Sept.-Oct. 1973
Research, 1973-1974
Richardson, Elliot L., Oct. 1973 See also Container 29, "Saturday Night Massacre"
"Saturday Night Massacre," 20 Oct. 1973 See also Container 26, Cox, Archibald; and Container 29, Richardson, Elliot L.
Inquiry into dismissal of special prosecutor, 6 Nov. 1973
Press conference, Haig and Charles A. Wright, 23 Oct. 1973
Press reaction
Problems with new attorney general
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities
Executive privilege, May-July 1973
Requests to the president, 1974
Subpoena for Haig, May 1974
Testimony, May 1973 (Charles Colson, John Ehrlichman, and H. R. Haldeman)
Special prosecutor
Appointment of new special prosecutor, 19 Dec. 1973
BOX 30 Requests, Dec. 1973-Aug. 1974
Speech, Apr. 1974
Game plan
Staff ideas to combat, 1973-1974
Statement of president following rejection of proposal to have John C. Stennis authenticate summation of tapes, 19 Oct. 1973
Support groups
American Bar Association, Chesterfield Smith letter, 30 Oct. 1973
Citizens Committee for Fairness, 1974
General, 1974
Tapes issue
Custodian of tapes, April 1974
Dean, John, testimony re tapes, 1972-1973
(2 folders)
Eighteen and one-half minute gap, Nov. 1973
Notes and background for Haig testimony before grand jury, 5 Dec. 1973
Press reaction to release of tapes, 1974
Requests by special prosecutor, Dec. 1973-Mar. 1974
BOX 31 Subpoenas duces tecum
Affidavit of Richard M. Nixon, drafts, 1973
Responses to, 1973-1974
Supreme Court ruling, 24 July 1974
Transcript of testimony, U.S. District Court
9 Nov. 1973 (J. Fred Buzhardt, H. R. Haldeman, Lawrence M. Higby, Susan D. Yowell)
26-27 Nov. 1973 (Rose Mary Woods)
28 Nov. 1973 (Rose Mary Woods and J. Fred Buzhardt)
White papers, 1973
(2 folders)
White House staff See also Container 16,White House announcements
Buchanan, Patrick J., 1974
Correspondence, selected, Aug. 1973-Feb. 1974
(1 folder)
BOX 32 Correspondence, selected, Mar.-Aug.1974
(3 folders)
Haig's personal staff, 1973
Haig's secretary's log of action taken on papers received by office
July-Sept. 1973
Jan.-Apr. 1974
Jones, Jerry, Feb.-Aug. 1974
Joulwan, George A.
For the record, 1973-1974
To Haig
1973 May-Dec.
(5 folders)
BOX 33 1974
(8 folders)
BOX 34 July.-Aug.
To others
Miscellaneous, 1973-1974, undated
Notes, undated
Personal, 1973-1974
Telephone logs
July-Dec. 1973
(2 folders)
2 Feb., 21 Mar. 1974
Memoranda, 1973-1974
BOX 35 Organizational chart, May 1973
Reorganization plans, May 1973
(2 folders)
Senior staff
Meetings, 9 May 1973-8 Aug. 1974
(6 folders)
Members, Oct.-Dec. 1973
BOX 36 Notes, handwritten, 1973, undated
Staff departures, 1973-1974
BOX 36 Transition of Administrations
BOX 36 Chronology of events
General, 1974
(2 folders)
Histories, Aug. 1974
Nixon administration last days, Aug. 1974
Proposed schedule for last week
Resignation speech
Placement of staff, Aug.-Sept. 1974
BOX 36-39 Gerald R. Ford Administration
BOX 36 Appointments and telephone memoranda file
Meetings and telephone calls record (typewritten logs), Aug.-Sept. 1974
Telephone memoranda, Aug.-Sept. 1974
Chapman, Leonard F., Aug. 1974
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