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Speeches and Writings File, 1882-1938 (continued)
Real Estate Board annual banquet, Philadelphia, Pa., 29 Jan. 1916
Rhode Island College Alumni, Providence, R.I.
Richmond College Commencement, Richmond, Va., 12 June 1912
Roosevelt Association, Jersey City, N.J., 27 Oct. 1931
Rotary Club
New York, N.Y.
Orlando, Fla.
Philadelphia, Pa.
17 Nov. 1914
St. Augustine Historical Society and Institute of Science
Seventeenth District Conference of the Rotary Association, Oklahoma City, Okla., 14 Feb. 1919
Sixty-fifth annual meeting of the Central Illinois Congregational Club, Peoria, Ill., 17 Mar. 1920
Smith College Students, on "America in the Philippines and Far East," 22 Feb. 1900
Sons of the American Revolution
"South America and the Panama Canal: What They Mean for Our Commerce," 10 Feb. 1910
South Shore Club, Chicago, Ill., 22 Dec. 1918
Southern Commercial Congress
Atlanta, Ga., 9 Mar. 1911
Baltimore, Md., 11 Dec. 1918
Charleston, S.C., 13 Dec. 1915
Mobile, Ala., 25 Oct. 1913
Washington, D.C., 6 Dec. 1909, undated
Stanley School on "The War and the New America"
State convention of University Women of America, Miami, Fla., 17 Apr. 1936
Students of the State University of St. Paul, Minn., 17 Sept. 1915
Teachers Institute of the District of Columbia, 17 Nov. 1915
Thirty-Ninth District of International Rotary annual convention, Miami, Fla., 12 Apr. 1932
Transportation Club
Indianapolis, Ind., 5 Feb. 1915
Louisville, Ky., 6 Feb. 1913
Trans-Mississippi Congress, Kansas City, Mo., 21 Nov. 1906
Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress
Denver, Col., 16-21 Aug. 1909
Portland, Oreg., Oct. 1905
San Francisco, Calif., 6-10 Oct. 1908
Trans-Mississippi Readjustment Congress, Omaha, Nebr., 18 Feb. 1919
Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.
BOX 113 University Club, Buffalo, N.Y., 26 Oct. 1912
Union League Club
11 Jan. 1900
31 Dec. 1906
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 5 Feb. 1916
University of Wisconsin students, Madison, Wis.,10 Nov. 1913
Upper Mississippi Improvement Association annual convention, Burlington, Iowa, 11 Sept. 1912
Vanderbilt University Commencement on "America's New Responsibilities," Nashville, Tenn., 19 June 1900
Virginia Bankers, 23 June 1916
Virginia press Association, Staunton, Va., 26 July 1916
WABC, Columbia Broadcasting System, on "South America in Turmoil"
Wednesday Club, Newark, N.J., 20 Mar. 1912
Welcome extended to the International Labor Conference at its opening session, 29 Oct. 1919
Wellesley College students, Wellesley, Mass., 16 Dec. 1918
Western High School Class Night Exercises, Washington, D.C., 21 June 1909
Woman's Club
Freeport, Ill., 3 Feb. 1912
Richmond, Va., 10 Dec. 1917
Women's City Club
Boston, Mass., 10 Mar. 1917
Cleveland, Ohio, 26 Jan. 1922
Women's Club, Jacksonville, Fla., 1933
Women's Federation of Clubs annual convention, Asbury Park, N.J., 11 May 1916
Worcester Academy alumni reunion, Worcester, Mass., 9 Mar. 1917
Young Men's Canadian Club, Montreal, Canada
Young Women of Trinity College, Washington, D.C., 3 Feb. 1909
Advertising Clubs of the World Pan American Division, New York, N.Y., 19 Nov. 1920
Aero Club dinner, New York, N.Y., 12 Jan. 1916
American Academy of Political and Social Science opening session, Philadelphia, Pa., 3 Apr. 1914
Auspices of the All-Nations Association, on "New Pan Americanism"
Auspices of the Friends School, Baltimore, Md., 25 Feb. 1916
Baptist Social Union, New York, N.Y., 5 Mar. 1914
Bohemian Club
Boston Grain and Flour Club first annual banquet, 2 Feb. 1926
Businessmen's Association, Everett, Wash., 14 Aug. 1911
Businessmen's League, St. Louis, Mo., 25 Mar. 1914
California banquet, 18 Feb. 1915
Canadian Club, Vancouver, B.C., 15 Aug. 1911
Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y., 11 Oct. 1912
Chamber of Commerce
Seattle, Wash., 8 Aug. 1911
Utica, N.Y., 24 Apr. 1911
Chicago Association of Commerce, Chicago, Ill.
11 Nov. 1913
14 Oct. 1914
Citizens of
El Paso, Tex., 23 Dec. 1914
North Westminister, Vt., undated
City Club, Baltimore, Md., 5 Dec. 1914
Colonial Dames, Washington, D.C., 11 May 1914
Commercial Club
Minneapolis, Minn., 22 Aug. 1911
Portland, Ore., 3 Aug. 1911
Tacoma, Wash., 7 Aug. 1911
Commercial organizations and people of Astoria, Oreg., 5 Aug. 1911
Committee of One Hundred, 1933
Elks' Flag Day, Burlington, Vt., 16 June 1935
European situation, 1936
Fifth district convention of the Florida Realty Boards
Foreign Commerce Association, Baltimore, Md., on "Baltimore and the Panama Canal," 7 May 1914
Foreign Trade Expansion Conference, Richmond, Va., 29 Sept. 1914
Ground-breaking ceremonies of the Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 29 July 1911
"History of Argentina"
Illinois Manufacturers Association, Chicago, 3 Dec. 1913
Independence Day celebration, Bennington and Westminister, Vt., 5 July 1920
Knights of Columbus, Washington, D.C., 18 Oct. 1914
Lions Club, Miami Beach, Fla., Jan. 1933
Luncheon given by the Directorate of the Panama Pacific International Exposition, 28 July 1911
Meeting of the Educational Conference for Foreign Training Service, 31 Dec. 1915
Mexican recognition dinner, 17 Oct. 1923
Mississippi Valley Commercial Conference, Memphis, Tenn., 19 Nov. 1914
Municipal Art Society of Baltimore, Md., banquet, 3 Apr. 1908
New Orleans Association of Commerce, New Orleans, La.
New York Mayor's Committee on National Defense banquet, New York, N.Y., 21 Aug. 1918
New York Produce Exchange
Pan American Commercial Congress
15 Dec. 1930
(2 folders)
Pan American League
6 Feb. 1935
25 Feb. 1935
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