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German captured documents collection, 1766-1945

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Fritz Wiedemann Papers (continued)
BOX 309 FORMERLY 584 REEL 193 Miscellaneous file re: Zentralmolkerei
BOX 310 FORMERLY 585 REEL 194 1938
BOX 311 FORMERLY 586 REEL 194 1939-1940
BOX 312 FORMERLY 597 REEL 194 Miscellaneous file re: Fuchsgrube, 1938-1939
BOX 313 FORMERLY 591 REEL 194 Miscellaneous file re: America
BOX 314 FORMERLY 593 REEL 195 1939
BOX 315 FORMERLY 589 REEL 195 Correspondence re: America
1938, Dec.-1939, Apr.
BOX 316 FORMERLY 590 REEL 195 1939, May-1940, May
BOX 317 FORMERLY 574 REEL 195 Intelligence reports and data re: allied shipping, including losses, 1939-1940
BOX 318 FORMERLY 595 REEL 196 Miscellaneous material, brochures, photographs, including Worlds Fair, 1937-1939
BOX 319 FORMERLY 596 REEL 196 Miscellaneous re: American travel plans, 1937-1938
BOX 320 FORMERLY 598 REEL 197 Miscellaneous speeches, 1939
BOX 321 FORMERLY 587 REEL 197 Miscellaneous financial material, bills, receipts, etc.
1939, Feb.
BOX 322 FORMERLY 588 REEL 197 1939-1940
BOX 323 FORMERLY 604 REEL 197 Miscellaneous file re: Czechoslovak discussions and negotiations include correspondence, press clippings, sports award, etc., 1934-1941
BOX 324 FORMERLY 594 REEL 197 American press clippings
1938, Sept.
BOX 325 FORMERLY 592 REEL 197 1938, Oct.
BOX 326 FORMERLY 583 REEL 198 1938-1941
BOX 327 FORMERLY 600 REEL 199 1937-1941
BOX 328 FORMERLY 602 REEL 199 Confidential file containing articles re: U.S.- Latin American relations, 1938
BOX 329 FORMERLY 599 Correspondence re: gathering photographs from World War I comrades to create a gift album for Hitler, 1935-1937
BOX 330 FORMERLY 603 REEL 200-201 World War I photographs and reproductions re: 18th Bavarian Infantry Regiment
BOX 331 REEL 202 Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund
BOX 331 FORMERLY 677 REEL 202 General Correspondence, Der Vorstand, 1926-1932
BOX 332-363 REEL 203-217 Sonderdienst Seehaus
BOX 332 FORMERLY 688 REEL 203 Foreign broadcast monitoring reports
BOX 333 FORMERLY 668A REEL 204 Mar.- Apr.
BOX 334 FORMERLY 689 REEL 205 May-June
BOX 335 FORMERLY 690 REEL 205 July-Aug.
BOX 336 FORMERLY 691 REEL 206 Sept.-Oct.
BOX 337 FORMERLY 692 REEL 206 Nov.-Dec.
BOX 338 FORMERLY 693 REEL 207 1938
BOX 339 FORMERLY 694 REEL 207 Mar.-Apr.
BOX 340 FORMERLY 695 REEL 208 May-June
BOX 341 FORMERLY 696 REEL 208 July
BOX 342 FORMERLY 710 REEL 208 Aug.
BOX 343 FORMERLY 697 REEL 209 Sept.
BOX 344 FORMERLY 698 REEL 209 Oct.
BOX 345 FORMERLY 699 REEL 209 Nov.-Dec.
BOX 346 FORMERLY 700 REEL 210 1939
BOX 347 FORMERLY 701 REEL 210 Mar.-Apr.
BOX 348 FORMERLY 702 REEL 210 May-June
BOX 349 FORMERLY 704 REEL 210 New Series
BOX 350 FORMERLY 703 REEL 211 Feb.
BOX 351 FORMERLY 705 REEL 211 Mar.-Apr.
BOX 352 FORMERLY 716 REEL 212 May-June
BOX 353 FORMERLY 717 REEL 212 July-Aug.
BOX 354 FORMERLY 716 REEL 212 Sept.-Oct.
BOX 355 FORMERLY 715 REEL 213 Nov.-Dec.
BOX 356 FORMERLY 714 REEL 213 1938
BOX 357 FORMERLY 713 REEL 214 Feb.
BOX 358 FORMERLY 712 REEL 214 Apr.
BOX 359 FORMERLY 711 REEL 215 May
BOX 360 FORMERLY 709 REEL 215 1939
BOX 361 FORMERLY 708 REEL 216 Feb.
BOX 362 FORMERLY 707 REEL 216 Mar.-Apr.
