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Donald Rumsfeld papers, 1888-2015

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Part I: Classified, 1964-1984 (continued)
1975, Dec. 9-10
June 10-11
Dec. 7-8
BOX I:CL 22 Defense Review Panel
Apr. 7
Apr. 29, United States strategy and naval force
July 8, tactical aircraft
Nov. 5, National Security Study Memorandum 246
Nov. 24, National Security Study Memorandum 246 and naval force
Nov. 30, National Security Study Memorandum 246
Memoranda and cables concerning meetings with Dennis James Killen, J. Malcolm Fraser, and Juan Ponce Enrile, 1976
Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions, Verification Panel meeting, 1976, Sept. 9
National Security Council
1975, Dec. 22, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks See Sensitive Compartmented Information – Top Secret
Jan. 8, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
BOX I:CL 23 Jan. 13, Israel
Feb. 13, Law of the Sea
Apr. 7, Lebanon
Apr. 22, naval shipbuilding
May 1, naval forces
July 20, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
July 30, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
BOX I:CL 24 Aug. 9, National Security Study Memorandum 228
Dec. 2, National Security Study Memorandum 246 and naval force requirements
Dec. 15, National Security Study Memorandum 246
1977, Jan. 13, semiannual intelligence review
(2 folders)
BOX I:CL 25 Ninth United States-Republic of Korea Security Consultative Meeting, Hawaii, 1976, May 26-27
Book I, issue book
Book II, background book
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Nuclear Planning Group, 18th, 19th, and 20th meetings, 1976-1977
BOX I:CL 26 Pacific Defense Posture meeting with Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command, Book II, 1976, May 25
Peaceful Nuclear Explosions, 1976
Mar. 5, Verification Panel meeting
Mar. 6
Peres, Shimon, meeting, 1976, Dec. 13
Senior Review Group
1975, Dec. 16, policy on release of data from Geodynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite
Feb. 12, National Security Study Memorandum 233
Feb. 27, Taiwan and Indochina
BOX I:CL 27 June 1, Arms Control Impact Study
June 4, National Security Study Memorandum 235
July 22, National Security Study Memorandum 228
Nov. 4, National Security Study Memorandum 239
Nov. 29, National Security Study Memorandum 243
Dec. 21-22, National Security Study Memoranda 244 and 248
Dec. 29, National Security Study Memorandum 192
1977, Jan. 5, National Security Study Memorandum 238
(1 folder)
BOX I:CL 28 (1 folder)
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
Nov. 26
Dec. 10
Dec. 15
Dec. 19, SALT Verification Panel
Jan. 5, SALT Verification Panel
BOX I:CL 29 Feb. 10-11, SALT Verification Panel and national security meeting
Mar. 18, SALT Verification Panel on compliance issues
Apr. 21, SALT Verification Panel
May 17, SALT Policy Council
June 3, SALT Verification Panel
Washington Special Actions Group
Mar. 24, Cuba
BOX I:CL 30 Apr. 22, Lebanon and Cuba
June 17, Lebanon
Aug. 18, Korea
Aug. 19, Korea See also Sensitive Compartmented Information–Secret
Aug. 25, Korea
Woodward, Bob, Iran, 1976, Dec. 16
Miscellaneous briefings (Container 577)
Cruise missile briefing for the vice president, 1976, Jan. 27
United States-USSR Standing Consultative Commission, undated
BOX I:CL 31 Untitled briefing with strategic overviews and comparisons, undated
XM-1 Tank Papers, 1976
BOX I:CL 32 Navy shipbuilding (Container 577)
Issues, 1976
Book I
Book II
Study, 1976-1977
BOX I:CL 33 Reading file (Containers 588-597)
1975, Nov.-Dec.
(5 folders)
BOX I:CL 34 June-Oct.
(5 folders)
BOX I:CL 35 Nov.-Dec.
(2 folders)
1977, Jan.
Soviet Ballistic Missile Program, marked-up statement and questions and answers, undated (Container 598)
BOX I:CL 36 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (Container 600)
Appearance before Arms Control Subcommittee, Senate Armed Services Committee, 1976
Filed labeled “SALT DR Save,” 1975-1977
Issue papers, 1975-1976, undated
Meetings See Containers CL 28 and CL 29, same heading
Overview, 1975
BOX I:CL 37 Transition briefing books
Issues and organization (Container 600)
Issues Book (Container 600)
Vol. I
Vol. II
BOX I:CL 38 Vol. III
Defense Communications Agency, fact book (Container 601)
Assistant secretaries of defense
Atomic energy (Container 601)
Intelligence (Container 603)
International security affairs (Container 603)
Assistant secretary and principal deputy assistant secretary
Defense Department Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Task Force
BOX I:CL 39 East Asia and Pacific Region
European and North Atlantic Treaty Organization affairs
International economic affairs
Near East, African, and South Asian affairs
Policy plans and National Security Council affairs
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