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Gutzon Borglum papers, 1881-2019

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Subject File, 1895-1960 (continued)
Columbus fountain
Coronado memorial
Corpus Christi. Tex., bayfront
BOX 93 Corpus Christi, Tex., bayfront
BOX 94 Corpus Christi, Tex., bayfront
BOX 95 Corpus Christi, Tex., bayfront
BOX 96 Davenport memorial
Ellsworth bust
Ffoulke monument
Fort Worth, Tex., statue
Fredericksburg monument
Geographic Hispanic Society monument
George altar
Gettysburg, Pa., memorial
BOX 97 Goethals memorial
Maximo Gomez monument
Grant memorial
Hermosa cantonment
William Dempster Hoard memorial
Houston memorial
Hubbard memorial
Hudson-Fulton memorial
Rupert Hughes urn
Huntington statue
BOX 98 Indian monument
Ingersoll monument
International Bureau of the American Republics bas-relief
Joyner bust
Kitchel memorial
Kruger death mask
Lanier bust
Jean du Lhut statue
Liberty, Statue of (lighting)
Abraham Lincoln
BOX 99 Abraham Lincoln
BOX 100 Abraham Lincoln
BOX 101 McConnell statue
MacGregor memorial
MacKay statue
Madison, N. J., memorial
Mares of Diomedes
Maybury monument
BOX 102 Morris memorial
Mount Harney memorial
Mount Rushmore memorial
BOX 103 1932-1935
BOX 104 1936-1938
BOX 105 1938-1939
BOX 106 1939-1940
BOX 107 1940-1954, undated
BOX 108 Undated
BOX 109 Undated
BOX 110 Undated
Nebraska memorial
Newark, N.J.
BOX 111 War memorial
New York City Rapid Transit bronze tablets
New York Evening Post statues
Nocquet memorial
Northwest Territory memorial
BOX 112 Omaha Aero medallion
Thomas Paine memorial
Plaques and tablets
Portrait busts
Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., gargoyles
Rainey memorial
BOX 113 Rangers monument
Rice memorial
Theodore Roosevelt memorial
Ruskin statue
San Antonio, Tex., theater
Scott statue
Stephens memorial
BOX 114 Stone Mountain memorial, Georgia
BOX 115 1918-1923
BOX 116 1923-1924
BOX 117 1924-1925
BOX 118 1925
BOX 119 1925
BOX 120 1926-1928
BOX 121 1928-1934
BOX 122 1934-1939
BOX 123 1940-1960, undated
BOX 124 Undated
BOX 125 Undated
BOX 126 Saint John the Divine statues
Scott memorial
Sheridan statue
BOX 127 Sheridan statue
Paul Smith monument
Smithson statue
Stephens statue
Stevenson memorial
BOX 128 Texas centennial
Trail Drivers memorial
Trudeau memorial
U.S. Capitol
Zeb Vance memorial
Victory chimes
BOX 129 Wars of America
Waterbury, Conn., memorial
Wheeler memorial
White memorial
BOX 130 Wiley bust
Woodrow Wilson memorial
World War I monuments (proposals)
Wright brothers memorial
Wyatt memorial
Wyeth memorial
BOX 131-136 Speeches and Articles, 1915-1941
Texts of speeches and writings.
Speeches are arranged chronologically; articles are arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX 131 Speeches
BOX 132 1925-1941
BOX 133 Undated
BOX 134 Undated
BOX 135 Articles
BOX 136 Articles
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