The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Moral Re-armament records, 1812-1991
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Frank Buchman Papers, 1873-1966 (continued)
BOX 1-4 Family Papers, 1873-1960
Correspondence and miscellaneous material including printed matter, high school essays, and financial papers pertaining to Buchman and his family.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person or type of material.
BOX 1 Correspondence
Buchman, Frank and Sarah A. (parents)
(9 folders)
BOX 2 1911-1925, undated
(6 folders)
Buchman, Daniel P. (brother)
BOX 3 1913-1920
(3 folders)
Buchman, Sarah A. Greenwald, 1873-1925 (mother)
Others, 1892-1960, undated
(3 folders)
Buchman, Daniel P., documents and final papers
Buchman, Sarah A. Greenwald, death of, 1925
Financial papers, 1915-1934
BOX 4 High school essays, circa 1895
Printed matter and personal documents, 1885-1934
BOX 4 Personal Correspondence, 1898-1958
Letters to and from Buchman.
Arranged chronologically by year.
BOX 4 1898-1958, undated
(5 folders)
BOX 5-108 General Correspondence, 1899-1961
Letters to and from Buchman.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person and therein in reverse chronological order.
BOX 5 "A" miscellaneous
(8 folders)
Abbott, Bruce, 1941-1957
Adalbert, Princess, 1950-1959
Adams, Evelyn, 1940-1952, undated
BOX 6 Adams, Raymond T., 1941-1954
Addams, Jane, 1912
Addington, John Lord, 1941-1959
Adenauer, George, 1956-1959
Adenauer, Konrad, 1949-1958
Adenauer, Max, 1950-1956
Adkins, Leslie J., 1921-1934
Ahmad, Bashir, 1951-1952
Alexander, Lynn J., 1942-1943
Al-Khayyal, Abdullah, 1959
Allan, Irene, 1940-1951
Alldritt, Lawrence L., 1940-1951
Allen, David, 1956-1960, undated
Allen, Eleanor, 1940-1957, undated
Allen, Herbert, 1951-1960
Allen, Leonard B. and Kay, 1943-1959, undated
Almond, Harry, 1952-1960, undated
Amata, John, 1957-1960
Ames, Allan, 1921-1923
Anderson, Marian, 1958
Anderson, Robert and Marion, 1939-1960
Andrews, Charles O., 1942
Angevine, Mary, 1927-1930, 1946
Antrim, Louisa, Lady, 1939-1947
Aosta, Deo, Duke of, 1947, 1956-1957
Ardalan, Ali Gholi, 1958-1959
BOX 7 Armstrong, H. P., 1911-1930
Arrowsmith, H. N., 1922-1923
Astor, Violet, Lady, 1941
Athlone, Earl of, 1940-1957
Atwill, Louise, 1941-1944
Auberson, Robert, 1951-1960, undated
Auchincloss, Hugh, 1922, 1958
Austin, H. W. ("Bunny") and Phyllis, 1939-1959
(2 folders)
"B" miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 8 Ben-Brod
(8 folders)
BOX 9 Brog-By
(6 folders)
Babson, Roger, 1941-1942
Bachrach, Louis Fabian, 1947
Bager, Eli, 1943-1959
Bair, John, 1941-1960
Baker, Arthur, 1940-1960
Baker, J. Martin ("Buddie"), 1923-1940
Baldy, Frederic C., 1940-1959
Ballinger, Alma, 1939-1960
Bandaranaike, S. W. R. D., 1957
BOX 10 Banerjee, Sibnath, 1956-1960
Bankhead, William Brockman, 1939-1940
Barbour family, 1928-1932, undated
Barker, Jean, 1939-1944
Barkley, Alben W. See Containers 93-94, Twitchell families
Barlow, Marion Brooks, 1939-1959
Barnett, Mary, 1911-1912
Barnett, Michael, 1939-1960
(2 folders)
Barrie, Mr. and Mrs., 1920-1928
Barron, C. W., 1927-1928
Barry, John, 1940-1942
Bartlett, Agnes Pomeroy, 1923-1924
Barton, Alex, 1921-1922
Barton, Bruce, 1927
Barton, Frank, 1920-1924
Barton, Jack and Effie, 1939-1951
BOX 11 Bass, Frank, 1941-1942
Bates, H. Roswell, 1910-1912
Battle, Laurie C., 1948
Baxter, McGhee, 1928-1930
Baynard-Smith, James, 1956-1960
Beach, Harlan P., 1909-1919
Beal, Ralph, 1939-1960
Beaver, Gilbert A., 1909-1915
Bechtold, Gustave H., 1906-1958
Beck, John and Alec, 1929-1942
Beck, Thomas H., 1950-1951
Becker, John and Carol, 1959-1960
Bedford, Eugene, and family, 1927-1960
Beecham, Sir Thomas and Lady Utica, 1928, undated
Begbie, Harold, 1922-1929
Belden, Ken, and family, 1930-1960
Belding, Don, 1951, 1958-1960
Belk, J. Blanton and Jane, 1940-1960
Bell, Edward, 1939-1952
Bennett, Charles E., 1952
Bennett, R. B., 1934
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