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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Speeches and Writings File, 1882-1938 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Real Estate Board annual banquet, Philadelphia, Pa., 29 Jan. 1916 | |||||||||||||
Rhode Island College Alumni, Providence, R.I. | |||||||||||||
Richmond College Commencement, Richmond, Va., 12 June 1912 | |||||||||||||
Roosevelt Association, Jersey City, N.J., 27 Oct. 1931 | |||||||||||||
Rotary Club | |||||||||||||
New York, N.Y. | |||||||||||||
Orlando, Fla. | |||||||||||||
Philadelphia, Pa. | |||||||||||||
17 Nov. 1914 | |||||||||||||
Undated | |||||||||||||
St. Augustine Historical Society and Institute of Science | |||||||||||||
Seventeenth District Conference of the Rotary Association, Oklahoma City, Okla., 14 Feb. 1919 | |||||||||||||
Sixty-fifth annual meeting of the Central Illinois Congregational Club, Peoria, Ill., 17 Mar. 1920 | |||||||||||||
Smith College Students, on "America in the Philippines and Far East," 22 Feb. 1900 | |||||||||||||
Sons of the American Revolution | |||||||||||||
"South America and the Panama Canal: What They Mean for Our Commerce," 10 Feb. 1910 | |||||||||||||
South Shore Club, Chicago, Ill., 22 Dec. 1918 | |||||||||||||
Southern Commercial Congress | |||||||||||||
Atlanta, Ga., 9 Mar. 1911 | |||||||||||||
Baltimore, Md., 11 Dec. 1918 | |||||||||||||
Charleston, S.C., 13 Dec. 1915 | |||||||||||||
Mobile, Ala., 25 Oct. 1913 | |||||||||||||
Washington, D.C., 6 Dec. 1909, undated | |||||||||||||
Stanley School on "The War and the New America" | |||||||||||||
State convention of University Women of America, Miami, Fla., 17 Apr. 1936 | |||||||||||||
Students of the State University of St. Paul, Minn., 17 Sept. 1915 | |||||||||||||
Teachers Institute of the District of Columbia, 17 Nov. 1915 | |||||||||||||
Thirty-Ninth District of International Rotary annual convention, Miami, Fla., 12 Apr. 1932 | |||||||||||||
Transportation Club | |||||||||||||
Indianapolis, Ind., 5 Feb. 1915 | |||||||||||||
Louisville, Ky., 6 Feb. 1913 | |||||||||||||
Trans-Mississippi Congress, Kansas City, Mo., 21 Nov. 1906 | |||||||||||||
Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress | |||||||||||||
Denver, Col., 16-21 Aug. 1909 | |||||||||||||
Portland, Oreg., Oct. 1905 | |||||||||||||
San Francisco, Calif., 6-10 Oct. 1908 | |||||||||||||
Trans-Mississippi Readjustment Congress, Omaha, Nebr., 18 Feb. 1919 | |||||||||||||
Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. | |||||||||||||
BOX 113 | University Club, Buffalo, N.Y., 26 Oct. 1912 | ||||||||||||
Union League Club | |||||||||||||
11 Jan. 1900 | |||||||||||||
31 Dec. 1906 | |||||||||||||
Undated | |||||||||||||
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 5 Feb. 1916 | |||||||||||||
University of Wisconsin students, Madison, Wis.,10 Nov. 1913 | |||||||||||||
Upper Mississippi Improvement Association annual convention, Burlington, Iowa, 11 Sept. 1912 | |||||||||||||
Vanderbilt University Commencement on "America's New Responsibilities," Nashville, Tenn., 19 June 1900 | |||||||||||||
Virginia Bankers, 23 June 1916 | |||||||||||||
Virginia press Association, Staunton, Va., 26 July 1916 | |||||||||||||
WABC, Columbia Broadcasting System, on "South America in Turmoil" | |||||||||||||
Wednesday Club, Newark, N.J., 20 Mar. 1912 | |||||||||||||
Welcome extended to the International Labor Conference at its opening session, 29 Oct. 1919 | |||||||||||||
Wellesley College students, Wellesley, Mass., 16 Dec. 1918 | |||||||||||||
Western High School Class Night Exercises, Washington, D.C., 21 June 1909 | |||||||||||||
Woman's Club | |||||||||||||
Freeport, Ill., 3 Feb. 1912 | |||||||||||||
Richmond, Va., 10 Dec. 1917 | |||||||||||||
Women's City Club | |||||||||||||
Boston, Mass., 10 Mar. 1917 | |||||||||||||
Cleveland, Ohio, 26 Jan. 1922 | |||||||||||||
