The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Alexander Meigs Haig papers, 1962-1982
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Sensitive Compartmented Information (Top Secret), 1973-1982 (continued)
White House Files (continued)
Haig, Alexander M.
Southeast Asia
Jan. 1973
Cables to Haig
Trip book, vol. l
April 1973
Cables to Haig
Cables to Haig
Trip book
Key documents
Nixon, Richard M.
Belgium/USSR, 25 June-3 July 1974
Briefing books
Arms control/military issues
Background papers, vols. 1-2
(2 folders)
General, 25 June
Middle East, 10-19 June 1974
BOX SCI TS 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization/U.S. European Command
BOX SCI TS 1 Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
Messages, incoming, 1977
Miscellaneous, 23 Feb. 1979
BOX SCI TS 1 Department of State
BOX SCI TS 1 Office Files
Day file, 7 Feb. 1981-5 July 1982
(40 folders)
Subject file
Countries and geographical areas, 1981-1982
Cuba, 1981
El Salvador, 1981
Iraq, 1981
Korea, 1981
Lebanon, 1982
Nicaragua, 1981
Pakistan, 1981
Saudi Arabia, 1981
Law of the sea, 1981
Toxin, 1981
Staff Files
Executive assistant, Sherwood Goldberg
Alphabetical file
Raynes, Burt F., 1981
Sicherman, Harvey
Subject file
Africa, 1981, undated
Writings, 1982
BOX RD 1 Restricted Data (Classified), 1974-1983
Documents containing restricted data and formerly restricted data at the confidential or secret level removed from the classified portion of the collection.
Arranged in the same order as the classified material.
BOX RD 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization/U.S. European Command
BOX RD 1 Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
Folders 59, 197, 213, 299 (S/RD)
Folder 16-268 (S/FRD)
(17 folders)
Averoff-Tossizza, Evangelos, 1977 (S/FRD)
"A" miscellaneous
Agnew, Harold M., 1976 (C/RD)
Brown, Harold, 1977-1979 (S/FRD)
Cotter, Donald R., 1976-1977 (S/FRD)
Eads, George J., 1975 (S/FRD)
Heiser, Rolland V., 1975-1979 (S/FRD)
Huyer, Robert E., 1975-1979 (S/FRD)
Kubisch, Jack B., 1976-1977 (S/FRD)
Wijting, A .J. W., 1975-1979 (S/FRD)
Incoming, Nov. 1976-Mar. 1979 (S/FRD)
(4 folders)
Outgoing, Aug-Dec. 1975 (S/FRD)
Political Adviser (POLAD) International Affairs (INTAF)
Countries file, NATO, Italy (S/RD)
Subject files
Military files
Feb.-Dec. 1977 (S/RD)
Sept. 1975-July 1976 (S/FRD)
Speeches and writings
Speeches and interviews, Dec. 1974-June 1978 (S/FRD)
(2 folders)
Subject file
Turkey, general, 1975 (S/FRD)
BOX RD 1 Department of State
BOX RD 1 Transition File
Briefing books for the Secretary designate, issues, defense, Dec. 1980 (S/FRD)
Office Files
Day file
9 May (S/FRD)
30 July (S/RD)
Subject file
Countries and geographical areas, Spain, 1981 (S/FRD)
Topics, Theatre Nuclear Forces (TNF), 11 June-8 Aug. 1981 (S/FRD)
Staff Files
Executive assistant, Sherwood Goldberg
Chronological file, Apr. 1981 (S/RD)
Report, Annual Report to the Congress for Fiscal Year 1983 (S/RD)
BOX RD TS 1 Restricted Data (Top Secret), 1975-1981
Documents containing restricted data and formerly restricted data at the top secret level removed from the classified portion of the collection.
Arranged in the same order as the classified material.
BOX RS TS 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization/U.S. European Command
BOX RS TS 1 Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
Folder 141 (RD)
Folder 207 (FRD)
Folder 211 (FRD)
Folder 230 (FRD)
Cotter, Donald R., 1976 (FRD)
Huyser, Robert E., 1975-1979, undated (FRD)
Political Adviser (POLAD) International Affairs (INTAF
Subject file, military, Oct. 1976 (FRD)
Speeches and writings file
Speeches and interviews
13-15 Nov. 1976, Commander-in-Chief's conference (FRD)
Subject file
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