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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Akten Der NSDAP (continued) | |||||||||||||
Political evaluations of Alexander Prinz zu Solms-Braunfels, Ottmar von Habsburg-Lothringen, Leopold Bernhard Prinz zu Lippe re: military service, 1932-1944 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous re: civil suit against Gemeindeobersekretär Heubrucg Kühn, Suchysdorf über Kiel, 1939-1941 | |||||||||||||
BOX 137 FORMERLY 312 REEL 64 | Addenda to Reichstag membership lists, 1933, 1936, 1938, 1940 | ||||||||||||
Financial records, Zentral-Konto, 1940-1944 | |||||||||||||
School reform and administrative file, 1942 | |||||||||||||
File re: regulation of Austrian Frontmiliz military service time, 1943-1944 | |||||||||||||
File re: military service for German nationals formerly resident in America, for those having taken neutrality oaths, etc. 1942-1944 | |||||||||||||
File re: teaching of foreign languages in German secondary schools, 1942-1943 | |||||||||||||
File re: leave time for recruits between completion of basic training and service at the front, 1942-1943 | |||||||||||||
File re: Gauleiter Terboven, Norway | |||||||||||||
File re: procedural reforms for withdrawal of church membership, 1941-1942 | |||||||||||||
Wholly miscellaneous, 1944-1945 | |||||||||||||
BOX 138 FORMERLY 820 REEL 64 | Parteikanzlei | ||||||||||||
Directives, Oberste SA-Führung and Reichsführer SS, 1933-1937 | |||||||||||||
Ordensburg Sonthofen, Seminar Parteigeschichte | |||||||||||||
Correspondence, Obersturmbannführer Gumtau, Adolf-Hitler Schulen, Ordensburg Sonthofen, 1942 | |||||||||||||
Walter Pipke, NS-Lehrerbund, Die Geschichte der Reichsfachschaft VI, 1932-1934 | |||||||||||||
Kriegsrundbriefe, NS-Deutscher | |||||||||||||
Studentenbund, Kameradschaft Königsberg, 1941-1943 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous, Reichsdozentenwerk e.V., 1936-1937 | |||||||||||||
Der Gauwirtschaftsberater, Nos. 37-38, Jahrgang, 1944 | |||||||||||||
Standartenführer Altenburg, Aufzeichnungen über die Tätigkeit der Wasserfahr-Abteilung des Freikorps Konrad Henlein, 1938, Sept. 14-Oct. 11 | |||||||||||||
BOX 139 FORMERLY 313 REEL 65 | Reichssachatzmeister | ||||||||||||
Financial records and NSDAP directives, 1937-1943 | |||||||||||||
BOX 140 FORMERLY 449 REEL 65 | Correspondence and financial reports, NSDAP Gau Württembert, Gauleitung Stuttgart, Gauleiter Murr, 1927-1939 | ||||||||||||
BOX 141 FORMERLY 808 REEL 65 | Einsatzstab Rosenberg | ||||||||||||
Geschiedenis der Nederlansche Vrÿmelselarÿ in het 3de tÿdrak, 1816-1840, I | |||||||||||||
BOX 142 FORMERLY 678 REEL 66 | Institut zur Erforschung der Judenfrage | ||||||||||||
Miscellaneous, Auswärtiges Amt and Presse Abteilung, Referat PX, 1941-1942 | |||||||||||||
Duplicate file, Informationsstelle XIV, single items, daily summaries, anti-Jewish foreign file, 1944 | |||||||||||||
Press archives, propaganda, 1937-1943 | |||||||||||||
BOX 143 FORMERLY 679 REEL 67 | Institut zur Erforschung der Judenfrage | ||||||||||||
Brief reports, 1942 | |||||||||||||
Informationen aus dem Kirchenstaat, Nr. 1-10, 20-326, 1940, Aug. 1-Oct. 5 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous, Hanns Eisenbeis, including items outside the Vatican | |||||||||||||
Internationale Liga gegen die Rassenlehre und den Antisemitismus, 1940 | |||||||||||||
DNB Ungarn (Presse), feature articles on Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria | |||||||||||||
Synopses of articles from various sources (Belgium, Sweden, France, etc.) translated and edited by A. R. Jentzsch, 1941 | |||||||||||||
