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German captured documents collection, 1766-1945

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Akten Der NSDAP (continued)
Military deferments, 1943
BOX 135 FORMERLY 309 REEL 63 Parteikanzlei
Speech of Albert Speer at the Gauleitertagung, Munich, 1942, Feb. 24
Abteilung IIID, Educational programs for the troops, 1943-1944
BOX 136 FORMERLY 311 REEL 63 Financial records, budgets, reports, Obersalzberg, 1943-1944
File re: Leibstandarte “Adolf Hitler,” Prague, 1939
Miscellaneous, Personnel office, 1939-1940
Political evaluations of Alexander Prinz zu Solms-Braunfels, Ottmar von Habsburg-Lothringen, Leopold Bernhard Prinz zu Lippe re: military service, 1932-1944
Miscellaneous re: civil suit against Gemeindeobersekretär Heubrucg Kühn, Suchysdorf über Kiel, 1939-1941
BOX 137 FORMERLY 312 REEL 64 Addenda to Reichstag membership lists, 1933, 1936, 1938, 1940
Financial records, Zentral-Konto, 1940-1944
School reform and administrative file, 1942
File re: regulation of Austrian Frontmiliz military service time, 1943-1944
File re: military service for German nationals formerly resident in America, for those having taken neutrality oaths, etc. 1942-1944
File re: teaching of foreign languages in German secondary schools, 1942-1943
File re: leave time for recruits between completion of basic training and service at the front, 1942-1943
File re: Gauleiter Terboven, Norway
File re: procedural reforms for withdrawal of church membership, 1941-1942
Wholly miscellaneous, 1944-1945
BOX 138 FORMERLY 820 REEL 64 Parteikanzlei
Directives, Oberste SA-Führung and Reichsführer SS, 1933-1937
Ordensburg Sonthofen, “Seminar Parteigeschichte”
Correspondence, Obersturmbannführer Gumtau, Adolf-Hitler Schulen, Ordensburg Sonthofen, 1942
Walter Pipke, NS-Lehrerbund, “Die Geschichte der Reichsfachschaft VI,” 1932-1934
Kriegsrundbriefe, NS-Deutscher
Studentenbund, Kameradschaft Königsberg, 1941-1943
Miscellaneous, Reichsdozentenwerk e.V., 1936-1937
“Der Gauwirtschaftsberater,” Nos. 37-38, Jahrgang, 1944
Standartenführer Altenburg, “Aufzeichnungen über die Tätigkeit der Wasserfahr-Abteilung des Freikorps Konrad Henlein,” 1938, Sept. 14-Oct. 11
BOX 139 FORMERLY 313 REEL 65 Reichssachatzmeister
Financial records and NSDAP directives, 1937-1943
BOX 140 FORMERLY 449 REEL 65 Correspondence and financial reports, NSDAP Gau Württembert, Gauleitung Stuttgart, Gauleiter Murr, 1927-1939
BOX 141 FORMERLY 808 REEL 65 Einsatzstab Rosenberg
“Geschiedenis der Nederlansche Vrÿmelselarÿ in het 3de tÿdrak, 1816-1840, I”
BOX 142 FORMERLY 678 REEL 66 Institut zur Erforschung der Judenfrage
Miscellaneous, Auswärtiges Amt and Presse Abteilung, Referat PX, 1941-1942
Duplicate file, Informationsstelle XIV, single items, daily summaries, anti-Jewish foreign file, 1944
Press archives, propaganda, 1937-1943
BOX 143 FORMERLY 679 REEL 67 Institut zur Erforschung der Judenfrage
Brief reports, 1942
Informationen aus dem Kirchenstaat, Nr. 1-10, 20-326, 1940, Aug. 1-Oct. 5
Miscellaneous, Hanns Eisenbeis, including items outside the Vatican
Internationale Liga gegen die Rassenlehre und den Antisemitismus, 1940
DNB Ungarn (Presse), feature articles on Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria
Synopses of articles from various sources (Belgium, Sweden, France, etc.) translated and edited by A. R. Jentzsch, 1941
Press clippings (Hungarian, Polish, and Slovakian), 1942-1943
Revisions of Romanian citizenship law
Translations from Romanian law, 1938-1942
Miscellaneous Romanian including Jews in public life, bibliographies, notes and vocabulary
BOX 144 FORMERLY 680 REEL 68 Übersetzungsdienst (from Hungarian) “Gesetzartikel XV, über die wirksamere Sicherung des Gleichgewichtes des gesellschaftlichen und Wirtschaftslebens,” 1938, May
“Das Judengesetz, Gesetzartikel IV, und die dazugehörigen Durchführungsverordnungen
K. Gnoth: “Die Lage der nichtmadjarischen Volkselemente in unserer Gesellschaft zur Zeit des Mittelalters,” 1944; K. Schickert: “Ungarns Judenfrage als wirtschaftliches und geistiges Problem”
Congres Juif Mondial: “Bericht über die Lage der Juden in einzelnen Ländern Europas,” 1939
Bulgarian files including translations from the “Bulgarischer Staatsanzeiger,” reports, reviews, biographies, etc., 1939-1941
Miscellaneous from various European countries including France, 1940-1943
Files of Dr. Wunder, Arbeitsgruppe Frankreich und Paris, Einsatz im Westen: Bankhaus Rothschild, 1941-1944
BOX 145 FORMERLY 681 REEL 68 “Die Auseinandersetzung über die Judenfrage in Dänemark (1813)”
Arno Ritter: “Die Judenfrage nach neuen Erkenntnissen,” 1942
Otto Mann: “Und es fällt doch! Zur Lage des Christentums, l. Teil”
Wildhelm Bauer: “Der Eintritt der Juden in die deutsche Kultur”
Klaus Schickert: “Arnold Zweig”
Menno Ter Braak: “Der jüdische Geist und Literatur,” translation, 1939
“Paul de Lagarde”
Zoltan Bosnyák: “Der erste ungarische Vorkämpfer des Antijudaismus (GyözöIstóczy)”
Markus Bohrer: “Die Juden im Hochstift Würzburg im16. und am Beginn des 17.
