| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Biographical Files, 1784-1962
(continued) |
Ingalls, David |
Ingalls, Laura |
Ingalls, Robert |
"J" miscellaneous |
Jackson, Dale |
Jannus, Anthony |
Jefferson, Thomas |
Jeffries, John |
BOX 53 |
Johnson, Samuel |
Johnston, Ralph |
Jones, Bradley |
Jones, Charles |
Jones, Ernest La Rue |
Jones, Ernest Lester |
Jones, Robert |
Jones, W. A. Frank |
Jordanoff, Assen |
Jouett, John |
Junkers, Hugo |
"K" miscellaneous |
Kahn, Roger |
BOX 54 |
Kaiser, Henry J. |
Kentner, Harold |
Kearns, Charles |
Keirn, Donald |
Kelly, Fred |
Kennedy, Frank |
Kenney, George |
Kepner, William |
Kettering, Charles |
Keys, Clement |
Kilner, Walter |
BOX 55 |
Kimball, James H. |
Kimball, Wilbur |
King, Ernest J. |
King, Samuel |
BOX 56 |
Kingsford-Smith, C. E. |
BOX 57 |
Klemin, Alexander |
Klemperer, Wolfgang |
Kilngensmith, Florence |
BOX 58 |
Knabenshue, Roy |
BOX 59 |
Knabenshue, Roy, newspaper clippings and
manuscripts |
BOX 60 |
Knight, Montgomery |
Knox, Charles |
Koeul, Hermann |
Kollsman, Paul |
Kress, Wilhelm |
Kuethe, Arnold |
"L" miscellaneous |
Lachambre, Henri |
Laddon, Isaac |
Lahm, Frank Purdy |
BOX 61 |
La Mont, James |
La Mont, John |
Lamphier, T. G. |
Lanchester, F. A. |
Lanchester, Frederick |
Landauer, Bella Clara |
Landauer, James |
Langley, S. P. |
BOX 62 |
Langmuir, Irving |
Latham, Hubert |
Law, Rodman |
Law, Ruth |
Lawrence, Charles L. |
Lawson, Alfred |
Lear, William |
BOX 63 |
Lebaudy, Pierre and Paul |
Le Blanc, Alfred |
Le Blon, Hubert |
Lee, David |
Lee, John |
Legagnezux, Georges |
Lenox, Compte de |
Leslie, John |
Levee, Charles |
Levine, Arnold |
Lewis, George |
Lewis, O. F. |
Lewis, Roger |
Lewiston, Charles |
Ley, Willy |
Lilienthal Gesellschaft |
Lilienthal, Gustave |
Lilienthal, Otto |
Liljencrantz, Eric |
BOX 64 |
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow |
"Flying Around the North Atlantic," working
material and draft |
BOX 65 |
Miscellany |
Printed matter |
Lindbergh, Charles A |
National Aeronautic Association of U.S.A.,
application for membership including photograph, circa 1925
Raymond Orteig Prize, entry form, and flight
log, San Diego, Calif. to New York, N.Y., 1927
Newspaper clippings |
BOX 66 |
BOX 67 |
BOX 68 |
BOX 69 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 70 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 71 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 72 |
Scrapbooks of clippings |
BOX 73 |
BOX 74 |
BOX 75 |
BOX 76 |
BOX 77 |
BOX 78 |
BOX 79 |
Link, Edwin |
Litchfield, Paul |
Lodwick, Albert |
Lorey, F. W. |
Loudy, Flavius |
Love, Nancy |
BOX 80 |
Lowe, Thaddeus |
"My Balloons in Peace and War" and "Early
Aeronautical Investigations, 1895" |
BOX 81 |
Speeches, clippings, diary, and
photographs |
BOX 82 |
Printed matter, newspaper clippings,
sketches, correspondence, and photographs |
BOX 83 |
Correspondence |
BOX 84 |
1863-1943, undated
BOX 85 |
Lucky, William S. |
Ludington, Charles T. |
Ludlow, Israel |
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