Press clippings (Hungarian, Polish, and Slovakian), 1942-1943 | |||||||||||||
Revisions of Romanian citizenship law | |||||||||||||
Translations from Romanian law, 1938-1942 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous Romanian including Jews in public life, bibliographies, notes and vocabulary | |||||||||||||
BOX 144 FORMERLY 680 REEL 68 | Übersetzungsdienst (from Hungarian) Gesetzartikel XV, über die wirksamere Sicherung des Gleichgewichtes des gesellschaftlichen und Wirtschaftslebens, 1938, May | ||||||||||||
Das Judengesetz, Gesetzartikel IV, und die dazugehörigen Durchführungsverordnungen | |||||||||||||
K. Gnoth: Die Lage der nichtmadjarischen Volkselemente in unserer Gesellschaft zur Zeit des Mittelalters, 1944; K. Schickert: Ungarns Judenfrage als wirtschaftliches und geistiges Problem | |||||||||||||
Congres Juif Mondial: Bericht über die Lage der Juden in einzelnen Ländern Europas, 1939 | |||||||||||||
Bulgarian files including translations from the Bulgarischer Staatsanzeiger, reports, reviews, biographies, etc., 1939-1941 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous from various European countries including France, 1940-1943 | |||||||||||||
Files of Dr. Wunder, Arbeitsgruppe Frankreich und Paris, Einsatz im Westen: Bankhaus Rothschild, 1941-1944 | |||||||||||||
BOX 145 FORMERLY 681 REEL 68 | Die Auseinandersetzung über die Judenfrage in Dänemark (1813) | ||||||||||||
Arno Ritter: Die Judenfrage nach neuen Erkenntnissen, 1942 | |||||||||||||
Otto Mann: Und es fällt doch! Zur Lage des Christentums, l. Teil | |||||||||||||
Wildhelm Bauer: Der Eintritt der Juden in die deutsche Kultur | |||||||||||||
Klaus Schickert: Arnold Zweig | |||||||||||||
Menno Ter Braak: Der jüdische Geist und Literatur, translation, 1939 | |||||||||||||
Paul de Lagarde | |||||||||||||
Zoltan Bosnyák: Der erste ungarische Vorkämpfer des Antijudaismus (GyözöIstóczy) | |||||||||||||
Markus Bohrer: Die Juden im Hochstift Würzburg im16. und am Beginn des 17. | |||||||||||||
Jahrhunderts, 1922 | |||||||||||||
BOX 146 FORMERLY 682 REEL 69 | R. E. Edmonson, pamphlets, 1934-1936 | ||||||||||||
File containing Maj. Gen. Cherepspiridovich: The Secret World Government, 1926 | |||||||||||||
Eduard W. Jelenko: Judenhassmenschenhass, 1933 | |||||||||||||
File on miscellaneous literary materials including Upton Sinclair's The Profits of Religion, The Brass Check, etc. | |||||||||||||
Douglass Reed: How Odd of God, English pamphlet and German translation | |||||||||||||
Ernst Krieck: Der Fall Hartnacke, 1938 | |||||||||||||
Der Antisemitismus Vasile Alexandris | |||||||||||||
Romanian-Jewish bio-bibliographies | |||||||||||||
Eugene Victor Popa: Vom Programm in Alba-Iulia zum Generalkommissariat der Minderheiten | |||||||||||||
Hohe Schule, IB-Bericht Nr. 43, file Dr. Grau, 1939 | |||||||||||||
File Umlauf, miscellaneous | |||||||||||||
File Das Schrifttum-Prof. Mandel, includes MSS Das Schrifttum | |||||||||||||
Wholly miscellaneous | |||||||||||||
BOX 147 FORMERLY 818A REEL 69 | Newspaper archives regulations, 1942 | ||||||||||||
Simeon Samuel Frug: Jüdischer Dichter, Südrussland, 1860-1916, Russian and German text | |||||||||||||
Saul Mesan: Das Minderheitproblem und das Weltjudentum, Sofia, 1933 | |||||||||||||
BOX 148 FORMERLY 818 REEL 69 | Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund | ||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1914-1931 | |||||||||||||
Gewerkschaftspolitische Chronik, 1932, July-133, Jan. | |||||||||||||