BOX 363 FORMERLY 706 REEL 217 May-June
BOX 364-381 REEL 218-231 Zimmermann Family Papers
This collection includes papers from the following members of the Zimmermann family: Joseph Andreas, husband of Elise and father of Franz, 1810-1889, Major Micheal Friedrich Dietrich, father of Elise, +1836, Elizabeth Dietrich nee Bogner, mother of Elise, +1879, Franz, 1850-1935
BOX 364 FORMERLY 771 REEL 218-219 Joseph Andreas Zimmermann
Correspondence, copy books, diplomas, certificates and miscellaneous from school days and early career, 1911-1944
Correspondence, 1836-1888
General correspondence as president of the Oberkirchenrat of the Evangelical Churches of the Augsburg and Helvetic Confessions, 1858-1882
Transcripts of general correspondence, 1833-1865
BOX 365 FORMERLY 350A REEL 219 Transcripts, copies and originals of official correspondence, 1836-1839
BOX 366 FORMERLY 350 REEL 219 Michael and Elizabeth Dietrich
General correspondence, military orders, and receipts
BOX 367 FORMERLY 349 REEL 219-220 Elise Zimmermann
Family correspondence
BOX 368 FORMERLY 353 REEL 220-221 1870-1890
BOX 369 FORMERLY 354 REEL 222 1891-1899
Personal correspondence, 1859-1899
BOX 370 FORMERLY 354A REEL 223 General correspondence, 1855-1898
BOX 371 FORMERLY 355 REEL 223-224 Franz Zimmermann
Personal correspondence
BOX 372 FORMERLY 355A REEL 224 1901-1915
BOX 373 FORMERLY 357 REEL 224-225 1916-1935, undated
General correspondence, 1897-1931
BOX 374 FORMERLY 356 REEL 225-226 Subject files re: professional and political interests incl. transcripts of charters, journal and newspaper clippings and drafts of minor publications, 1887-1932
BOX 375 FORMERLY 359 REEL 226-227 Manuscript material of major publications (“Magyaren und Sachsen,” “Zur Geschichte des Hauses aud dem Wiesenplatz,” “Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der Deutschen in Siebenbürgen,” “Zur Siebenbürgisch-deutschen Geschichtsschreibung”), Helmendorfer Kirchen Chronik (1816-1908), 1816-1914
BOX 376 FORMERLY 359A REEL 227-228 Manuscript and correspondence re: “Geschichte der Neuordnung der evangelischen Kirche im Gesamtstaat Oesterreich 1849-1861,” written by Joseph Andreas and published in an expanded edition with introduction by Franz Zimmermann, 1926
BOX 377 FORMERLY 351A REEL 228-229 Correspondence and miscellaneous re: Franz Zimmermann's tenure as archivist in Hermannstadt, 1875-1906
BOX 378 FORMERLY 351 REEL 229-230 Transcriptions of Hungarian archival material, 13th-19th century and Austro-Hungarian archival material, 13th-19th century
BOX 379 FORMERLY 352A REEL 230 Transcripts of charters and other archival material re: German presence in the Zips, 1198-1369
BOX 380 FORMERLY 352 REEL 230-231 Transcripts of archival material from various repositories (Bela Bistritz, Breslau, Clui-Kolozsmoster, Deutschendorf, Felka, Göllnitz, Kaschau, Käsmark, Kirchdrauf, Leutschan, Neudorf, Schmölnitz, Wallendorf), of the 14th-17th century, 1889-1903
BOX 381 FORMERLY 358 REEL 231 Wholly miscellaneous
BOX 382-383 REEL 231-232 Nachlass Ella Triebnigg-Pinchkert
BOX 382 FORMERLY 10 REEL 231-232 “Die schwäbische Türkei: Volkstümliche Schilderung ihrer geographischen Lage, Urgeschichte, Vorgeschichte, Gründung und Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart,”1936
Correspondence, notes and drafts re: Die schwäbische Türkei, 1926-1936
Manuscript and miscellaneous re: Ungarn das Land der Lieder, D927
BOX 383 FORMERLY 11 REEL 232 Miscellaneous including preliminary material for Die schwäbische Türkei, 1909-1917
Miscellaneous Kinderspiele, Lieder, Reime, Spruche including “Das Entstehen und Werden der schwäbischen Türkei,” Hörfolge mit Musik
Miscellaneous including articles:
Warum liebe ich mein Volk so sehr?
Anton Graf D'Argenteau
Über den Vermögenstand der Schwaben...
Die Treue Zips
Ungardeutschen im Donaubecken
Die Kulturarbeit des Ungarländischen Deutschen Volkbildungsverein
Das Teveler Ulingerlied
Warum und Woher die Bennenung “Die schwäbsiche Türkei”
Das Deutschtum in Rumpfungarn
Hundert Jahre Kindergarten in Ungarn
Das Spinnen in der schwäbischen Türkei
Liebeswerben und Hochzeitsbrauch aus der schwäbischen Türkei
Am Spinnrad
Die Schwäbische Türkei-Rundfunk Vortrag (Feb. 10, 1932)
Anbau-und Erntebräuche in der schwäbischen Türkei
Die Schwäbische Türkei - Ein Vortrag mit Lichtbildern
Miscellaneous, 1914-1944
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