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Donald Rumsfeld papers, 1888-2015

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Part I: Classified, 1964-1984 (continued)
Defense Department, 1974 (Container 505)
Miscellaneous, 1974 (Container 505)
State Department, 1975-1976 (Container 505)
Gifts, 1974 (Container 506)
Lowitz, Donald S., 1974 (Container 506)
Ford, Gerald R., undated (Container 508)
Jones, Jerry H., 1974 (Container 509)
Nessen, Ron, 1975 (Container 510)
Scowcroft, Brent, 1974-1976 (Container 511)
Seidman, Lewis William, 1975 (Container 511)
Perquisites, 1974 (Container 524)
BOX I:CL 8 Reagan Administration
Special presidential envoy
Middle East, 1983-1984 (arranged in binders) (Container 528)
Meetings with Middle East leaders
Book 1, 1983, Nov. 12-21
Book 2, 1983, Dec. 7-21
BOX I:CL 9 Book 3, 1984, Jan. 3-21
Book 4, 1984, Jan. 26-Feb. 12
BOX I:CL 10 Book 5, 1984, Mar. 22-28
Washington, D.C.
Book 6, 1983, Nov. 10-1984, May 15
BOX I:CL 11 Key documents
Book 7, 1983, Nov. 7-1984, Jan. 16
BOX I:CL 12 Book 8, 1984, Jan. 16-Mar. 29
Chronological file and staff papers for trips
Book 9, chronological file and staff papers, 1983, Nov. 12-21
BOX I:CL 13 Book 10, chronological file and staff papers, 1983, Dec. 7-21
Book 11, chronological file and staff papers, 1984, Jan. 5-21
Book 12, chronological file, 1984, Jan. 26-Feb. 12
BOX I:CL 14 Book 13, staff papers, 1984, Jan. 26-Feb. 12
Book 14, chronological file and staff papers, 1984, Mar. 22-28
BOX I:CL 15 Miscellaneous documents not written by Rumsfeld or his staff
Book 15
Administrative matters relating to mission, 1983, Nov.-1984, May
Book 16
BOX I:CL 16 Book 17 See also Sensitive Compartmented Information–Top Secret
Book 18
Loose items not filed in binders, 1984
Personal File
Invitations regretted, 1974-1975 (Containers 540 and 544)
BOX I:CL 17 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Alphabetical file
G, 1974 (Container 549)
R, 1973 (Container 551)
S, 1974 (Container 551)
Chronological file (Containers 552-554)
1973, Mar., May, July
(3 folders)
1974, Feb., July
(2 folders)
Memoranda and cables
Back channels, 1973-1974 (Container 556)
(3 folders)
Permanent representatives, lunch discussions, 1973-1974 (Container 556)
(4 folders)
Staff memoranda
McAuliffe, Eugene Vincent, 1973 (Container 557)
BOX I:CL 18 Press
Communiques, 1975 (Container 559)
Reading file labeled “DR Personal Save,” 1973-1974 (Container 559)
Travel file
May 9, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Belgium (Container 560)
Sept. 25-26, Lucerne, Switzerland, and Turkey, 1973 (Container 561)
BOX I:CL 19 Department of Defense
Chronological file (Containers 565-570)
1975, Dec.
1976 See also Sensitive Compartmented Information – Top Secret
(11 folders)
Confirmation hearing, briefing books, 1975 (Container 571)
Defense budget
“Report to Congress on FY 1977 Budget and Its Implications for the FY 1978 Authorization Request and the FY 1977-1981 Defense Programs,” 1976, Jan. 27 (Container 571)
BOX I:CL 20 “Report to Congress on the FY 1978 Budget, FY 1979 Authorization Request, and FY 1978-1982 Defense Programs,” 1977, Jan. 14 (Container 571)
Defense Guidance, National Security Study Memorandum 246, 1975-1977 (Container 571)
Department and agencies
Central Intelligence Agency, 1976 (Container 572)
File labeled “DR Personal Save,” 1975-1977 See also Sensitive Compartmented Information – Top Secret (Container 575)
(2 folders)
Foreign sales of aircraft (Container 575)
F-18Ls to Iran, 1976
(2 folders)
TA-4s to India, 1976
BOX I:CL 21 Law of the Sea Treaty Conference, 1976 (Container 575)
Long Range Base Structure Study
Vol. I, 1976-1977 (Container 575)
Meetings (Container 575)
Defense Planning Committee, ministerial meetings, Brussels, Belgium
1975, Dec. 9-10
June 10-11
Dec. 7-8
BOX I:CL 22 Defense Review Panel
Apr. 7
Apr. 29, United States strategy and naval force
July 8, tactical aircraft
Nov. 5, National Security Study Memorandum 246
Nov. 24, National Security Study Memorandum 246 and naval force
Nov. 30, National Security Study Memorandum 246
Memoranda and cables concerning meetings with Dennis James Killen, J. Malcolm Fraser, and Juan Ponce Enrile, 1976
Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions, Verification Panel meeting, 1976, Sept. 9
National Security Council
1975, Dec. 22, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks See Sensitive Compartmented Information – Top Secret
Jan. 8, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
BOX I:CL 23 Jan. 13, Israel
Feb. 13, Law of the Sea
Apr. 7, Lebanon
Apr. 22, naval shipbuilding
May 1, naval forces
July 20, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
July 30, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
BOX I:CL 24 Aug. 9, National Security Study Memorandum 228
Dec. 2, National Security Study Memorandum 246 and naval force requirements
Dec. 15, National Security Study Memorandum 246
1977, Jan. 13, semiannual intelligence review
(2 folders)
BOX I:CL 25 Ninth United States-Republic of Korea Security Consultative Meeting, Hawaii, 1976, May 26-27
Book I, issue book
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