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German captured documents collection, 1766-1945

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Deutsches Ausland-Institut (continued)
Gotha, 1908, Nov. 14, to La Plata and Buenos Aires
Bonn, 1908, Nov. 21, to Brazil (Rio de Janero)
BOX 655 FORMERLY 253A REEL 406 Main, 1908, Nov. 21, to New York and Baltimore
Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1908, Nov. 24, to New York
York, 1908, Nov. 25, to Australia
Cologne, 1908, Nov. 26, to Galveston
Nordenney, 1908, Nov. 28, to La Plata and Buenos Aires
Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, 1908, Nov. 28, to New York
BOX 656 FORMERLY 254 REEL 406-407 Lists of prominent Germans abroad
Letters of information to, from, and about Germans abroad or going abroad, 1923-1924
Miscellaneous biographical data
Addresses of Germans abroad organized by city of origin
Miscellaneous data on Germans abroad
Account book
Questionnaire on Swabians outside Germany
File on a few individuals abroad, 1942
Biographical card file of Germans abroad
Organizational notes
BOX 657 FORMERLY 255 REEL 407 A-Boet
BOX 658 FORMERLY 256 REEL 408 Boet-Enge
BOX 659 FORMERLY 257 REEL 408 Engf-Grot
BOX 660 FORMERLY 258 REEL 408 Gros-K
BOX 661 FORMERLY 259 REEL 408 L-Na
BOX 662 FORMERLY 260 REEL 409 Nb-Otto
BOX 663 FORMERLY 261 REEL 409 Otto-Renz
BOX 664 FORMERLY 262-263 REEL 409 Library card file
Geographical listings (alphabetical by region)
Bulgeria - Deutsche Kolonie
BOX 665 FORMERLY 262-263 REEL 409 Deutsche Kolonie - Frankreich
BOX 666 FORMERLY 262-263 REEL 409 Grossbritischen Kolonie - Japan
BOX 667 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 409 Mittelamerika - Russland
BOX 668 FORMERLY 295-295C REEL 409 Russland - Siam
BOX 669 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 409 Skandinavien - Türkei
BOX 670 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 Ungarn - U.S. Amerika
BOX 671 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 Author listings
BOX 672 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 Brei-Chl
BOX 673 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 Koe-Ku
BOX 674 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 L-Leu
BOX 675 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 Mai-Met
BOX 676-678 FORMERLY 264-266 REEL 410-411 Notices, lists, and correspondence re: German citizens naturalized elsewhere, 1936-1942
BOX 679 FORMERLY 267 REEL 412 DAI publicity material
Education matter
Data regarding education of various groups abroad
Applications of Germans abroad to continue schooling in Germany
BOX 680 FORMERLY 268 REEL 412 DAI training institutes
Editorial workshops for and about Germans abroad, 1937-1939
BOX 681 FORMERLY 269-269A REEL 413 Workshops for student organizations
Workshops regarding Germans abroad and the German economy, 1934-1937
Workshops for attaches of the Foreign Office, 1934-1938
Workshops for attaches of the Foreign Office, 1934-1938
Courses in Germany for foreigners on vacation, 1937-1938
BOX 682 FORMERLY 270 REEL 413 Writing prize for work on Germans abroad
BOX 683 FORMERLY 271 REEL 414 1943
BOX 684 FORMERLY 272 REEL 414-415 Writings
Edited drafts of book reviews
“Ostpreussischen Heimatbrief Insterburg,” 1941
“Die Sippenpfennig”
“Dornbirner in aller Welt,” 1941
“Gutachten über die Meynen-Bibliographie”
BOX 685 FORMERLY 272A-273 REEL 415-416 Yugoslavian agrarian reform
Student papers on specialized topics relating to Germans abroad, University of Marburg, 1928-1930
Book review and plans, circa 1935
“Sächsischen Heimatbrief,” 1940-1941
“Gottgläubigkeit,” by Fritz Rumpf
BOX 686 FORMERLY 273-273A REEL 416 “Die Spätgotische Kirchenbaukunst in nordniederländischen Kunstgebiet,” by Wilhelm Kurth, 1943
“Die Hanze,” by Karl Pagel, 1941 (Dutch manuscript)
