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German captured documents collection, 1766-1945

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Documents Retained in the Manuscript Division (continued)
Eight volumes of bound duplicates
BOX LC 31 FORMERLY 464 Czechoslovakian material, 1930s
BOX LC 32 FORMERLY 465 Czechoslovakian material, 1930s
BOX LC 33 FORMERLY 466 Czechoslovakian material, 1930s
BOX LC 34 FORMERLY 496 Miscellany
Derrien, A. Rodriguez, “Discucion de Puentes sabre el Rio Yaque, en Santiago de los Caballeros,” Dominican Republic, 1943
Kauper, Adolf, prisoner of war at camps in McAlester, Okla., and Huntsville, Tex., plays and notebooks
Reichsstudentenführung, notebooks and albums
BOX LC 35 FORMERLY 506 Miscellaneous technical material
BOX LC 36 FORMERLY 507 Indian Independence League notebook
Logbook of incoming telephone calls, 1943-1944
Koch, Isa, songbook
Brügmann, Arnold G., Der Ahnenpaß of
Riedel, Maximilian, “Das Gesetz der Welt: Ein natürlisches Gottbekenntnis,” 1937-1942
BOX LC 37 FORMERLY 810 Wholly miscellaneous, Supplement, page 35
18 i (chemical firms)
BOX LC 38 FORMERLY 811 18 j-m (miscellaneous)
BOX LC 39 FORMERLY 851 Unknown
Breycha-Zuliany, Peter
“I: Report on Austrian Industries under German Rule,” 1944
“II: Report on Austrian Electric Power Plans [sic] under German Rule,” 1944
“III: Report on Transports, Forwarding Agencies and Warehouses in Austria under German Rule,” 1944
“IV: Annex [sic] to the Reports on Austrian Industries, Power Plants and Transports under German Rule,” 1945
Chadwick, F. E.
“Preliminary Report of Experiments at South Foreland Light-House, Eng. relative to the comparative merits of Oil, Gas and Electricity as Light-House Illuminants,” 1885
German Embassy and Consulate in Japan, receipted bills and correspondence, 1945
(2 folders)
(3 folders)
“Naval Vessel Status,” circa 1895-circa 1924
“Specification of Girdleness Lighthouse on the Coast of Scotland,” 1831
BOX LC OV 1 FORMERLY 418 Oversize
Himmler, Heinrich, list of books read and comments on, transcription
BOX LC OV 2 FORMERLY 479 Register of a musical collection, Streichmusik (string music)
BOX LC OV 3 FORMERLY 567 Göring, Hermann, illuminated certificate from Heringen (Werra), Germany, conferring honorary citizenship, 1933, Mar. 4
BOX LC OV 4 FORMERLY 365A Card file on Germans abroad
BOX LC OV 5 FORMERLY 365B Card file on Germans abroad
BOX LC OV 6 FORMERLY 366A Card file on Germans abroad
BOX LC OV 7 FORMERLY 366B Card file on Germans abroad
BOX LC OV 8 FORMERLY 367A Card file on Germans abroad
BOX LC OV 9 FORMERLY 367B Card file on Germans abroad
BOX LC OV 10 FORMERLY 368 Card file on Germans abroad

Contents List