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Frank Stanton papers, 1908-2006

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Classified, 1957-1971 (continued)
Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, 1957-1959 (Container 18)
BOX OV 1 Oversize, 1962-1979
Certificates of awards and honorary degrees.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Subject File
Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.
Publications, 1962 (Container 15)
Awards, citations, and tributes
Four Freedoms Award, 1973 (Container 35)
George Foster Peabody Broadcasting Award, 1971 (Container 35)
Honorary degrees and awards
Miscellaneous, 1973 (Container 35)
Miscellaneous, 1972 (Container 36)

Contents List