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Gutzon Borglum papers, 1881-2019

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2021 Addition, 1881-2019 (continued)
BOX 211 "California," undated
(2 folders)
BOX 211 "Cathedral of St. John the Divine: The Birth of a Myth," undated
BOX 211 "Congressional Campaign of 1914 and the Chicago Convention of 1916," undated
BOX 211 "The Crusader," undated
BOX 211 Dissertation, "Brief aus der Zeit des babylonischen Königs Hammurabi," 1899-1903 See also OV 3, Ph.D. certificate
BOX 211 Handwritten notes and fragments, 1917-1928, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 211 "Home Life and Friends," 1920, 1930, undated
BOX 212 Miscellaneous story fragments, 1949, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 212 "New Beginning in New York," undated
BOX 212 "[New York] Studio in 38th Street," undated
BOX 212 "Other Interests," undated
BOX 212 "Public Memorials," undated
BOX 212 Public patriotic memorials: Sheridan, Lincoln, undated
BOX 212 Rushmore Story, undated
BOX 212 "Stamford and Entry into Politics," undated
BOX 212 "Story of the Mount Rushmore Memorial," undated
BOX 212 "Texas," undated
BOX 212 Turkey, memoirs and miscellaneous fragments, 1953, undated
BOX 212 "Wars of America," undated
BOX 213 Kennedy, Robin Borglum Carter
BOX 213 General correspondence, 1941, 1948, 1954-1958, 1965, 1980-1999, 2007-2013
(3 folders)
BOX 213 Writings, 1999, 2013
BOX 213 Vhay, Mary Ellis Borglum
BOX 213 Press, 2002
BOX 213 General correspondence
BOX 213 Anglan, Margaret, 1940, undated
BOX 213 Artists, miscellaneous, 1922, 1933-1939, 1952-1953, 1966, 2018
BOX 213 "A" miscellaneous, 1920, 1926-1940
BOX 213 Beckman, James W., 1915
BOX 213 Berger, Henry, Jr., 1928-1931
BOX 213 Borglum, Lincoln, 1936
BOX 213 Borie, A. E., 1917, 1940-1942
BOX 213 Bradford, Ralph, 1927-1941, 1960, 1983
BOX 213 Brogard, Martin, 1928-1931
BOX 213 "B" miscellaneous, 1908-1910, 1917-1920, 1926-1940
BOX 213 California Artists Relief Fund, 1906, 1917, 1946
BOX 213 Central Park, 1911, 1917
BOX 214 Colcord, Lincoln, 1924-1927, 1943
BOX 214 Coolidge, Calvin, 1927-1930, 1936
BOX 214 "C" miscellaneous, 1912, 1918-1940
BOX 214 Davis, Everly M., 1937-1938
BOX 214 d'Emery, Charles, 1922-1925, 1932-1947
BOX 214 Denmark, 1931, 2001
BOX 214 "D" miscellaneous, 1911-1912, 1917-1940
BOX 214 Enters, Angna, 1925-1926, 1934-1936, 1944-1955, 1979
BOX 214 "E" miscellaneous, 1931-1932, 1940
BOX 214 Faatz, Lorenna Busbee, 1930, 1937
BOX 214 Frankfurter, Felix, 1912
BOX 214 "F" miscellaneous, 1925-1941
BOX 214 Gannett, Frank, 1935-1940
BOX 214 Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York, 1912
BOX 214 Gutzon Borglum American Educational Film Co., 1921-1924, 1941
BOX 214 "G" miscellaneous, 1916-1934, 1940-1941
BOX 214 Harding, Warren G., 1920-1924
BOX 215 Hart, William S., 1939-1943, 1969
BOX 215 Haskell, Ernest, 1910, 1916, 1948, 1961, 1966
BOX 215 Hollister, William C., 1934-1935