Minutes of the Gesamtverband der christlichen Gewerkschaften Deutschlands, 1925-1927 and Schulungsbrief, Wintersemester, 1937-1938 | |||||||||||||
BOX 149 FORMERLY 497 REEL 70 | Reichsarbeitsdienst | ||||||||||||
Kampftruppe K341, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, 1940, Nov. 16-1942, Oct. 12 | |||||||||||||
Correspondence re: Luftflotte III, 1941, 1944-1945 and miscellaneous Dienst-Appell-Buch, Graf Leonhard, Josef | |||||||||||||
BOX 150-182 REEL 70-90 | Militärische Akten (Including Submarine Materials) | ||||||||||||
BOX 150 FORMERLY 315 REEL 70 | Oberkommando des Heeres | ||||||||||||
Miscellaneous papers, 1944 | |||||||||||||
Sonderkommando Stumpp, 1943 | |||||||||||||
BOX 151 FORMERLY 328 REEL 70 | Ausland-Abwehr, Abteilung Ausland III | ||||||||||||
Regulations re: strength of units and lists of Abwehrstellen in Germany by Wehrkreis and in all of Europe, 1942-1944 | |||||||||||||
BOX 152 FORMERLY 486/1 REEL 71 | Reichsministerium für Rüstung und Kriegsproduktion | ||||||||||||
Rüstungsinspektion V, Rüstungskommando | |||||||||||||
Ulm (Donau), miscellaneous, 1942-1944 | |||||||||||||
BOX 153 FORMERLY 316 REEL 72 | Infanterie-Regiment 110 | ||||||||||||
Scrapbook and regimental history, 1936-1938 | |||||||||||||
BOX 154 FORMERLY 498 REEL 73 | Oberkommando des Heeres | ||||||||||||
Dr. Höhne: Der Feldverpflegungsbeamte, 3rd ed., 1941 | |||||||||||||
Heereslehrer-Akademie, Abteilung A, Ausbildung für den gehobenen Dienst, Teil B-Die äussere und innere Gestaltung | |||||||||||||
Various pass books | |||||||||||||
BOX 155 FORMERLY 369 REEL 74 | Naval Attache, Tokyo | ||||||||||||
Industrial information transmitted to the Japanese, 1944 | |||||||||||||
BOX 156 FORMERLY 370 REEL 74 | Industrial information and contracts with the Japanese Government, 1943-1944 | ||||||||||||
BOX 157 FORMERLY 371 REEL 75 | Industrial information transferred to the Japanese, 1944 | ||||||||||||
BOX 158 FORMERLY 387 REEL 76 | Material in Japanese concerning agriculture, food supply and consumption, etc. in Europe, 1941 | ||||||||||||
Material presumably transferred through the Tokyo office including personal correspondence (Frau Mohr, Sister Elsenhaus, Peter Schmidt, Hermann Lange), and other miscellaneous material | |||||||||||||
BOX 159 FORMERLY 372 REEL 77 | Naval Attache, Rome | ||||||||||||
Private files of Rear Admiral Loewisch, 1939-1942 | |||||||||||||
BOX 160 FORMERLY 384 REEL 78 | Chief of Naval Operations (Marineleitung) | ||||||||||||
Anti-submarine school, instructional programs, course material, miscellaneous, 1934 | |||||||||||||
Artillerie-Versuchskommando (Artillery experimental Command), correspondence file on coastal alarm units, 1944-1945 | |||||||||||||
Romanian General Staff, report on the mining of the Danube River, 1945 | |||||||||||||
Index of restricted and non-restricted books, 1943 | |||||||||||||
Directions for operation of hand-lubricated pump, 1940 | |||||||||||||
Orders and questionnaire re: trial run for submarines | |||||||||||||
Notebook of Otto Fricke and companion book for aneroid barometer, 1943 | |||||||||||||
BOX 161 FORMERLY 373 REEL 78 | Submarine materials | ||||||||||||
U-148 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous from the file of Kmdt. Schäffer, 1944 | |||||||||||||
U-172 | |||||||||||||
Arbeitsaufträge, 1943 | |||||||||||||
U-234 | |||||||||||||
Kriegstagebuch, 1944, Mar. 2-1945, Apr. 17 | |||||||||||||
Abstimmtabellen | |||||||||||||
Allgemeine Bootsbefehle | |||||||||||||
U-480 | |||||||||||||
Kriegstagebuch, excerpts, 1944, July 8-Oct. 4 | |||||||||||||
U-505 | |||||||||||||
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