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Key Pittman papers, 1898-1951

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Legislative File, 1913-1940 (continued)
Silver bullion
Truckee River Pollution
Trust legislation
BOX 95 Walker River reclamation scheme
Women's suffrage
BOX 96 Bills pending, 1927-1940
Airports, S. 2106
Arentz, Samuel S.
71st Congress
72nd Congress
Barber, William B., S. 3593
Benson, L. E., S. 4023
Boca Dam Labor
Bonus for veterans, 74th Congress
Boulder Dam plaques, S. 109, 75th Congress
Carson, Nev., Mint
BOX 97 Craigle, Col. W. M., S. 3644
Federal Building, Ely, S. 554 71st Congress
Federal Highway Act, 71st Congress
Foreign Relations Committee
Interstate Commerce Commission
Bureau of Motor Carriers
Conveyance, 71st Congress
Shaughnessy, J. F.
Shortline railroads, 70th Congress
BOX 98 Judiciary Committee, 76th Congress
Lands, exchange of, 71st Congress
Las Vegas Hospital, Las Vegas, Nev.
Las Vegas Wash
Long and short haul, 71st Congress
McCarran, Pat
74th Congress
75th Congress
BOX 99 McNicoll, Gilbert, 72nd Congress
Mine lessees
Miscellaneous, 75th Congress
Munn, Fred M.
Neutrality bills, 74th-76th Congresses
Nevada National Forest, 71st Congress
Nevada silica sands
Newlands irrigation project
Oddie, Tasker L.
71st Congress
BOX 100 72nd Congress
Old age pensions for Indians
Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation
Radio broadcasts
Reconstruction Finance Corp., relief of bank depositors
Reno, Nev., post office
Scrugham, James Graves
74th Congress
BOX 101 75th Congress
76th Congress
Selective Service Act. 1940, 76th Congress
Senate membership, 72nd Congress
Silver, 76th Congress
Silver, Special Committee, 74th Congress
Schwartz, Ida May
Tan, William L., 76th Congress
Unemployment Trust Fund
BOX 102 Bills passed, 1913-1933
Alaska Joint Committee, 64th Congress
Automobiles, to regulate use 68th Congress
Bane, Moses M., 71st Congress
Carson Indian School, Carson, Nev., sewer appropriation
Cemetery of the White's Tabernacle, 67th Congress
Central Pacific Railroad conveyance
BOX 103 Coins, Lincoln and Victory Highways, 69th Congress
Colorado River
Colorado River, amendment to S. 3331
Community pasture, Newlands Project, 76th Congress
Copper River and Northwestern Railway Co., 67th Congress
Cox, W. R.
Desert lands amendment
Desert land Act, amendment for Nevada
Division of Mines and Geology, 67th Congress
Douglass, R. L., 67th Congress
Drainage systems, Indian Lands, Newlands Projects, 68th Congress
BOX 104 Federal Building
Fallon, 70th Congress
Goldfield, Nev.
Las Vegas, Nev., 67th Congress
Lovelock, Nev.
Reno, Nev., 67th Congress
Winnemuca, Nev.
Federal Farm Loan Act Amendment, 67th Congress
Fish Hatchery, Humboldt River, 68th Congress
Flood control
Food and mouth disease, 68th Congress
Good Road, 67th Congress
Graham, W. B., Claim, 66th Congress
Gray, A. B., relief of, 69th Congress
Grazing fees, 68th Congress
Grazing reserves, 70th Congress
Harrison, D. P., 72nd Congress
Hartson, David H.
Henderson, Charles B.
Hides, tariff on, 70th Congress
BOX 105 Horse bill
Humboldt National Forest, 67th Congress
Wild animals
Indian School at Elko, Nev., 68th Congress
Indians, Temoak band of homeless, 70th Congress
Interstate Commerce, restoration of State jurisdiction, 70th Congress
BOX 106 Jackson, Fred E., Claim
Jacobs, Philip, 70th Congress
Jones, W. C.
Judge, additional for Nevada
Land act amendment, underground water, 66th Congress
Leasing bill, potash, 65th Congress
Lockley, George, claim, 68th Congress
Long and short haul
67th Congress
BOX 107 68th Congress
Maas, Charles O., 68th Congress
Martin, Annie H., relief of, 69th Congress
BOX 108 Mining on Indian Reservations, 65th Congress
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