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World Calendar Association records, 1450-2001

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BOX 1-189 General Files, 1931-1955
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, press releases, and related matter. An addition titled “Deceased Files” is at the end of the series.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent or by subject.
BOX 1 “A-Am” miscellaneous-Achelis, Elisabeth
BOX 2 Achelis, Elisabeth, 1931-Achelis, Elisabeth, 1944-1950
BOX 3 Achelis, Elisabeth, Chicago, 1941-1942-Achelis, Elisabeth, Fifth European trip, 1934
BOX 4 Achelis, Elisabeth, European trip 1934-1937
BOX 5 Achelis, Elisabeth, European trip, 1949-Achelis, Eliszbeth, London, 1947
BOX 6 Achelis, Elisabeth, manuscripts, 1931-1936-Achelis, Elisabeth, Talks and articles
BOX 7 Achelis, Elisabeth, Talks and articles-Achelis, Elisabeth, Washington, D.C., 1933-1935
BOX 8 Abdulla, Haj Abbas-Alexanian, Yervant
BOX 9 Aflaro, R. J.-America
BOX 10 “American” miscellaneous-American Industrial Bankers Association
BOX 11 American Institute of Accountants-American Society of Civil Engineers
BOX 12 American Standards Association-American Statistical Association Conference, replies to form letters
BOX 13 American Statistical Association Conference-Arraiz, Don Antonio
BOX 14 Arrus, O. F.-Atwell, Judge
BOX 15 Aust, Oskar-“Ba-Bk” miscellaneous
BOX 16 “Bl-Bo” miscellaneous-“Bp-Bz” miscellaneous
BOX 17 Barton, S. G.-Baking industry
BOX 18 Baldwin, J. W.-Belgian National Committee
BOX 19 Belgium to Bolivia
BOX 20 Bonalli, Albert M.-Brentano, Frances
BOX 21 Brewer-Brown
BOX 22 Brown-Businessmen's conference
BOX 23 “Ca-Cn” miscellaneous
BOX 24 “Co-Cz” miscellaneous
BOX 25 Cabinet-Calendar plans
BOX 26 Calendar plans (the Chicago plan)
BOX 27 Calendars, Roman-Caquot, Albert
BOX 28 Carbon County Ministerial Association-Chamber of commerce
BOX 29 Chamber of commerce
BOX 30 National Chamber of Trade (England)-Chamber of commerce, letters to Senators and Representatives
BOX 31 Chamber of commerce, General-Chandler, George
BOX 32 Changing Times-Chauve-Bertrand, Abbe
BOX 33 Chauve-Bertrand-Christmas cards, 1931-1932
BOX 34 Church peace Union-Columbia (John Donahos, editor)
BOX 35 Columbia University libraries-Foreign relations Committees
BOX 36 Congressional hearings-Congress of Industrial Organizations
BOX 37 Connecticut State Association of Power Engineers-Controllers' Institute Economic Survey
BOX 38 Controllers' Institute of America-Controllers' Institute Statistical Survey
BOX 39 Controllers Institute Statistical Survey-Culture
BOX 40 Cumming-“Da-De” miscellaneous
BOX 41 “Df-Dz” miscellaneous-DeCastro, Dr.
BOX 42 Decker-Dobson
BOX 43 Dodge-Dustheimer
BOX 44 “E” miscellaneous
BOX 45 “E” miscellaneous-Ecuador
BOX 46 Education- Electrical Engineering Magazine
BOX 47 Elmer, Jakob-English, J .A.
BOX 48 En Guardia-Estonia
BOX 49 Ethical Culture Schools of New York City-“F-Fo” miscellaneous
BOX 50 “Fp-Fz” miscellaneous-Fifty-Fifty Club
BOX 51 Fiji-Flynn, Edward F.
BOX 52 Flynn, Edward F., 1948-1952
BOX 53 Flynn, Edward F.-Form letters, 1936
BOX 54 Form letters, 1937-1946
BOX 55 Form letters, 1947-1949
BOX 56 Form letters, 1950-1956-France
BOX 57 Frandsen, J.H.,-Frend, George J.
