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Jack Kemp papers, 1924-2009

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Scrapbooks, 1936-2007 (continued)
Vol. XIX, 1980-circa 1981 (continued)
(2 folders)
Vol. XX, 1980-1981
Vol. XXI, 1981-1982
(3 folders)
BOX 383 (1 folder)
Vol. XXII, 1982
(2 folders)
Vol. XXIII, 1984
(4 folders)
Vol. XXIV, 1985-1986
(4 folders)
BOX 384 (1 folder)
Vol. XXV, 1985-1988
(5 folders)
Vol. XXVI, 1986-1987
(5 folders)
BOX 385 Vol. XXVII, 1986-1989
(4 folders)
Vol. XXVIII, 1987-1988
(5 folders)
Vol. XXIX, 1988
(3 folders)
BOX 386 (2 folders)
Vol. XXX, 1989-1991
(6 folders)
Vol. XXXI, 1990
Vol. XXXII, 1990-1992
(3 folders)
BOX 387 (3 folders)
Vol. XXXIII, 1990-1997, undated
Vol. XXXIV, 1991-1993
(4 folders)
Vol. XXXV, 1992-1993
(2 folders)
BOX 388 (1 folder)
Vol. XXXVI, 1994
(3 folders)
Vol. XXXVII, 1994-1997
Vol. XXXVIII, 1996-2007, undated
(2 folders)
Vol. XXXIX, 1996-1997 See Oversize
Vol. XXXX, 1998-1999
(3 folders)
BOX 389 Vol. XXXXI, 2000-2001
(3 folders)
Vol. XXXXII, 2001
Vol. XXXXIII, 2001-2002
BOX 389-395 Miscellany, 1947-2009
Correspondence, memoranda, family papers, football game programs, yearbooks, photocopies of autographs and inscriptions from Kemp's books, press clippings, passports, vaccination certificates, printed matter, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or topic and therein chronologically or alphabetically.
BOX 389 Autographs and inscriptions from Kemp's books, photocopies
A-J, 1954-1992
(4 folders)
BOX 390 K-Z, 1961-1994
(4 folders)
Death of Kemp, 2009
Congressional response
Memorial service
Press and Internet blogs
Buffalo News
(2 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX 391 4 -30
(10 folders)
Selections from David W. Hanna
Family papers
Kemp, James (son), 1987, 2009, undated
Kemp, Jeff (son)
1963, 1973-1983
(2 folders)
BOX 392 1984-1993, 2009
(5 folders)
Kemp, Jennifer (daughter), 1981-1988, undated
Kemp, Joanne (wife), 1958, 1971-1972, 1980-1988, 1996, undated See also Oversize
(2 folders)
Kemp, Judith (daughter), 1985-1987
Kemp, Paul (father)
1964, 1970-1976
(5 folders)
Kemp, Thomas P. (brother)
Condolence letters, 2006
General, 1963, 1972, 1988, undated
BOX 393 Memorial album, 2006
(5 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1957, 1969, 1988, 1999, undated
1972-1997 See also Oversize
(6 folders)
BOX 394 2009, undated
Super Bowl XXVII, Pasadena, Calif., 1993
Passports and vaccination certificates, 1968-1986
Reunion with former staff, 1987-1990
School and childhood file
Fairfax High School, Los Angeles, Calif.
General, 1950-1954
(5 folders)
Reunion, 1983
Yearbooks, 1951-1952
(2 folders)
BOX 395 General, 1948-1949
Hubert Howe Bancroft Junior High School, Los Angeles, Calif., 1947-1950
(2 folders)
Long Beach State College, Long Beach, Calif., 1959-1960
Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif.
Correspondence with National Football League teams, 1955-1957
Game programs, 1955-1956
General, 1954-1957, 1995, 2002, undated See also Oversize
(5 folders)
General, 1953-1957
Track, 1956-1957
BOX CL 1 Classified, 1985-1987
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX CL 1 Congressional File
Personal office file
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