| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Legislative File, 1913-1940
(continued) |
Silver bullion |
Treaties |
Truckee River Pollution |
Trust legislation |
BOX 95 |
Walker River reclamation scheme |
Women's suffrage |
BOX 96 |
Bills pending,
Airports, S. 2106 |
Arentz, Samuel S. |
71st Congress |
72nd Congress |
Barber, William B., S. 3593 |
Benson, L. E., S. 4023 |
Boca Dam Labor |
Bonus for veterans, 74th Congress |
Boulder Dam plaques, S. 109, 75th
Congress |
Carson, Nev., Mint |
BOX 97 |
Craigle, Col. W. M., S. 3644 |
Federal Building, Ely, S. 554 71st
Congress |
Federal Highway Act, 71st
Congress |
Foreign Relations Committee |
Interstate Commerce Commission |
Bureau of Motor Carriers |
Conveyance, 71st Congress |
Shaughnessy, J. F. |
Shortline railroads, 70th
Congress |
BOX 98 |
Judiciary Committee, 76th
Congress |
Lands, exchange of, 71st Congress |
Las Vegas Hospital, Las Vegas,
Nev. |
Las Vegas Wash |
Long and short haul, 71st
Congress |
McCarran, Pat |
74th Congress |
75th Congress |
BOX 99 |
McNicoll, Gilbert, 72nd Congress |
Mine lessees |
Miscellaneous, 75th Congress |
Munn, Fred M. |
Neutrality bills, 74th-76th
Congresses |
Nevada National Forest, 71st
Congress |
Nevada silica sands |
Newlands irrigation project |
Oddie, Tasker L. |
71st Congress |
BOX 100 |
72nd Congress |
Old age pensions for Indians |
Potash |
Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation |
Radio broadcasts |
Reconstruction Finance Corp., relief of bank
depositors |
Reno, Nev., post office |
Scrugham, James Graves |
74th Congress |
BOX 101 |
75th Congress |
76th Congress |
Selective Service Act. 1940, 76th
Congress |
Senate membership, 72nd Congress |
Silver, 76th Congress |
Silver, Special Committee, 74th
Congress |
Schwartz, Ida May |
Tan, William L., 76th Congress |
Unemployment Trust Fund |
Wildlife |
BOX 102 |
Bills passed, 1913-1933 |
Alaska Joint Committee, 64th
Congress |
Apex |
Automobiles, to regulate use 68th
Congress |
Bane, Moses M., 71st Congress |
Cannons |
Carson Indian School, Carson, Nev., sewer
appropriation |
Cemetery of the White's Tabernacle, 67th
Congress |
Central Pacific Railroad
conveyance |
BOX 103 |
Coins, Lincoln and Victory Highways, 69th
Congress |
Colorado River |
Colorado River, amendment to S.
3331 |
Community pasture, Newlands Project, 76th
Congress |
Copper River and Northwestern Railway Co.,
67th Congress |
Cox, W. R. |
Desert lands amendment |
Desert land Act, amendment for
Nevada |
Division of Mines and Geology, 67th
Congress |
Douglass, R. L., 67th Congress |
Drainage systems, Indian Lands, Newlands
Projects, 68th Congress |
BOX 104 |
Federal Building |
Fallon, 70th Congress |
Goldfield, Nev. |
Las Vegas, Nev., 67th Congress |
Lovelock, Nev. |
Reno, Nev., 67th Congress |
Winnemuca, Nev. |
Federal Farm Loan Act Amendment, 67th
Congress |
Fish Hatchery, Humboldt River, 68th
Congress |
Flood control |
Food and mouth disease, 68th
Congress |
Good Road, 67th Congress |
Graham, W. B., Claim, 66th
Congress |
Gray, A. B., relief of, 69th
Congress |
Grazing fees, 68th Congress |
Grazing reserves, 70th Congress |
Harrison, D. P., 72nd Congress |
Hartson, David H. |
Henderson, Charles B. |
Hides, tariff on, 70th Congress |
BOX 105 |
Horse bill |
Humboldt National Forest, 67th
Congress |
General |
Wild animals |
Indian School at Elko, Nev., 68th
Congress |
Indians, Temoak band of homeless, 70th
Congress |
Interstate Commerce, restoration of State
jurisdiction, 70th Congress |
BOX 106 |
Jackson, Fred E., Claim |
Jacobs, Philip, 70th Congress |
Jones, W. C. |
Judge, additional for Nevada |
Land act amendment, underground water, 66th
Congress |
Leasing bill, potash, 65th
Congress |
Lockley, George, claim, 68th
Congress |
Long and short haul |
67th Congress |
BOX 107 |
68th Congress |
Railroads |
Maas, Charles O., 68th Congress |
Martin, Annie H., relief of, 69th
Congress |
Medals |
BOX 108 |
Mining on Indian Reservations, 65th
Congress |
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