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German captured documents collection, 1766-1945

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Rehse Collection (Including Adolf Hitler Collection) (continued)
Telegrams, Königliche Bayerische Staatseisenbahnen, Bahndienst, 1914-1915
Miscellaneous, The Washington Alliance, 1916
BOX 238 FORMERLY 428 REEL 141 Miscellaneous World War I related, 1912-1921
Miscellaneous, Bezirksamt Wolfratshausen, 1914-1922
Miscellaneous Austrian and Vaterländische Front, 1934-1938
Critique of German-American relations including German Foreign Office personnel, 1916
BOX 239 FORMERLY 431 REEL 142 Leo Benaria, “Die Werthern”
Lotte Seiffert, “Der Kampf der marxistischen Tagespresse Münchens... 1922-1933, Der innenpolitische Teil, 1938
Gertrud Raschat, “Der Kampf der marxistischen Tagespresse Münchens... 1922-1933, Der innenpolitische Teil,” 1938
Miscellaneous re: 1923, Nov., Putsch attempt including Bayerischer Heimat- und Königsbund “In Treue fest” and “Oberland,” 1915-1935
Rudolf Brier, “Geschichte der Leobner Burschenschaft ’Germania',” 1924
Foreign press reaction to the Röhm “Putsch” attempt, 1934
Correspondence re: Hitler exhibition, 1933
Miscellaneous, Thule Society, Munich, 1919-1934
Miscellaneous, Rudolf von Sebottendorf and Thule Society, 1923-1934
Rudolf von Sebottendorf, “Von Thule bis Hitler,” 1933
Miscellaneous Polish and Czech material, 1933-1938
Alf Raddatz, “Der Rote Flut,” “Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann,” “Zwei Revolutionen,” “Opfer der Arbeit”
Miscellaneous literary and artistic material,, 1928-1946
BOX 240 FORMERLY 432 REEL 143 Miscellaneous, NSDAP Gau Sachsen, 1938
Miscellaneous, Schriftelitung Völkischer Beobachter, 1924-1928
“Der Eckige,” Hefte 3-6, 1923-1924
BOX 241 FORMERLY 433 REEL 144 Gregor Schwartz-Bostunitsch, “Die Freimaurerei,” 1935
Drivers' travel vouchers and receipts, SS Motorpool, Reichskanzlei, 1933, May 23-Dec. 5
BOX 242 FORMERLY 436 REEL 144 “Mitteilungen,” NSDAP Central Archives, 1940, Jan.-June
“Mitteilungen,” NSDAP Central Archives, 1941, Jan.-July
Press clipping index
BOX 243 FORMERLY 437 REEL 145 Miscellaneous re: significant Nazi publications (Mein Kampf, Der Mythus des 20 Jahrhunderts, etc.), 1934-1938.
Miscellaneous promotional material and domestic press clippings re: Mein Kampf, 1933-1939
BOX 244 FORMERLY 438 REEL 145 Sven Hedin: “Deutschland und der Weltfrieden,” 1937
BOX 245 FORMERLY 439 REEL 146 Miscellaneous poetic and lyrical material, 1924-1948
Miscellaneous poetry, 1933-1940
Miscellaneous material re: “In Treue fest,” Oberland, Bayerischer Heimat- und Königsbund and other nationalist groups, 1901-1938 (see also container 239)
Miscellaneous Rätezeit material, 1918-1919
Miscellaneous socialist material, 1918-1919
BOX 246 FORMERLY 440 REEL 147 Miscellaneous regional NSDAP material, 1933-1941 (see also container 240)
Miscellaneous Vaterländische Front and Austrian material, 1934-1937, (see also container 238)
Miscellaneous Deutsche Arbeitsfront, 1941 (see also container 122)
BOX 247 FORMERLY 440 REEL 147 Dr. Heinz Kummer: “Öffentliches und privates Recht in der politischen Grundordnung,” 1942
Josef Kral: “Deutsche Katholiken und nationalsozialistischer Staat,” 1934
Paul Friedrich Lettow: “Der Christus des Nordens”
BOX 248 FORMERLY 444 REEL 148 Ahnen pass books
Ingeborg Decker
Elisabeth Deppe
Hanna Dörmer
Eleonore Engles
Maria Anna Schwarz
Lotte Süssner
