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Gutzon Borglum papers, 1881-2019

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BOX 1-2 Diaries, 1899-1920
Diaries, appointment books, and address books.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 1 Diary
1899-1901, 1904
1907, 1916, 1920
Appointment books
1904, 1907, 1909, 1919
BOX 2 1920, undated
Address books
BOX 3 Family Papers, 1895-1947
Letters exchanged by various members of the Borglum family.
Arranged alphabetically by name of family member.
BOX 3 Andrews, Augusta
Borglum, Ida
Borglum, August
Borglum, Frank
Borglum, Harriet
Borglum, James
Borglum, James Mothe
Borglum, Lincoln
Borglum, Louise
Borglum, Mary
Borglum, Mary Ellis
Borglum, Monice
Darlow, Anna Borglum
Michaelsen, William P.
Montgomery, George R.
BOX 4-50 General Correspondence, 1895-1952
Letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person or organization. Includes one reel of miscellaneous correspondence relating especially to aeronautical industries during World War I available only on microfilm, shelf no. 10,378.
BOX 4 "A" miscellaneous
BOX 5 "A" miscellaneous
American Numismatic Society
Arnold, Henry Harley
"B" miscellaneous
BOX 6 "B" miscellaneous
BOX 7 "B" miscellaneous
BOX 8 "B" miscellaneous
Baer, John M.
Bailey, David
Baillie, Robert A.
Baker, Newton Diehl
Barlow, Lester
Beinicke, Edwin
Bell, Marian
Bendix, Ernest
BOX 9 Bendix, Ernest
Bianco, L. Del
Boland, John A.
Borgard, Martin
Bourbon, Don Luis de
Bovard, John
Brotherhood Investment Co.
"C" miscellaneous
BOX 10 "C" miscellaneous
BOX 11 "C" miscellaneous
BOX 12 Caldwell and Co.
Century of Progress Commission
Clark, John
Colt, Samuel
Coolidge, Calvin
The Craftsman
Curtis, Frazier
"D" miscellaneous
BOX 13 "D" miscellaneous
BOX 14 Daniels, Josephus
Davis, Everly M.
Davis, Robert H.
Dresser, F. J. C.
Durham, Plato
"E" miscellaneous
BOX 15 "E" miscellaneous
Eakins, L. C. D.
East Butte Extension Copper Mining Co.
Emerson Bureau
Enters, Angna
BOX 16 "F" miscellaneous
BOX 17 "F" miscellaneous
Faatz, Loranna B.
Frémont, Jessie B.
French, Daniel Chester
Freshel, Curtis
Fuller, W. W.
BOX 18 "G" miscellaneous
BOX 19 Getts, Clark
Gibson, Hugo
Godeon, Samuel E.
Gorham Manufacturing Co.
Graham, James F.
Grand Rapids Trust Co.
Guards of Washington
BOX 20 "H" miscellaneous
BOX 21 "H" miscellaneous
BOX 22 Haines, Lynn
Harding, Warren G.
Henderson, Archibald
Hollister, William C.
Hoover, Herbert
Howe, Frederic C.
Hulme, Edward M.
Huntington, Archer M.
"I" miscellaneous
Ickes, Harold L.
Inter-Racial Council
BOX 23 "J" miscellaneous
Jackson, Gardner
Johnson, Gerald W.
"K" miscellaneous
BOX 24 "K" miscellaneous
Kelley, John I.
Kemp, L. W.
Kennerley, Mitchell
Key, James L.
King, William Lyon Mackenzie
Kitselman, Mrs. Leslie C.
Kittrell, William
Koeppler, John L.
Kruckman, Arnold
Kunst, Anton
BOX 25 "L" miscellaneous
BOX 26 Lane, Franklin K.
Lankford, J. S.
Larsen, John M.
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