BOX 215 Hoover, Herbert, 1925-1932, undated
BOX 215 "H" miscellaneous, 1911-1940
BOX 215 "J" miscellaneous, 1926-1932
BOX 215 "K" miscellaneous, 1909-1914, 1929-1938
BOX 215 Lincoln, Robert, 1907-1908
BOX 215 Logan, Josephine Hancock (Mrs. Frank Granger Logan), 1940
BOX 215 Lund, Haviland H., undated
BOX 215 "L" miscellaneous, 1926-1933, 1939-1940
BOX 215 Mahany, Rowland B., 1921-1924
BOX 215 Mahoney, Walter B., 1927-1933
BOX 215 Malin, Millard F., 1928-1929, 1941, 1979
BOX 215 Masonic lodges, 1926-1929, 1978
BOX 215 Meyer, Eugene, Jr., 1900, 1906-1942, 1951-1954, 1977-1982
BOX 215 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1911-1921, 1927-1941, undated
BOX 215 Miscellaneous notes and letters, 1932-1939, undated
BOX 215 Morris, Robert T., 1928-1930
BOX 215 "M" miscellaneous, 1909-1941, 1947
(2 folders)
BOX 216 "N" miscellaneous, 1918, 1926-1927, 1936-1941
BOX 216 "O" miscellaneous, 1926, 1935
BOX 216 Paderewski, Ignacy Jan, 1928
BOX 216 "P" miscellaneous, 1912-1919, 1926-1940
BOX 216 Rayford, Julian Lee ("Judy"), 1928-1932, 1940-1946, 1953, 1970-1973, 2015
(2 folders)
BOX 216 Rodin, Auguste, 1901-1906, 1914, 1942
BOX 216 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1927-1941
BOX 216 Roosevelt, Theodore, 1908-1918, 1940-1943
BOX 216 Rumely, Edward A., 1933-1940
(5 folders)
BOX 216 "R" miscellaneous, 1912-1919, 1931-1940
BOX 216 Scofield, William B., 1919-1922
BOX 216 Sirovich, William I., 1935
BOX 216 "S" miscellaneous, 1911-1941
BOX 217 "T" miscellaneous, 1919-1926, 1937-1941
BOX 217 Union Hill Gold Mining Co., 1938-1940
BOX 217 "V" miscellaneous, 1919-1920, 1934
BOX 217 Wadsworth, Herbert, 1927
BOX 217 Washington, D.C., 1917-1923, 1933
BOX 217 Williams, S. M., 1930
BOX 217 Wilson, Margery, 1937-1939
BOX 217 Wilson, Woodrow, 1905, 1913-1918
BOX 217 Wood, Leonard, 1912-1920
BOX 217 "W" miscellaneous, 1911-1931, 1939-1940, 1953
BOX 217 "Y" miscellaneous, 1927-1932
BOX 217 "Z" miscellaneous, 1940
BOX 217 Subject file
BOX 217 Address book, 1892
BOX 217 Aircraft, 1911-1912, 1919-1922, 1930-1937, 1954
BOX 217 Aircraft designs, 1917
BOX 217 Aviation investigation, 1911, 1917-1922, 1941, undated
(4 folders)
BOX 218 Aviation investigation, 1911, 1917-1922, 1941, undated See also OV 4, Blueprint, layout of buildings and tracks
(6 folders)
BOX 218 Central Park, N.Y., 1911, 1920, 1927, 1932, 1942
BOX 218 Committee of One Hundred, Rapid City, S.Dak., 1933-1935 See also OV 3, Map of Rapid City, S.Dak.
BOX 218 Copyrights and patents, 1904, 1941-1947, 1964, 1973
BOX 218 Cuba, 1917-1919 See also OV 2, "República de Cuba..."
BOX 219 Financial material, 1913-1921, 1939, 1947
BOX 219 Magazine articles, 1938-1940
BOX 219 Manuscripts and stories about Gutzon Borglum written by others, 1947, undated
BOX 219 Memberships, 1912, 1920-1941
BOX 219 Miscellany, 1884, 1905, 1911, 1918, 1931, undated
BOX 219 Non-Partisan League, 1919-1926
BOX 219 Obituaries, 1941
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