Gisela Thot
Miscellaneous, Institute für Erbe und Rassenpflege, Giessen, 1934-1943
BOX 249 FORMERLY 447A REEL 149 Miscellaneous re: songs of the Movement, 1910-1940
Song texts for song book
Revised melodies for song book
Miscellaneous re: Horst Wessel Lied, 1933-1938
BOX 250 FORMERLY 448 REEL 150 Miscellaneous re: trial of SA man Friedrich Bender, 1938
Listing of censored printed matter, principally periodicals, Postdirektion für Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland, Vienna, 1937-1938
Miscellaneous press clippings re: Julius Streicher, 1937-1938
Circulars, Reichschatzmeister, 1925-1933
Repository index, NSDAP Reichsleitung, Hauptamt I, Reichsfinanzverwaltung, 1925-1940
Miscellaneous, Reichschatzmeister/Gauschatzmeister, 1939-1941
BOX 251 FORMERLY 450 REEL 151 Miscellaneous membership books in German and Austrian organizations, 1925-1941
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1880-1936
BOX 252 FORMERLY 453 REEL 152 Miscellaneous account and note books, 1915-1938
BOX 253 FORMERLY 454 REEL 153 “Geschichte, Entwicklung und Gliederung der Gewerkschafts-Internationale,” Zentral Archiv der DAP, 1943
Heinrich Kosnick: “Und die Gottheit hört Dich!”
Miscellaneous re: viteculture, Prof. Halmburger, 1936
Miscellaneous re: Japanese Seaman's Union, 1931
Miscellaneous Dutch notes re: Japanese associations
Miscellaneous re: accident insurance, 1941-1942
Miscellaneous correspondence, Commandant, POW camp Giessen, 1914-1918
Miscellaneous re: Kapp Putsch, 1920
Photostatic copy of the Serbian reply to the Austrian ultimatum, 1914, July
BOX 254 FORMERLY 455 REEL 154 Report re: acquisitions of the Zentralarchiv für Politik und Wirtschaft, 1935
Library register, Volksbund für das Deutschtum in Ausland, Austrian Section 1940
Library register, Verein zur Erhaltung des Deutschtums im Ausland, Landesverband Bayern, 1936
Register, Staff library, Munich, 1940
Register, Stockhammern'sche Kriegsbibliothek, 1940
Serial and periodical orders from various suppliers, Deutsche Arbeitsfront library, 1942, Nov. 13-1943, Dec. 21
Legal register re: Gesetzblatt, 1930-1933
Alexander Hunyadi: “Schwarzrote Kirschen”
BOX 255 FORMERLY 456 REEL 155 Miscellaneous depositions, Reichssparkommissar, 1931
“Supplying Germany with Gasoline,” 1935
Albrecht Diedrich Dieckhoff, “Introduction to Runics,” 1935
BOX 256 FORMERLY 467 REEL 155 Miscellaneous re: acquisition of Czech material of the Rehse Archiv, 1940
Miscellaneous files re: Nazi Party in Czechoslovakia, 1929-1932
Miscellaneous Czech material, 1922-1938
Price list, Czechoslovakia, 1941
Regulations re: establishment of the NSDAP in Czechoslovakia
Miscellaneous re: Josef Grohmann and Czech Nazi Party, 1930-1931
BOX 257 FORMERLY 468 REEL 156-157 Miscellaneous files of the Sudeten German Party, 1933-1938
BOX 258 FORMERLY 469 REEL 157 Miscellaneous World War I material, German and Austrian, including 1845 Wanderbuch, 1845-1941
BOX 259 FORMERLY 470 REEL 158-159 Birthday congratulations, Adolf Hitler, 1932
BOX 260 FORMERLY 471 REEL 160 Birthday congratulations, Adolf Hitler, 1932, 1933, Correspondence with Goebbels, 1934-1937
BOX 261 FORMERLY 472 REEL 162 Birthday telegrams and congratulations, Adolf Hitler, 1933-1937
BOX 262 FORMERLY 472A* Register telegrams and congratulations, Adolf Hitler, 1933-1937
REEL 162 *Reels 472A-472I and 473 comprise the Adolf Hitler Collection. See Weinberg, Guide to Captured Documents, 55-56