Jahrhunderts,” 1922
BOX 146 FORMERLY 682 REEL 69 R. E. Edmonson, pamphlets, 1934-1936
File containing Maj. Gen. Cherepspiridovich: “The Secret World Government,” 1926
Eduard W. Jelenko: “Judenhassmenschenhass,” 1933
File on miscellaneous literary materials including Upton Sinclair's “The Profits of Religion,” “The Brass Check,” etc.
Douglass Reed: “How Odd of God,” English pamphlet and German translation
Ernst Krieck: “Der Fall Hartnacke,” 1938
“Der Antisemitismus Vasile Alexandris”
Romanian-Jewish bio-bibliographies
Eugene Victor Popa: “Vom Programm in Alba-Iulia zum Generalkommissariat der Minderheiten”
Hohe Schule, IB-Bericht Nr. 43, file “Dr. Grau,” 1939
File “Umlauf,” miscellaneous
File “Das Schrifttum-Prof. Mandel,” includes MSS “Das Schrifttum”
Wholly miscellaneous
BOX 147 FORMERLY 818A REEL 69 Newspaper archives regulations, 1942
Simeon Samuel Frug: “Jüdischer Dichter, Südrussland, 1860-1916,” Russian and German text
Saul Mesan: “Das Minderheitproblem und das Weltjudentum,” Sofia, 1933
BOX 148 FORMERLY 818 REEL 69 Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund
Correspondence, 1914-1931
“Gewerkschaftspolitische Chronik,” 1932, July-133, Jan.
Minutes of the Gesamtverband der christlichen Gewerkschaften Deutschlands, 1925-1927 and “Schulungsbrief, Wintersemester, 1937-1938”
BOX 149 FORMERLY 497 REEL 70 Reichsarbeitsdienst
Kampftruppe K341, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, 1940, Nov. 16-1942, Oct. 12
Correspondence re: Luftflotte III, 1941, 1944-1945 and miscellaneous Dienst-Appell-Buch, Graf Leonhard, Josef
BOX 150-182 REEL 70-90 Militärische Akten (Including Submarine Materials)
BOX 150 FORMERLY 315 REEL 70 Oberkommando des Heeres
Miscellaneous papers, 1944
Sonderkommando Stumpp, 1943
BOX 151 FORMERLY 328 REEL 70 Ausland-Abwehr, Abteilung Ausland III
Regulations re: strength of units and lists of Abwehrstellen in Germany by Wehrkreis and in all of Europe, 1942-1944
BOX 152 FORMERLY 486/1 REEL 71 Reichsministerium für Rüstung und Kriegsproduktion
Rüstungsinspektion V, Rüstungskommando
Ulm (Donau), miscellaneous, 1942-1944
BOX 153 FORMERLY 316 REEL 72 Infanterie-Regiment 110
Scrapbook and regimental history, 1936-1938
BOX 154 FORMERLY 498 REEL 73 Oberkommando des Heeres
Dr. Höhne: “Der Feldverpflegungsbeamte,” 3rd ed., 1941
Heereslehrer-Akademie, Abteilung A, “Ausbildung für den gehobenen Dienst,” Teil B-Die äussere und innere Gestaltung
Various pass books
BOX 155 FORMERLY 369 REEL 74 Naval Attache, Tokyo
Industrial information transmitted to the Japanese, 1944
BOX 156 FORMERLY 370 REEL 74 Industrial information and contracts with the Japanese Government, 1943-1944
BOX 157 FORMERLY 371 REEL 75 Industrial information transferred to the Japanese, 1944
BOX 158 FORMERLY 387 REEL 76 Material in Japanese concerning agriculture, food supply and consumption, etc. in Europe, 1941
Material presumably transferred through the Tokyo office including personal correspondence (Frau Mohr, Sister Elsenhaus, Peter Schmidt, Hermann Lange), and other miscellaneous material
BOX 159 FORMERLY 372 REEL 77 Naval Attache, Rome
Private files of Rear Admiral Loewisch, 1939-1942
BOX 160 FORMERLY 384 REEL 78 Chief of Naval Operations (Marineleitung)
Anti-submarine school, instructional programs, course material, miscellaneous, 1934
Artillerie-Versuchskommando (Artillery experimental Command), correspondence file on coastal alarm units, 1944-1945
Romanian General Staff, report on the mining of the Danube River, 1945
Index of restricted and non-restricted books, 1943
Directions for operation of hand-lubricated pump, 1940
Orders and questionnaire re: trial run for submarines
Notebook of Otto Fricke and companion book for aneroid barometer, 1943
BOX 161 FORMERLY 373 REEL 78 Submarine materials
Miscellaneous from the file of Kmdt. Schäffer, 1944
Arbeitsaufträge, 1943
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