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John Barrett papers, 1861-1943

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BOX 95-100 Subject File, 1899-1935
Memoranda and printed and near-print material.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 95 Aguinaldo and the Philippine government
American Alliance
American Bureau of Trade extension memorandum
American Chatillon Corp.
American Industrial Moving Pictures World Cruise
American legations in Japan and China
American National Palace of Art, Washington, D.C.
Argentine Plesiosaurus or Monster Amphibian
Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, 8 June 1920
Associated Press
Bangkok Tramways Co.
Barrett and Harper & Brothers agreement, 4 Aug. 1899
Barrett (John) Prizes
Barrett's resignation as director general of the Pan American Union
Bolivar, Simon, unveiling of his statue, New York, N.Y.
Bureau of Ordnance, annual report extract
California and Pan Americanism
Canada and the Pan American Union
Carnegie, Andrew, receives Pan American medal, 5 May 1911
Chilean-Peruvian Conference
Clark University Conference on Mexico and the Caribbean, May 1920
Colombian-Peruvian dispute over Leticia on the Amazon, 1933
Colorado Nation Guard
Columbus Day
Commercial to China and the Far East, a resolution
Committee on the Bulletin
Committee on Foreign Extension Work
Conference of diplomats of countries composing the International Union of American Republics
Consulship, Osaka, Japan
Dartmouth College Alumni Association
Department of State, press releases
Diplomatic list, Oct. 1905
Disarmament Conference and Pacific questions
Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act
Excursion to Puebla
Far East, Chinese-Japanese crisis
First Pan American Congress of Journalists, 7-13 Apr. 1926
Food supply problem to be solved by Latin America, 11 May 1917
Foreign and domestic commerce
Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Waterway
Harding, Warren G., Conference on Unemployment, Washington, D.C., 1921
Hoover, Herbert, to the rescue of Germany
Illinois and Pan America
Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1935
Inter-Nation Association of Rotary Clubs
International Bureau of American Republics
Dedication of new building, 26 Apr. 1910
Memorandum for the press
Register, 1 July 1906
International Bureau of Trade Extension
International Conference of American States, fifth conference
1 Nov. 1922
6 Dec. 1922
International High Commission, 4 Feb. 1916
BOX 96 International Pan American Committee
(4 folders)
Hoover, Herbert, Good Will Mission to Latin America
Good Will Program
International Pan American Conferences
2nd , Mexico, 1902
(2 folders)
5th , Santiago, Chile, 16 Jan. 1928
6th, Havana, Cuba, 16 Jan. 1928
7th, Montevideo, Uruguay, Dec. 1933
International relations versus international conflict
Investigation of revolutionary propaganda of communists in the United States
Isle of Pines Treaty
Isthmian Canal Commission
Italo-Abyssinian dispute, 1936
Jacksonville, Fla., port conditions
Jamestown Ter-Centennial Expedition
Kappa Kappa Kappa Society, report of property committee
Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration
Latin America
BOX 97 Argentina
Commercial situation and Chicago's relationship, 17 June 1915
Dominican Republic
War situation
League to Enforce the Peace, 6 Mar. 1922
Lecturer's Conference on Public Opinion and World Peace
Legation of the United States at Buenos Aires, Argentina, a bill before the U.S. Congress
Limitation of Armaments Conference and Far Eastern questions
Louisiana Purchase Exposition
McConnell Rest Home
Monroe Doctrine
National Association of Manufacturers, 31 Mar. 1905
National Conference of Social Work, Providence, R.I., 27 June 1922
National Press Building, prospectus
New Building of the International Bureau of the American Republics
New England Conference
New England City and Town Clerks Association, 6 Oct. 1928
New England Council
Office of the Assessor of the District of Columbia, 1 July 1919
Oregon National Guard
BOX 98 Panama
Panama Canal, Culebra Cut
Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 19 Aug. 1913
Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co., abstract of bylaws, 1911
Pan America
Pan America and Central America
Pan America and Pan Americanism
Pan America and the War
Pan America's Permanent Peace Tribunal and Office
Pan American Club
Pan American College of Commerce
Pan American Commerce
(2 folders)
Pan American Commercial Conferences, First, Washington, D.C., 13-17 Feb. 1911
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