Undated | |||||||||||||
Women's Club, Jacksonville, Fla., 1933 | |||||||||||||
Women's Federation of Clubs annual convention, Asbury Park, N.J., 11 May 1916 | |||||||||||||
Worcester Academy alumni reunion, Worcester, Mass., 9 Mar. 1917 | |||||||||||||
Young Men's Canadian Club, Montreal, Canada | |||||||||||||
Young Women of Trinity College, Washington, D.C., 3 Feb. 1909 | |||||||||||||
Remarks | |||||||||||||
Advertising Clubs of the World Pan American Division, New York, N.Y., 19 Nov. 1920 | |||||||||||||
Aero Club dinner, New York, N.Y., 12 Jan. 1916 | |||||||||||||
American Academy of Political and Social Science opening session, Philadelphia, Pa., 3 Apr. 1914 | |||||||||||||
Auspices of the All-Nations Association, on "New Pan Americanism" | |||||||||||||
Auspices of the Friends School, Baltimore, Md., 25 Feb. 1916 | |||||||||||||
Baptist Social Union, New York, N.Y., 5 Mar. 1914 | |||||||||||||
Bohemian Club | |||||||||||||
Boston Grain and Flour Club first annual banquet, 2 Feb. 1926 | |||||||||||||
Businessmen's Association, Everett, Wash., 14 Aug. 1911 | |||||||||||||
Businessmen's League, St. Louis, Mo., 25 Mar. 1914 | |||||||||||||
California banquet, 18 Feb. 1915 | |||||||||||||
Canadian Club, Vancouver, B.C., 15 Aug. 1911 | |||||||||||||
Carnegie Hall, New York, N.Y., 11 Oct. 1912 | |||||||||||||
Chamber of Commerce | |||||||||||||
Seattle, Wash., 8 Aug. 1911 | |||||||||||||
Utica, N.Y., 24 Apr. 1911 | |||||||||||||
Chicago Association of Commerce, Chicago, Ill. | |||||||||||||
11 Nov. 1913 | |||||||||||||
14 Oct. 1914 | |||||||||||||
Citizens of | |||||||||||||
El Paso, Tex., 23 Dec. 1914 | |||||||||||||
North Westminister, Vt., undated | |||||||||||||
Undated | |||||||||||||
City Club, Baltimore, Md., 5 Dec. 1914 | |||||||||||||
Colonial Dames, Washington, D.C., 11 May 1914 | |||||||||||||
Commercial Club | |||||||||||||
Minneapolis, Minn., 22 Aug. 1911 | |||||||||||||
Portland, Ore., 3 Aug. 1911 | |||||||||||||
Tacoma, Wash., 7 Aug. 1911 | |||||||||||||
Commercial organizations and people of Astoria, Oreg., 5 Aug. 1911 | |||||||||||||
Committee of One Hundred, 1933 | |||||||||||||
Elks' Flag Day, Burlington, Vt., 16 June 1935 | |||||||||||||
European situation, 1936 | |||||||||||||
Fifth district convention of the Florida Realty Boards | |||||||||||||
Foreign Commerce Association, Baltimore, Md., on "Baltimore and the Panama Canal," 7 May 1914 | |||||||||||||
Foreign Trade Expansion Conference, Richmond, Va., 29 Sept. 1914 | |||||||||||||
Ground-breaking ceremonies of the Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 29 July 1911 | |||||||||||||
"History of Argentina" | |||||||||||||
Illinois Manufacturers Association, Chicago, 3 Dec. 1913 | |||||||||||||
"Imperialism" | |||||||||||||
Independence Day celebration, Bennington and Westminister, Vt., 5 July 1920 | |||||||||||||
Knights of Columbus, Washington, D.C., 18 Oct. 1914 | |||||||||||||
Lions Club, Miami Beach, Fla., Jan. 1933 | |||||||||||||
Luncheon given by the Directorate of the Panama Pacific International Exposition, 28 July 1911 | |||||||||||||
Meeting of the Educational Conference for Foreign Training Service, 31 Dec. 1915 | |||||||||||||
Mexican recognition dinner, 17 Oct. 1923 | |||||||||||||
Mississippi Valley Commercial Conference, Memphis, Tenn., 19 Nov. 1914 | |||||||||||||
Municipal Art Society of Baltimore, Md., banquet, 3 Apr. 1908 | |||||||||||||
New Orleans Association of Commerce, New Orleans, La. | |||||||||||||
New York Mayor's Committee on National Defense banquet, New York, N.Y., 21 Aug. 1918 | |||||||||||||
New York Produce Exchange | |||||||||||||
Pan American Commercial Congress | |||||||||||||
15 Dec. 1930 | |||||||||||||
Undated | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Pan American League | |||||||||||||
6 Feb. 1935 | |||||||||||||
25 Feb. 1935 | |||||||||||||
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