| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 64-87 |
Executive Departments, 1912-1940
Chiefly letters sent and received in overlapping chronological series. |
Arranged by name of department and bureau and agency therein. |
BOX 64 |
Agriculture Department |
Forest Service |
Commerce Department |
Bureau of the Census |
Bureau of Fisheries |
Interior Department |
Bureau on Indian Affairs |
Bureau of Mines |
Forest Service |
General Land Office |
Geological Survey |
Patent Office |
Carson City, Nev., Land Office |
Cyanide |
Desert land entries |
BOX 65 |
Elko, Nev., Land Office |
Executive withdrawals |
Forest reserves |
Geological Survey |
Good roads |
Grazing |
Homestead |
Entries |
Inquiries |
Humboldt River Project |
Indian affairs |
Indian lands |
Jarbidge, Nev, townsite |
Land Office, Nevada |
Metals, commercial control of |
Mining Law Commission |
Mining patents |
Nonresident homestead bill |
Power rights |
BOX 66 |
Radium |
Railway land grants |
Reclamation Service |
Scrip |
Surveys |
Timber lands |
Townsites |
Truckee-Carson Project |
Tungsten |
Wadsworth school site, Wadsworth,
Nev. |
Walker Lake land matters, Walker Lake,
Nev. |
Water rights |
Welfare Conference |
Justice Department |
Bureau of Immigration |
Secret Service |
BOX 67 |
Labor Department, Bureau of
Naturalization |
Navy Department |
Desertions from navy |
Navy yards |
Post Office Department |
Arnold, E. J. |
Government Printing Office |
Parcel post |
Pneumatic tube service |
Postal savings |
Railway mail service |
Rural free delivery |
United States Shipping Board |
BOX 68 |
State Department |
Consular Bureau |
Plemenaz matter |
Treasury Department |
Comptroller of the currency |
Bureau of Revenue |
Director of the Mint |
Federal Farm Loan Board |
War Department, Virgin River |
White House, Woodrow Wilson |
BOX 69 |
1913-1919, Interior
Department |
1919-1923, Interior
Department |
BOX 70 |
1918-1923, State Department,
passports |
BOX 71 |
Agriculture Department |
Biological survey |
Boulder Dam road |
Farm Security Administration |
Forest Service |
Game refuges |
Public Roads Bureau |
Soils, Bureau of |
Soil Conservation Service |
Sugar beet acreage allocations |
General |
BOX 72 |
Commerce Department |
Airports |
Boulder City air stop, Boulder City,
Nev. |
Census |
Patents |
BOX 73 |
Interior Department |
Airports |
Carson River |
Colonization project, Ruby Valley,
Nev. |
Elko, Nev., land office |
Fisheries, Bureau of |
General Land Office |
Geological Survey |
Indian Affairs |
BOX 74 |
Las Vegas Wash (Harold Ickes and
Pittman) |
Mines, Bureau of |
BOX 75 |
Miscellaneous |
National parks and forests |
Oil Leasing Act |
Petroleum Administrative Board |
Pyramid Lake, Nev. |
Reclamation Bureau |
Subsistence Homestead Division |
BOX 76 |
Truckee River Water Supply |
Truckee-Carson |
BOX 77 |
Justice Department |
Alien Property Custodian |
Immigration and Naturalization |
Pardons |
Prohibition |
BOX 78 |
Labor Department, Wage-Hour
Division |
Navy Department |
Hawthorne Naval Depot |
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