BOX 263 FORMERLY 472B REEL 163 Miscellaneous file re: Hitler family and relatives including Alois Hitler, Schikelgruber and Beit families, originals with covering letter and content list from Himmler to Bormann (1944, Jan. 23), 1844-1877 (Items 1-5, 7-13, 39-40, 43 and 46 have been transferred to the Prints and Photographs Division)
BOX 263 FORMERLY 472D REEL 163 Membership booklet, Julius Schreck, 1933
BOX 263 FORMERLY 472E REEL 163 Activity calendar and itinerary of Adolf Hitler kept by Bormann, 1934, Jan. 30-1943, June 30
BOX 263 FORMERLY 472F REEL 163 Miscellaneous notes and sketches, Adolf Hitler
BOX 263 FORMERLY 472G REEL 163 Negative prints of three post cards to Max Amann, Adolf Hitler, 1917
BOX 263 FORMERLY 472H REEL 163 Typed records of utterances (“Table Talk”,) Adolf Hitler, 1942, Jan. 8-24
BOX 263 FORMERLY 472I REEL 163 Photostatic copies of miscellania not found in 472F
Early photographs and press clippings re: Adolf Hitler, 1917-1936
BOX 263 FORMERLY 260 REEL 163 Declaration by Hitler, Weber (Bund Oberland) and Kriebel re: “Aktionsprogramm” of the Kampfbund, 1924, July 23
BOX 264 FORMERLY 473 REEL 164 Bills, Adolf Hitler, 1930-1932
Correspondence and telegrams re: re-introduction of conscription, Presidential Chancellery, 1935
Telegrams re: re-introduction of conscription, Party Chancellery, 1935
Fredinand Ferch, Hungarian translations of Hitler speeches, 1940-1943
BOX 265 FORMERLY 828 REEL 165 Certificate making Hitler an honorary member of the Karlsruhe branch of the Baden Grenadiers' Association, 1933, Oct. 7
BOX 266 FORMERLY 829 REEL 165 Expression of gratitude from the city of Neubrandenburg to the new Reichskanzler, Adolf Hitler, 1933, May 8
BOX 267 FORMERLY 830 REEL 165 Correspondence in a bound presentation volume, Adolf Hitler, letters of thanks from recipients of donation gathered through the “Stiftung für Opfer der Arbeit,” 1938
BOX 268 FORMERLY 826 REEL 166 Certificate of thanks to Hitler from the Reichs Association of German Trade, 1933, May 4
BOX 269 FORMERLY 827 REEL 166 Film scenario, presentation copy to Hitler, “Erschossen in Braunau,” re: Johann Philipp Palm, 1936
BOX 270 FORMERLY 787 REEL 166 Typescript of a record of meetings of the Deutsche Arbeiter Partei, later Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, 1920, Jan. 16-1921, Mar. 21
Johann Aigner, “Als Ordinanz bei Hochverrätern: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der nationalen Erhebung im 1923, Nov.
“Der Führer als Künstler,” Rehse Archive press clippings, 1934-1938
“A. Hitler, Gedichte,” Rhese Archive file of poems in praise of Hitler transferred from the Presidential Chancellery, 1926-1938
“Rara,” Rehse Archive file of NSDAP leaflets and broadsides from the early Party activities, 1920-1928
BOX 271 FORMERLY 788 REEL 167 “Anfänge der NSDAP (Sterneckerbräu),” Rehse Archive file re: first office of the Party and its early history, 1919-1938
File re: Hitler Putsch, 1923, Nov., 1923-1932
File re: German salute–Führergruss, 1930-1935
Miscellaneous correspondence to and re: Hitler, including a menu from Alois Hitler's restaurant, 1933-1938
File re: building of the Academy for German Law (Justice), Munich, 1936-1939
BOX 272 FORMERLY 789 REEL 167 Files of press clippings and miscellania on Emil Danzeisen, Carl von Ossietzky, Eberhard Hanfstaengel, Franz von Papen, Arnold Rechberg, and Kasimir Edschmid, 1918-1938
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