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Institute of the Aerospace Sciences archives, 1783-1962

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Biographical Files, 1784-1962 (continued)
Work, Bertram
Work, James
Workman, W. H.
Worley, George
Worsley, Frank
Worsley, Oswald
Worster, George
Worth, Loma
Wortscher, Joseph
Wright, Burdette
Wright, Orville
BOX 130 Yancey, Lewis
Young, Chauncey
Young, Clarence
Younger, John
Yount, Barton
Yuan, Shao-Wen
Zahm, Albert
Zambeccari, Francesco
Zand, Stephen
Zandt, V. Parker
Zeppelin, Ferdinand Adolf von
Zimmermann, Paul
BOX 131-173 Aircraft Company Files
Newspaper clippings, pamphlets, airplane specifications, correspondence, printed matter, articles, sketches, maps, blueprints, reports, memoranda, photographs, press releases, financial statements, and annual reports.
Arranged alphabetically by name of company and therein by type of material.
BOX 131 Abrams Aircraft Corp.
Aeromarine Plane and Motor Co.
Aeromarine Klemm Corp.
Aeronca Aircraft
Aeronautical Corp. of America
American Eagle Aircraft Corp.
Amphibians, Inc.
Arrow Aircraft Corp.
Avions Hanriot
Barkley Grow Aircraft Corp.
BOX 132 Beech Aircraft Corp.
BOX 133 Bell Aircraft Corp.
Brewster Aeronautical Corp.
Buhl Aircraft Corp.
Burgess Airplanes
Burnelli Aircraft Corp.
BOX 134 Cessna Aircraft Corp.
Colgate-Larsen Aircraft Corp.
Columbia Aircraft Corp.
Commonwealth Aircraft.
BOX 135 Consolidated Aircraft
Consolidated Vultee Aircraft
BOX 136 Cox-Klemin Corp.
Crouch-Bolas Aircraft
Curtiss Aero and Motor
BOX 137 Curtiss Aero
Curtiss Airport
Curtiss Reid
Curtiss Robertson
BOX 138 Curtiss Wright
Newspaper clippings
BOX 139 Newspaper clippings
BOX 140 Miscellany
BOX 141 Curtiss Wright Export Corp.
Curtiss Wright Flying Service
BOX 142 Dornier Aircraft
BOX 143 Dornier Aircraft
BOX 144 Douglas Aircraft Corp.
BOX 145 Douglas Aircraft Corp.
BOX 146 Douglas Aircraft Corp.
BOX 147 Douglas Aircraft Corp.
BOX 148 Douglas Aircraft Corp.
BOX 149 Fairchild Aviation Corp.
BOX 150 Fairchild Aviation Corp.
BOX 151 Fairchild Aviation Corp.
BOX 152 General Airplanes Corp.
General Aviation Corp.
General Motors Corp. (Eastern)
Globe Aircraft Corp.
BOX 153 Goodyear Zeppelin Corp. of America
Graham-White Aircraft
Granville Aircraft
Great Lakes Aircraft
Griover-Loening Aircraft
Hamilton Metalplane Co.
BOX 154 Handley-Page Corp.
Health Aviation Co.
Heinrich Aeroplane Co.
Howard Aircraft Corp.
BOX 155 Huff, Deland and Co.
Junkers Aircraft
Kellett Aircraft Co.
Keystone Aircraft Co.
BOX 156 Kroll Aircraft Corp.
Laird Aircraft Corp.
Lockheed Aircraft Corp.
Mahoney-Ryan Aircraft Corp.
BOX 157 Glenn Martin Corp.
BOX 158 Glenn Martin Corp.
BOX 159 Mayo Composite Aircraft Corp.
Moth Aircraft Co.
Napier and Son
Nieuport Corp.
Noorduyn Aircraft
Norden, Carl and Co.
North American Aviation Corp.
BOX 160 North American Aviation Corp.
BOX 161 Northrup Aircraft Corp.
BOX 162 Piper Aircraft Corp.
Pittsburg Metal Airplane Co.
Porterfield Aircraft Co.
BOX 163 Rearwin Airplanes.
Remington-Burnelli Aircraft Corp.
Ryan Aircraft Corp.
Ryan-Mahoney Corp.
BOX 164 Sikorsky Aviation Corp.
BOX 165 Solar Aircraft Corp.
Spartan Aircraft
Spencer-Larsen Aircraft
BOX 166 Sperry Corp.
BOX 167 Sperry-Gyroscope Corp.
Sperry, Lawrence, Corp.
Standard-Aero Co.
Stearman Corp.
BOX 168 Stinson Corp.
Stout Co.
Supermarine Corp.
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