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Key Pittman papers, 1898-1951

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Subject File, 1910-1940 (continued)
Nevada trip
Nevadans in Washington, D. C.
Newspapers of Nevada, lists
Newlands, Francis G.
Panama Canal
Pending engagements
BOX 152 Philippine Bill
Pinchot, Amos
Police reports, night watch in Congress
BOX 153 Presidential
Publicity lists, other than newspapers
BOX 154 School project, Overton Nev.
Senatorial campaigns, Nevada
BOX 155 Silver, London Economic Conference, London, England
BOX 156 Speeches of Pittman, correspondence
BOX 157 Sugar beets
Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad
Trade agreements
BOX 158 Reciprocal
BOX 159 Uncle Sam's hospital chart
United States Mexican Commission
Virginia Mining Corp.
Voting record of Pittman, 66th -76th Congresses
BOX 160-163 Speeches, Articles, and Remarks, 1903-1940
Handwritten, typewritten, near-print, and printed copies of speeches and articles.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 160 1903-1935
BOX 161 1935-1940
(bound vols.)
BOX 162 1936-1940
BOX 163 Undated
BOX 164-169 Financial File, 1907-1951
Income tax statements, insurance policies, stock and bond certificates, and real estate and personal property accounts.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 164 Household accounts
BOX 165 Income tax, insurance policies, stocks and bonds
BOX 166 Miscellaneous
BOX 167 Pittman, Mimosa Gates, accounts of
BOX 168-169 Property, Nevada and the District of Columbia
BOX 170-177 Newspaper Clippings and Newspapers, 1922-1940
Newspaper clippings and newspapers from Nevada.
Arranged in one group relating to the Nevada senatorial election of 1934 and another of miscellaneous clippings and newspapers.
BOX 170-174 Nevada newspaper clippings, election of 1934
BOX 175-177 Miscellaneous clippings and newspapers, 1922-1940
BOX 178-180 Miscellaneous Printed Matter, 1912-1940
Material on silver and miscellaneous printed matter.
BOX 178-180 Articles, publications, and miscellany relating to silver and other topics
BOX 181-188 Scrapbooks, 1910-1939
Bound volumes of clippings, a few letters and invitations, and other items relating to politics, early election campaigns, silver, and Pittman's 1931 trip to Asia.
BOX 181 Election campaigns of Pittman
BOX 182 Nevada election returns
BOX 183 Political clippings
BOX 184 Clippings on Alaska and Pittman in Congress
BOX 185 Election campaign clippings
BOX 186-187 Trip to Asia, 1931
BOX 188 Silver
BOX 189 Memorabilia
Cards, address books, souvenirs, and mementoes.
BOX 189 Cards, address books, mementoes, and souvenirs
BOX 190-191 Photographs
Miscellaneous photographs.
BOX 190-191 Miscellaneous

Contents List