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Irita Van Doren papers, 1920-1967

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General Correspondence, 1920-1966 (continued)
Peterkin, Julia
Phelps, William Lyon
Phillips, Frances L.
Phillpots, Eden
Piel, Mary Bird
Pilkington, John
Pinchot, Ruth P.
Pinski, David
Pirandello, S. E. Luigi
Pollock, Channing
Poole, Ernest
Porter, Katherine Anne
Portuesi, Louis
Potter, Rose
Pound, Ezra
Pound, Homer L.
Powell, Thomas Reed
Powys, Llewelyn
Pringle, Henry F.
“Pa-Py” miscellaneous
Quinn, Arthur H.
Radin, Paul
Raeben, Jay E.
Ranck, Carty
Randall, Dale B. J.
Ransome, Arthur
Raper, Julius R.
Rascoe, Burton
Ratcliffe, S. K.
Rawlings, Majorie
Ray, Gordon, N.
Reid, Helen
Reid, Ogden R.
Remarque, Erich Maria
Repplier, Agnes
Richards, Grant
Richards, Laura E.
Richardson, Henry H. (Henrietta Richardson)
Rickard, Thomas A.
Riddell, Florence
Ridley, M. R.
Rigg, Edgar T.
Rinehart, Mary Roberts
Roberts, Elizabeth Madox
Robinson, Edwin Arlington
Rodgers, Dorothy
Rogers, Herbert
Rogers, William G.
Rooney, John Jerome
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Nicholas
Roper, Elmo
Ross, Ishbel
Ross, Jerome D.
Ross, Sarah
Rostow, Eugene V.
Rourke, Constance
Rowse, A. L.
Russell, Ada D.
BOX 8 Russell, Bertrand
“Ra-Ro” miscellaneous
Sabatini, Rafael
Sabin, Edwin L.
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
Salsbury, Nate
Salzer, Benjamin
Sandburg, Carl
Sandoe, James
Santas, Joan F.
Santee, Ross
Sargent, Dwight
Saroyan, William
Sarton, May
Saule, Harriet
Scarborough, Dorothy
Schary, Dore
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Schuman, Frederick L.
Schwed, Peter
Scott, Evelyn
Scott, Winfield Townley
Seabrook, William B.
Sedgwick, Ellery
Seldes, Gilbert
Sélincourt, Hugh de
Seltzer, Adele
Sewell, Helen
Shapley, Harlow
Sheean, Vincent
Sherman, Harry
Sherman, John M.
Sherman, Ruth
Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1920-1926
Sherwood, Robert E.
Shinn, John
Shipley, Joseph T.
Shirer, William L.
Short Story International
Shuster, George
Simonson, Lee
Sinclair, Upton
Sitwell, Edith
Skinner, Constance Lindsay
Smith, Lillian
Smith, Paul Jordan
Snow, C. P.
Snow, Wilbert
Southwold, Stephen (Neil Bell)
Spaeth, Sigmund
Sports Illustrated
Spratling, William
Stanford, Alfred B.
Stefonsson, Vilhjalmur
Steinbeck, John
Stephenson, Nathaniel W.
Stern, Gladys Bronwyn
Stetson, Harlan T.
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Stevenson, Burton E.
Stone, Grace
Stone, Irving
Stout, Rex
Stowe, Lyman Beecher
Strachey, John
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