Some or all content stored offsite.
Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Deutsches Ausland-Institut (continued) | |||||||||||||
Gotha, 1908, Nov. 14, to La Plata and Buenos Aires | |||||||||||||
Bonn, 1908, Nov. 21, to Brazil (Rio de Janero) | |||||||||||||
BOX 655 FORMERLY 253A REEL 406 | Main, 1908, Nov. 21, to New York and Baltimore | ||||||||||||
Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1908, Nov. 24, to New York | |||||||||||||
York, 1908, Nov. 25, to Australia | |||||||||||||
Cologne, 1908, Nov. 26, to Galveston | |||||||||||||
Nordenney, 1908, Nov. 28, to La Plata and Buenos Aires | |||||||||||||
Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, 1908, Nov. 28, to New York | |||||||||||||
BOX 656 FORMERLY 254 REEL 406-407 | Lists of prominent Germans abroad | ||||||||||||
Letters of information to, from, and about Germans abroad or going abroad, 1923-1924 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous biographical data | |||||||||||||
Addresses of Germans abroad organized by city of origin | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous data on Germans abroad | |||||||||||||
Account book | |||||||||||||
Questionnaire on Swabians outside Germany | |||||||||||||
File on a few individuals abroad, 1942 | |||||||||||||
Biographical card file of Germans abroad | |||||||||||||
Organizational notes | |||||||||||||
BOX 657 FORMERLY 255 REEL 407 | A-Boet | ||||||||||||
BOX 658 FORMERLY 256 REEL 408 | Boet-Enge | ||||||||||||
BOX 659 FORMERLY 257 REEL 408 | Engf-Grot | ||||||||||||
BOX 660 FORMERLY 258 REEL 408 | Gros-K | ||||||||||||
BOX 661 FORMERLY 259 REEL 408 | L-Na | ||||||||||||
BOX 662 FORMERLY 260 REEL 409 | Nb-Otto | ||||||||||||
BOX 663 FORMERLY 261 REEL 409 | Otto-Renz | ||||||||||||
BOX 664 FORMERLY 262-263 REEL 409 | Library card file | ||||||||||||
Geographical listings (alphabetical by region) | |||||||||||||
Bulgeria - Deutsche Kolonie | |||||||||||||
BOX 665 FORMERLY 262-263 REEL 409 | Deutsche Kolonie - Frankreich | ||||||||||||
BOX 666 FORMERLY 262-263 REEL 409 | Grossbritischen Kolonie - Japan | ||||||||||||
BOX 667 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 409 | Mittelamerika - Russland | ||||||||||||
BOX 668 FORMERLY 295-295C REEL 409 | Russland - Siam | ||||||||||||
BOX 669 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 409 | Skandinavien - Türkei | ||||||||||||
BOX 670 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 | Ungarn - U.S. Amerika | ||||||||||||
BOX 671 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 | Author listings | ||||||||||||
B-Bez | |||||||||||||
BOX 672 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 | Brei-Chl | ||||||||||||
BOX 673 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 | Koe-Ku | ||||||||||||
BOX 674 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 | L-Leu | ||||||||||||
BOX 675 FORMERLY 295A-295C REEL 410 | Mai-Met | ||||||||||||
BOX 676-678 FORMERLY 264-266 REEL 410-411 | Notices, lists, and correspondence re: German citizens naturalized elsewhere, 1936-1942 | ||||||||||||
BOX 679 FORMERLY 267 REEL 412 | DAI publicity material | ||||||||||||
Education matter | |||||||||||||
Data regarding education of various groups abroad | |||||||||||||
Applications of Germans abroad to continue schooling in Germany | |||||||||||||
BOX 680 FORMERLY 268 REEL 412 | DAI training institutes | ||||||||||||
Editorial workshops for and about Germans abroad, 1937-1939 | |||||||||||||
BOX 681 FORMERLY 269-269A REEL 413 | Workshops for student organizations | ||||||||||||
Workshops regarding Germans abroad and the German economy, 1934-1937 | |||||||||||||
Workshops for attaches of the Foreign Office, 1934-1938 | |||||||||||||
Workshops for attaches of the Foreign Office, 1934-1938 | |||||||||||||
Courses in Germany for foreigners on vacation, 1937-1938 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous | |||||||||||||
BOX 682 FORMERLY 270 REEL 413 | Writing prize for work on Germans abroad | ||||||||||||
1941-1942 | |||||||||||||
BOX 683 FORMERLY 271 REEL 414 | 1943 | ||||||||||||
BOX 684 FORMERLY 272 REEL 414-415 | Writings | ||||||||||||
Edited drafts of book reviews | |||||||||||||
Ostpreussischen Heimatbrief Insterburg, 1941 | |||||||||||||
Die Sippenpfennig | |||||||||||||
Dornbirner in aller Welt, 1941 | |||||||||||||
Gutachten über die Meynen-Bibliographie | |||||||||||||
BOX 685 FORMERLY 272A-273 REEL 415-416 | Yugoslavian agrarian reform | ||||||||||||
Student papers on specialized topics relating to Germans abroad, University of Marburg, 1928-1930 | |||||||||||||
Book review and plans, circa 1935 | |||||||||||||
Sächsischen Heimatbrief, 1940-1941 | |||||||||||||
Gottgläubigkeit, by Fritz Rumpf | |||||||||||||
BOX 686 FORMERLY 273-273A REEL 416 | Die Spätgotische Kirchenbaukunst in nordniederländischen Kunstgebiet, by Wilhelm Kurth, 1943 | ||||||||||||
