The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  David Ginsburg papers, 1919-2007
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Post-World War II Germany and Austria, 1919-1965 (continued)
Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft Trustees, 1919-1965 (continued)
Factual file series
7.1, Schmidt, Walter, summary, 1958
7.2, Kempner, Fredrick C., summary, 1958 See also Containers 99, 193 , and 211-212, same heading
7.3, Kilgore-Abs-Stucki correspondence, 1955-1959
7.4, Schmidt, Walter, stipulation with Interhandel, 1957
7.5, liquidated assets held by non-Germans, 1958
7.6, vesting orders affecting the trustees, list, undated
7.7, trustees' obligations to successor companies, 1952, 1958
7.8, Nields, John, summary, 1958
7.9, Schmidt-Knieriem exchange of letters, 1958
7.10, investigation of facts, 1959
BOX 214 7.11, Schmidt-Myron conference, 1959
7.12, factual analysis and supporting evidence, 1959
Intervention papers
8.11, motion papers, 1958, Apr.
8.12, motion papers, 1958, May
8.13, motion papers, 1958, June
8.14, in personam count, 1958
8.15, motion papers, 1958, July
8.16, motion papers, 1958, Aug.
8.17, motion papers, 1958, Sept.
8.18, motion papers, 1958, Oct.
8.21, points and authorities memoranda, 1958, Aug.
8.22, points and authorities memoranda, 1958, Sept.
8.23, points and authorities memoranda, 1958, Oct. 2
8.24, points and authorities memoranda, 1958, Oct. 7
8.25, points and authorities memoranda, 1958, Oct. 10
8.26, points and authorities memoranda, 1958, Oct. 21
8.3, motion papers and points and authorities memoranda as served, 1958
8.4, opposition papers and points and authorities memoranda as served, 1958
BOX 215 8.51, reply memoranda, 1958, Dec. 1
8.52, reply memoranda, 1958, Dec. 6
8.53, reply memoranda, 1958, Dec. 9
8.54, reply memoranda as served, 1958, Dec. 11
8.55, government memoranda in opposition to the petition to perpetuate certain documents, 1959
8.56, draft court of appeals brief, John W. Nields, 1959
8.57, draft court of appeals brief, Ginsburg law firm, 1959
9.1, draft press releases, 1958-1959
9.2, preliminary conference, 1958
9.3, final press release with intervention papers, 1958
9.4, German press releases, 1958-1959
9.5, Wilson, John J., statement, 1958
9.6, newspaper clippings, 1957-1958, 1965
9.7, annual report of liquidators, 1959
Motions, 10.1, Interhandel motion for extension of time, 1958
Morrison, James L., unnumbered
Files, 1958
(3 folders)
BOX 216 Notes, 1958
Vesting orders, unnumbered
(7 folders)
BOX 217 1945-1952
(2 folders)
BOX 217-226 Office of Military Government for Germany (United States), 1945-1949
Correspondence and memoranda, newspaper clippings, reports, notes and drafts, legal opinions, policies and plans, regulations, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 217 Allied Control Authority, organization, 1945-1946
Basic authority for price control, 1945
Berlin Protocol, 1945
Bizonal merger, 1946-1947, undated
British position, 1946-1947, undated
Cartels and decartelization
General, 1945-1947
Report, 1949
(2 folders)
BOX 218 Coal, 1946-1947
Denazification See also Container 224, Printed matter
Directives and reports, 1945-1946
(3 folders)
Newspaper clippings, 1946-1947
Draper, William H. (1894-1974), 1946
“Preliminary Report of the Temporary Sub-Commission on Economic Reconstruction of Devastated Areas,” 1946
Production, trade, and unity, 1946-1947, undated
External assets, 1946
BOX 219 Fiscal policy
General, 1946-1947
Plan and appendices, 1946
Food and agriculture
Charts, 1948-1949
Drafts and notes, circa 1946-circa 1947
Reports and memoranda, 1945-1946
(3 folders)
TIDC Project No. 23, 1945
BOX 220 Foreign investment in Germany, 1946
French position, 1946-1947, undated
German economic control agencies, 1945
Hoover standard of living report, 1945
Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, 1945-1946
Imports and exports, policies and plans, 1945-1946
Industrial demilitarization and security
General, 1945-1946
Newspaper clippings, 1947, undated
Joint Chiefs of Staff, memorandum no. 1067, 1945
Land reform, 1945-1946
Legal opinions, 1945-1946
(2 folders)
BOX 221 Level of industry
(4 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX 222 (1 folder)
No month
Military government regulations, 1946
Directives and bulletins, 1945-1946
Newspaper clippings and notes, 1945-1946, undated
Netherlands and the German peace settlement
General, 1947, undated
Newspaper clippings, 1946-1947, undated
Official Gazette of the Control Council for Germany and supplement, 1945
Paris Peace Conference, 1946
Political activity, 1946-1947, undated
Political unity, 1946-1947, undated
BOX 223 Population, 1944-1946, undated See also Container 224, Printed matter
Price control, trade, and rationing, 1945
Printed matter
(2 folders)
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