BOX 58 Freund, H.-“Gp-Gz” miscellaneous
BOX 59 Gaiardo, Enrique-General Federation of Women's Clubs
BOX 60 General Federation of Women's Clubs-Geneseo Civic Club
BOX 61 Gerassi, Fernando-Germany
BOX 62 Giannini, Amadeo-Goyeneche, Don Gaston M.
BOX 63 Grade teachers-Guimont, J .E.
BOX 64 Guisasola, Rear admiral-Hansen, H. A.
BOX 65 Hensen, Lars F.-Hayden, Mary S.
BOX 66 Hayden Planetarium-Heron, J. R.
BOX 67 Herrington, B. J.-Herrier, Paul-Louis
BOX 68 Hervier-Hills, Arthur J., 1954
BOX 69 Hindu-Houseman, H. V.
BOX 70 House organs-Hyde, Henry
BOX 71 “Ha-Her” miscellaneous
BOX 72 “Hes-Hz” miscellaneous
BOX 73 “I” miscellaneous-India, 1955
BOX 74 India-Institute Brasileiro
BOX 75 Instructor-International Astronomical Union
BOX 76 International auxiliary language (U.S.)-International Chamber of Commerce
BOX 77 International Chamber of Commerce-International Fixed Calendar League
BOX 78 International Labour Office
BOX 79 International Labour Office-International standardization
BOX 80 International standardization-Italy
BOX 81 “J” miscellaneous-Jarmuth, M.
BOX 82 Jenks, C. W.- Journal of Calendar Reform
BOX 83 Joyce, J. A., 1950-1955-“K” miscellaneous
BOX 84 Kafka, M .M.-Key-Rasmussen, E.
BOX 85 Keller, A.-Kiwanis Club of Williamsburg, N.Y.
BOX 86 Klingenberg, Major-Kuznets, S.
BOX 87 “L” miscellaneous
BOX 88 Labor conference (Chile)-Latham, R. H.
BOX 89 Latham-Lawson, R. C.
BOX 90 League of Nations
BOX 91 League of Nations
BOX 92 Leap year-Leiper, H. S.
BOX 93 Leiper list-Libraries
BOX 94 Libraries-Lions Club
BOX 95 Lions Club (Bovey, Minn.)-Lyman, E. R.
BOX 96 “Ma-Me” miscellaneous
BOX 97 “Me-Mz” miscellaneous
BOX 98 Maculey, Mary-Mage, Raymond
BOX 99 Maine Municipal Association-Manning, W .T.
BOX 100 Manufacturers Association-Marshall, R. K.
BOX 101 Martell, E. A.-Mehnert, Oskar
BOX 102 Mellen, Ida M.-Miller, William A.
BOX 103 Mills, Vicente-Mitchell, Walter J.
BOX 104 Monaco-Morgan, A.
BOX 105 Morgan, B. N.-Motor boating
BOX 106 Mueller, R. L.-Myers, W. S.
BOX 107 “N” miscellaneous
BOX 108 Naab, J. M. (Leslie Co.)-National Academy of Sciences (U.S.), 1941
BOX 109 National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)-National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors
BOX 110 National Broadcasting Company-National Planning Board (Czechoslovakia)
BOX 111 National Retail Credit Association-New Liberty (Canada)
BOX 112 Newspaper Advertising Executives Association-New York Herald Tribune
BOX 113 New York Herald Tribune-New York Times
BOX 114 New York World Telegram-Nisbet, Ulric
BOX 115 Nobushima, Enchi (Japan)-“O” miscellaneous
BOX 116 Oathoat, S. C.-Oregon Bankers Association
BOX 117 Organizations-“P” miscellaneous
BOX 118 “P” miscellaneous-Pan-American conference
BOX 119 Pan-American league-Paraguay
BOX 120 Parker, J.-People's mandate
BOX 121 People's mandate-Pictorial material
BOX 122 Pictures-Porter, Charles
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