| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Boulder Dam File, 1919-1940
(continued) |
BOX 134 |
BOX 135 |
Subject file |
Bills, hearings and reports |
BOX 136 |
Overton Power District,
Power rates, 1939
Southern Nevada Power Co. (Edward W. Clark),
BOX 137-146 |
Silver, 1923-1939
Correspondence, reports, memoranda, printed matter, and miscellaneous material
relating to silver. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject, name of person, or type of material. |
BOX 137 |
"A-F" miscellaneous |
Bergerson's report,
Commission, members of |
Comptroller general |
Executive Department correspondence |
Federal Reserve Board |
BOX 138 |
Commission of Gold and Silver Inquiry,
"G-M" miscellaneous |
Mint, director of |
Raid's report,
Statistics |
Treasury Department |
BOX 139 |
Subject file, 1930-1935
BOX 140 |
Applications for employment |
Associations and chambers of
commerce |
BOX 141 |
"B-C" miscellaneous |
Bills and resolutions |
China trip, 1931
Colleges |
Committee members |
Congratulations |
BOX 142 |
"D-G" miscellaneous |
Departments, governmental expenses |
BOX 143 |
"H-J" miscellaneous |
Hearings |
BOX 144 |
"K-M" miscellaneous |
Legislatures and governors |
Lists |
BOX 145 |
"Mc-S" miscellaneous |
Mexican Silver Fiesta |
Newspapers |
Ship subsidy |
Statistics |
BOX 146 |
"T-Z" miscellaneous |
BOX 147-159 |
Subject File, 1910-1940
Mainly printed matter, reports, memoranda and some correspondence. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject. |
BOX 147 |
Appropriation bill, State Department, Justice
Department, and Commerce Department |
Ballots |
Boyle, William, speeches |
Burlew, E. K. |
Butte trip |
Campaign, political |
BOX 148 |
Chamberlain, Neville |
Clark, Bennett Champ |
Colorado River system |
Dam, C. P., Ollard Trolley Wheel
Corp. |
BOX 149 |
Democratic National Convention |
Federal Reserve Board |
Regarding silver,
Meetings, 1919-1920
BOX 150 |
Foreign affairs |
Foreign affairs, European conditions |
Foreign Relations Committee, trade |
Gerard, James W. |
Gold Horn Mining Co. |
Lindbergh, Charles A., Pittman's reply to
address |
McCarran, Pat |
Naval oil reserves maps |
Neutrality |
BOX 151 |
Nevada society |
Nevada Plan, old age assistance |
Nevada trip |
Nevadans in Washington, D. C. |
Newspapers of Nevada, lists |
Newlands, Francis G. |
Panama Canal |
Pending engagements |
Philippines |
BOX 152 |
Philippine Bill |
Pinchot, Amos |
Police reports, night watch in
Congress |
BOX 153 |
Presidential |
Campaign |
Election |
Publicity |
Publicity lists, other than
newspapers |
BOX 154 |
School project, Overton Nev. |
Senatorial campaigns, Nevada |
BOX 155 |
Silver, London Economic Conference, London,
England |
BOX 156 |
Speeches of Pittman, correspondence |
BOX 157 |
Sugar beets |
Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad |
Trade agreements |
Correspondence |
BOX 158 |
Reciprocal |
BOX 159 |
Uncle Sam's hospital chart |
United States Mexican Commission |
Virginia Mining Corp. |
Voting record of Pittman, 66th -76th Congresses
BOX 160-163 |
Speeches, Articles, and Remarks, 1903-1940
Handwritten, typewritten, near-print, and printed copies of speeches and articles.
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 160 |
BOX 161 |
(bound vols.) |
BOX 162 |
BOX 163 |
BOX 164-169 |
Financial File, 1907-1951
Income tax statements, insurance policies, stock and bond certificates, and real
estate and personal property accounts. |
Arranged by type of material. |
BOX 164 |
Household accounts |
BOX 165 |
Income tax, insurance policies, stocks and
bonds |
BOX 166 |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 167 |
Pittman, Mimosa Gates, accounts of |
BOX 168-169 |
Property, Nevada and the District of
Columbia |
BOX 170-177 |
Newspaper Clippings and Newspapers,
Newspaper clippings and newspapers from Nevada. |
Arranged in one group relating to the Nevada senatorial election of 1934 and
another of miscellaneous clippings and newspapers. |
BOX 170-174 |
Nevada newspaper clippings, election of
BOX 175-177 |
Miscellaneous clippings and newspapers,
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