Die Hanze, by Karl Pagel, 1941 (Dutch manuscript) | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous items, e.g. study of puberty among the resettlers from North Bukowina and material regarding Austrians in South America | |||||||||||||
Records from Danzig, 18th and 19th century, photostat with 1915 cover letter | |||||||||||||
Reichsnährstand | |||||||||||||
Photostats of lists of farm families honored for longevity of residence and operation of holding, organized by locale, 1934-1938 | |||||||||||||
BOX 687 FORMERLY 273B REEL 417 | Reichskommisar für die Deutschrussen-Hilfe | ||||||||||||
Photostats of records from Reichsarchiv pertaining to emigration of Mennonites and other Russians of German background fleeing the Soviet Union for Paraguay, Canada, and Brazil via German refugee camps, 1929-1930 | |||||||||||||
Zentrale Berlin | |||||||||||||
Statistik (no. 19) | |||||||||||||
Stammrollenliste Prenzlau (No. 47) | |||||||||||||
BOX 688 FORMERLY 273B REEL 417-418 | Statistik, Sammel-Mappe der namentlichen | ||||||||||||
Stammrollenliste Mölln (no. 42) | |||||||||||||
Zweigstelle Prenslau | |||||||||||||
Veränderungsnachweisungen der Belegungstärken (no. 15) | |||||||||||||
BOX 689 FORMERLY 274 REEL 418 | Photostats of miscellaneous 19th century records | ||||||||||||
Miscellaneous manuscripts and statistical data | |||||||||||||
BOX 690 FORMERLY 274A REEL 418 | Miscellaneous manuscripts of articles and book reviews | ||||||||||||
BOX 691 FORMERLY 275 REEL 418-420 | Genealogy of German settlers of Englesbrunn and Rosenburg, 1944 | ||||||||||||
Miscellaneous writings, e.g. Händel-Zyklus | |||||||||||||
Publicity and information circulars | |||||||||||||
BOX 692 FORMERLY 275A REEL 420 | Leistung durch Weisheit, by Hans Homberg, 1943 | ||||||||||||
Manuscript re: Heinrich Schliemann (partial) | |||||||||||||
Manuscript of poems, unidentified, 1920's | |||||||||||||
BOX 693 FORMERLY 275B REEL 420 | Published railroad guides and engineering material, France and elsewhere | ||||||||||||
Photostats (reverse images) of correspondence memoranda, and reports involving Soviet officials with regard to transport of German settlers and goods from Poland and eastern Europe following Hitler-Stalin Pact of 1939 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous printed matter | |||||||||||||
BOX 694 FORMERLY 276 REEL 420-421 | Unidentified work plans | ||||||||||||
Sippenkunde office files | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1937-1942 | |||||||||||||
Süddeutsche Rundfunk files | |||||||||||||
Spleiss, Franz, 1924-1937 | |||||||||||||
Bofinger, Alfred, 1929-1934 | |||||||||||||
Family histories | |||||||||||||
Edle von Hardtmuth family and firm of L.C. Hardtmuth, by Ignaz Wodiczka, 1935-1937 | |||||||||||||
Schleissing family of Danzig, 1934-1937j | |||||||||||||
Michalowsky family, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Müller-Guttenbrunns family, 1929 | |||||||||||||
Henrichsen family, 1936 | |||||||||||||
Cosack family of Danzig, 1933 | |||||||||||||
Register of lectures on Germanism abroad, 1933-1941 | |||||||||||||
BOX 695 FORMERLY 277 REEL 421-422 | Miscellaneous files, including: | ||||||||||||
Correspondence concerning museum exhibit on German naval power, 1941-1943 | |||||||||||||
DAI Museum exhibit plans, e.g. Reichsgartenschau, 1937-1941 | |||||||||||||
Transcripts of writings or talks by Julius Göbel on Germanism in America | |||||||||||||
File compiled by Dr. W. Gradmann, 1936-1939 | |||||||||||||
Foreign bibliography on Germany, organized by country or geographical area | |||||||||||||
Other family material, lists, etc. on Germans abroad | |||||||||||||
BOX 696 FORMERLY 277A REEL 422 | Press material | ||||||||||||
Newspaper clippings, printed matter, research notes, and name cards | |||||||||||||
BOX 697 FORMERLY 278 REEL 423 | Transcribed items from Pravda and Iswestia, 1939-1941 | ||||||||||||
BOX 698 FORMERLY 279 REEL 423 | Clippings, DAI press releases, reports on foreign newspapers, etc. | ||||||||||||
BOX 699 FORMERLY 280 REEL 424 | Bibliographies of German religious groups abroad | ||||||||||||
Photostats of old records, including religious material, lists of Galician Germans, and information on Pennsylvania Germans | |||||||||||||
Original 18th - and 19th-century papers including unidentified protocols and manuscripts from circa 1780-1860 | |||||||||||||
Files of Joseph and Dr. Bernard Arnold, re: family in Stuttgart, medicine, and German settlers and communities in South America, especially Brazil and Argentina, circa 1830-1910 | |||||||||||||
BOX 700 FORMERLY 280A REEL 424-425 | Arnold files and other 19th-century papers relating to German settlements in South America | ||||||||||||
Letters from Brazilian-German school children, 1935-1936 | |||||||||||||
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