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Key Pittman papers, 1898-1951

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Legislative File, 1913-1940 (continued)
Mount McKinley National Park
National parks, 67th Congress
Navy, officers of Supply Corps, 67th Congress
Navy Yard employees' increase in pay
Nevada National Forest, 68th Congress
Nevada v. United States claim, 70th Congress
BOX 109 Nevada v. United States claim
Nonresident Homestead Law, 64th Congress
Oil leasing Act., 67th Congress
O'Sullivan, J. B., Claim, 67th Congress
Porto Rico, 69th Congress
Public Buildings Bill, 69th Congress
BOX 110 Pyramid Indian Reservation relief of settlers, 68th Congress
Railroad Conveyance, Winnemucca Public Park, Winnemucca, Nev.
Carson Lake, 67th Congress
Colorado River, 67th Congress
Truckee River, 67th Congress
Virgin River, 67th Congress
Winnemucca Lake, 67th Congress
Reclamation law applied to irrigation districts, 67th Congress
Riddle, John, claim
School land grant (1,5 million acres)
BOX 111 School land grant
Selective Service boards commissions
Senate rules, 70th Congress
Sharp, David D.
Siard, Sylvain, 67th Congress
65th Congress
BOX 112 To complete purchases, 69th Congresses
Spanish Springs Project, 69th Congress
Stock Raising Homestead Bill, 640 acres
Tax exemption for gold and silver, 67th Congress
Timber culture laws, 67th Congress
Toiyabe National Forest Reserve, 64th Congress
Trans-Continental Freight Bureau, 67th Congress
Truckee River storage
Turner, Fannie E.
BOX 113 United States marshall, increase salary of
Wadsworth townsite, Nev., 67th Congress
War Finance Corp., 67th Congress
War Minerals-antimony, 67th Congress
War Minerals Relief Act, 68th Congress
Warehouse Act, 67th Congress
Webb, U. R., 71st Congress
Western Pacific Railroad Co. Lands, 71st Congress
Wildlife, 72nd Congress
Wildes, Mark L.
BOX 114-117 Tonopah Office Files, 1902-1915
Chiefly bills and receipts with some correspondence.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or name of correspondent in two chronological groups, 1902-1912 and 1913-1915.
BOX 114 "A-H" miscellaneous
County clerk, Crocker, Co.
BOX 115 "I-R" miscellaneous
Payot, Upham and Co.
Pioneer Livery Stables
BOX 116 "A-P" miscellaneous
Index to Tonopah files
County clerk, Nye County, Nev.
County recorder, Nye County, Nev.
Pittman, F. K., bills
BOX 117 "Q-Z" miscellaneous
Porter Placer Co.
Post Office
Secretary of state, Nevada
Sheriff of Nye County
State engineer
State Land Office
Tax receipts
United States Land Office
BOX 118-123 Legal File, 1902-1915
Legal instruments and correspondence pertaining to cases. Arranged in two chronological groups, 1902-1914 and 1913-1915.
The first grouping is arranged alphabetically by subject; the second includes an index and is arranged chronologically by year and therein alphabetically by name of correspondent.
BOX 118 1902-1914
"A-N" miscellaneous
BOX 119 Hall v. Pittman
BOX 120 "P-T" miscellaneous
BOX 121 "T-W" miscellaneous
BOX 122 1913-1915
BOX 123 Beco-Tonopah
BOX 124-128 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1916-1918
Letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or name of correspondent.
BOX 124 "A-D" miscellaneous
Clubs, lodges, fraternities
Committee on Public Information
Council of National Defense
BOX 125 "E-K" miscellaneous
Endorsements, legislative and others
Executive orders and proclamations
Food and Fuel Administration
Interstate Commerce Commission
Inventions, war
BOX 126 "L-P" miscellaneous
Lanai, Island of
Lists, letters concerning
Nevada Hospital
Nevada Mine Operators Association
Nevada newspapers
Office help, supplies, and related matters
Pittman, Mimosa Gates
BOX 127 "P-S" miscellaneous
Railroad Administration
Long and short haul
Railroad Administration, milling in transit
Red Cross
Reno Commercial Club, Reno, Nev.
Social matters
Star Spangled Banner
BOX 128 "T-Z" miscellaneous
United States Shipping Board
War Finance Corp.
War Industries Board
War Risk Insurance
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