The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Donald Rumsfeld papers, 1888-2015
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Part I: Department of Defense, 1953-1977 (continued)
“Items removed from transition books” See Classified
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Director of net assessment
Meetings and visits conducted by the secretary in the Pentagon See Classified
Secretary's participation in ministerials, issues papers and bilaterals See Classified
Transition manual
(2 folders)
Planning and evaluation
(2 folders)
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
History See Classified
Overview See Classified
Telecommunications and command and control systems
Command and control See Classified
Director See Classified
Systems and resources See Classified
Principal deputy director
BOX I:608 Travel file
Apr. 19-21, California and Texas
May 11-12, Fort Campbell, Ky., and Atlanta, Ga.
(2 folders)
May 24-June 2, Hawaii and California
(2 folders)
June 7-18, Portugal, Belgium, Kenya, and Zaire See also Classified
Aug. 9-10, Chicago, Ill.
10-11, Chanute Air Force Base and Peoria, Ill.
20, Norfolk, Va.
25, Bath, Maine
28, North Carolina and Florida
2, West Point and New York, N.Y.
BOX I:609 7-8, Missouri, Illinois, and Ohio
16, Annapolis, Md.
20, Fort Worth, Tex.
30, Houston, Tex.
2, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
15-20, Europe
27, Philadelphia, Pa.
Dec. 5-9, Brussels, Belgium
1977, Jan. 10-12, New York, N.Y., and Chicago, Ill.
BOX I:610-614 Part I: Speeches and Writings File, 1959-1977
Copies and drafts of speeches, articles, interviews, and statements.
Arranged chronologically by year.
BOX I:610 1959-1968
(14 folders)
BOX I:611 1969-1970
(11 folders)
BOX I:612 1971-1972
(7 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX I:613 (2 folders)
(3 folders)
(5 folders)
BOX I:614 (1 folder)
1976-1977, undated See also Classified
(8 folders)
BOX I:615 Part I: Miscellany, circa 1946-1960
Campaign material from candidates other thanRumsfeld, photographs of Rumsfeld as a Boy Scout and in the navy, Princeton University wrestling programs, and résumés.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material.
BOX I:615 Dennison, David
Advertising, circa 1956-1960
Brochures, flyers, bumper stickers, and photographs
Newspaper advertisements
General file, 1956-1960, undated
Volunteers and fund-raising, circa 1956-1960
Voting and polling statistics, 1958-1960
General file, 1957-1958, undated
Other campaigns
Illinois, 1958-1960
Ohio, 1959-1960, undated
Michigan, Robert P. Griffin, 1956-1958
Miscellaneous, 1958-1960
Presidential, 1960
Republican Party campaign material, 1956-1958, undated
Navy, 1957-1962, undated
Scouts, circa 1946
Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., wrestling tournament and championship, 1953
Résumés, circa 1950, 1960
BOX I:CL 1-CL 46 Part I: Classified, 1964-1984
Correspondence, memoranda, cables, reports, briefing books, charts, and travel files.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX I:CL 1 Congressional File
Committee File
Government Operations
Foreign Operations and Government Information
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, circa 1965 (Container 92)
United States
Brazil, 1967, undated (Container 92)
Chile, 1968, undated (Container 92)
Colombia, 1967-1968, undated (Container 92)
Peru, undated (Container 93)
Subcommittee reports, 1966 (Container 93)
Subcommittee trip
General file, 1966 (Container 93)
Reports, 1967 (Container 94)
Science and Astronautics
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Project Ranger, 1964 (Container 108)
Reports, not space related, 1965 (Container 108)
Applications and Tracking and Data Acquisitions
General file, undated (Container 112)
Science, Research, and Development
General file, 1967 (Container 114)
Legislative File
Special Issues File
Freedom of Information Act
Specific cases, 1966 (Container 187)
BOX I:CL 2 White House
Nixon Administration
Alphabetical file
D, 1971 (Container 419)
T, 1971 (Container 424)
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