Miscellaneous items, e.g. study of puberty among the resettlers from North Bukowina and material regarding Austrians in South America
Records from Danzig, 18th and 19th century, photostat with 1915 cover letter
Photostats of lists of farm families honored for longevity of residence and operation of holding, organized by locale, 1934-1938
BOX 687 FORMERLY 273B REEL 417 Reichskommisar für die Deutschrussen-Hilfe
Photostats of records from Reichsarchiv pertaining to emigration of Mennonites and other Russians of German background fleeing the Soviet Union for Paraguay, Canada, and Brazil via German refugee camps, 1929-1930
Zentrale Berlin
Statistik (no. 19)
Stammrollenliste Prenzlau (No. 47)
BOX 688 FORMERLY 273B REEL 417-418 Statistik, Sammel-Mappe der namentlichen
Stammrollenliste Mölln (no. 42)
Zweigstelle Prenslau
Veränderungsnachweisungen der Belegungstärken (no. 15)
BOX 689 FORMERLY 274 REEL 418 Photostats of miscellaneous 19th century records
Miscellaneous manuscripts and statistical data
BOX 690 FORMERLY 274A REEL 418 Miscellaneous manuscripts of articles and book reviews
BOX 691 FORMERLY 275 REEL 418-420 Genealogy of German settlers of Englesbrunn and Rosenburg, 1944
Miscellaneous writings, e.g. “Händel-Zyklus”
Publicity and information circulars
BOX 692 FORMERLY 275A REEL 420 “Leistung durch Weisheit,” by Hans Homberg, 1943
Manuscript re: Heinrich Schliemann (partial)
Manuscript of poems, unidentified, 1920's
BOX 693 FORMERLY 275B REEL 420 Published railroad guides and engineering material, France and elsewhere
Photostats (reverse images) of correspondence memoranda, and reports involving Soviet officials with regard to transport of German settlers and goods from Poland and eastern Europe following Hitler-Stalin Pact of 1939
Miscellaneous printed matter
BOX 694 FORMERLY 276 REEL 420-421 Unidentified work plans
Sippenkunde office files
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1937-1942
Süddeutsche Rundfunk files
Spleiss, Franz, 1924-1937
Bofinger, Alfred, 1929-1934
Family histories
Edle von Hardtmuth family and firm of L.C. Hardtmuth, by Ignaz Wodiczka, 1935-1937
Schleissing family of Danzig, 1934-1937j
Michalowsky family, 1929
Müller-Guttenbrunns family, 1929
Henrichsen family, 1936
Cosack family of Danzig, 1933
Register of lectures on Germanism abroad, 1933-1941
BOX 695 FORMERLY 277 REEL 421-422 Miscellaneous files, including:
Correspondence concerning museum exhibit on German naval power, 1941-1943
DAI Museum exhibit plans, e.g. Reichsgartenschau, 1937-1941
Transcripts of writings or talks by Julius Göbel on Germanism in America
File compiled by Dr. W. Gradmann, 1936-1939
Foreign bibliography on Germany, organized by country or geographical area
Other family material, lists, etc. on Germans abroad
BOX 696 FORMERLY 277A REEL 422 Press material
Newspaper clippings, printed matter, research notes, and name cards
BOX 697 FORMERLY 278 REEL 423 Transcribed items from Pravda and Iswestia, 1939-1941
BOX 698 FORMERLY 279 REEL 423 Clippings, DAI press releases, reports on foreign newspapers, etc.
BOX 699 FORMERLY 280 REEL 424 Bibliographies of German religious groups abroad
Photostats of old records, including religious material, lists of Galician Germans, and information on Pennsylvania Germans
Original 18th - and 19th-century papers including unidentified protocols and manuscripts from circa 1780-1860
Files of Joseph and Dr. Bernard Arnold, re: family in Stuttgart, medicine, and German settlers and communities in South America, especially Brazil and Argentina, circa 1830-1910
BOX 700 FORMERLY 280A REEL 424-425 Arnold files and other 19th-century papers relating to German settlements in South America
Letters from Brazilian-German school children, 1935-1936
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