The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Gifford Pinchot papers, 1770-1972
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Governorship: Second Administration, 1931-1935 (continued)
Correspondence File, 1931-1935 (continued)
Ambrose, F. S.
Ambruster, Howard W.
American Country Life Association
American Game Conference
American Legion
American Library Association
“Albi-American E” miscellaneous
BOX 1609 “American I-Ap” miscellaneous
American Prison Association Congress
American Red Cross
American Public Health Association
American Rolling Mill Co.
Anders, James M.
Anderson, E. H.
Anderson, Frank
Anderson, G. G.
Anderson, George A.
Anderson, William H.
Andrews, Harry E.
Andrews, John B.
Appel Christ
Appel George F. Baer
Appel Theodore B.
BOX 1610 “App-Ash” miscellaneous
Apple, Benjamin
Apple, J. F., Co.
Appleby Bros. and Whittaker Co.
Appleby, J. Donald
Appropriations House Committee
Archer, F. P.
Arden, John J.
Arienzo, William
Armitage, Clyde F.
Armory Board, Pennsylvania State
Armstrong, C. F.
Armstrong County commissioners
Arnold, Arthur F.
Arnold, John C.
Arnold, Josephine
Arnold, W. A.
Ashley, George H.
Ashley, Moses M.
BOX 1611 “Ashl-Ay” miscellaneous
Askewith, Herbert
Atkinson, William W.
Atlantic Coastal Highway Association
Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association
Atlantic Refining Co.
Attorney general
Atwood, Harry
Atwood, M. V.
Auditor general
Austin, F. J.
Automobile license tags, unofficial on official cars
BOX 1612 “B-Baker P” miscellaneous
Bacharach, Harry
Backman, Joseph P.
Backenstoss, Clarence O.
Backuss, Carrie H.
Bacon, George A.
Bagnell, Robert
Bailey, B. W.
Bailey, Clair C.
Bailey, Dennis A.
Bailey, L. H.
Baird, David, Jr.
Baker, Edward J.
Baker, Francis T.
Baker, Harry
Baker, Horace F.
Baker, Hugh P.
Baker, J. G.
Baker, J. Newton
Baker, Richard St. Barbe
Baker, Thomas M.
Baker, Thomas S.
Baker, William
BOX 1613 “Bal-Banker” miscellaneous
Baldrich, George H.
Baldridge, W.L.
Baldridge, Edwin R.
Baldwin, A. S.
Ball, Thomas C.
Ball, Wilfrid R.
Baltosser, George W.
Baney, Elmer M.
Banham, Samuel T.
Bankert, Charles W.
Banking, Department of
BOX 1614 “Bann-Barton” miscellaneous
Banning, Kendall
Banzhaf, George
Barclay, Joseph
Bard, Fred F.
Barker, James W.
Barlow, Walter
Barnes, Mrs. F. J.
Barnes, Wallace J.
Barnjum, Frank J.D.
Barrett, Jerome K.
Barto, W. H.
BOX 1615 “Bas-Beal” miscellaneous
Bassett, Henry H.
Bassette, Mrs. B. B.
Bastow, Harry
Batchelor, W. C.
Batdorf, Elmer E.
Battle, George Gordon
Bauer, Edward G.
Baumer, Peter
Baumgardner, Harry L.
Baus, T. J.
Bausher, S.D.
Bausman, J. W. B.
Bayard, E. S.
Bayard, Roger T.
Bayne, Barbara
Bealle, Morris A.
Beamish, Richard J.
Bean, J. G.
BOX 1616 “Bear-Belt” miscellaneous
Beard, Daniel C.
Beck, Roy A.
Beddow, John E.
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