The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Key Pittman papers, 1898-1951
BOX 64-87 Executive Departments, 1912-1940
Chiefly letters sent and received in overlapping chronological series.
Arranged by name of department and bureau and agency therein.
BOX 64 1912-1918
Agriculture Department
Forest Service
Commerce Department
Bureau of the Census
Bureau of Fisheries
Interior Department
Bureau on Indian Affairs
Bureau of Mines
Forest Service
General Land Office
Geological Survey
Patent Office
Carson City, Nev., Land Office
Desert land entries
BOX 65 Elko, Nev., Land Office
Executive withdrawals
Forest reserves
Geological Survey
Good roads
Humboldt River Project
Indian affairs
Indian lands
Jarbidge, Nev, townsite
Land Office, Nevada
Metals, commercial control of
Mining Law Commission
Mining patents
Nonresident homestead bill
Power rights
BOX 66 Radium
Railway land grants
Reclamation Service
Timber lands
Truckee-Carson Project
Wadsworth school site, Wadsworth, Nev.
Walker Lake land matters, Walker Lake, Nev.
Water rights
Welfare Conference
Justice Department
Bureau of Immigration
Secret Service
BOX 67 Labor Department, Bureau of Naturalization
Navy Department
Desertions from navy
Navy yards
Post Office Department
Arnold, E. J.
Government Printing Office
Parcel post
Pneumatic tube service
Postal savings
Railway mail service
Rural free delivery
United States Shipping Board
BOX 68 State Department
Consular Bureau
Plemenaz matter
Treasury Department
Comptroller of the currency
Bureau of Revenue
Director of the Mint
Federal Farm Loan Board
War Department, Virgin River
White House, Woodrow Wilson
BOX 69 1913-1919, Interior Department
1919-1923, Interior Department
BOX 70 1918-1923, State Department, passports
BOX 71 1926-1940
Agriculture Department
Biological survey
Boulder Dam road
Farm Security Administration
Forest Service
Game refuges
Public Roads Bureau
Soils, Bureau of
Soil Conservation Service
Sugar beet acreage allocations
BOX 72 Commerce Department
Boulder City air stop, Boulder City, Nev.
BOX 73 Interior Department
Carson River
Colonization project, Ruby Valley, Nev.
Elko, Nev., land office
Fisheries, Bureau of
General Land Office
Geological Survey
Indian Affairs
BOX 74 Las Vegas Wash (Harold Ickes and Pittman)
Mines, Bureau of
BOX 75 Miscellaneous
National parks and forests
Oil Leasing Act
Petroleum Administrative Board
Pyramid Lake, Nev.
Reclamation Bureau
Subsistence Homestead Division
BOX 76 Truckee River Water Supply
BOX 77 Justice Department
Alien Property Custodian
Immigration and Naturalization
BOX 78 Labor Department, Wage-Hour Division
Navy Department
Hawthorne Naval Depot
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