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John Thompson Ford papers, 1809-1960

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Playbooks, 1809-circa 1890 (continued)
A Cup of Tea
Cupboard Love
Cupid's Eye-Glass
Cure for the Heartache
Der Freischutz
Doing for the Best
Fair Maid of Perth
False Pretences
A Family Failing
Family Jars
Family Pride
Fashion and Feeling
Fatal Marriage
Father and Son
Faust and Marguerite
BOX 9 The Fellow That Likes Me
The Female Detective
Feudal Times
The Field of Forty Footsteps
Fifth Wheel
The Fire Raiser
The Fireman
First Love
Fitzsmythe of Fitzsmythe Hall
Flies in the Web
Floating Beacon
The Flying Dutchman
The Fool's Revenge
Forest Keeper
The Forest Rose
Fortunes Frolic
Fortunio and the Seven Gifted Servants
Forty and Fifty
Found in a 4-Wheeler
Founded of Facts
Fountain of Beauty
Fra Diavolo
French Exhibition
French Spy
Gambler's Fate
The Game of Life
The Game of Love
The Gamester
Gen. Grant
BOX 10 The Gentle Shepherd
George Barnwell
Gertrude's Money Box
Glance at New York
Glory of Columbia
Go to Putney
Going to the Dogs
A Golden Fetter
Goose with the Golden Eggs
Grandfather Whitehead
Green Mountain Boy
Grimsham, Bagshaw, and Bradshaw
The Gun-Maker of Moscow
Gustavus the Third
A Hard Case
The Hidden Hand
How to Settle Accounts with Your Laundress
If I Had a Thousand a Year
If the Cap Fits
I'll-Treated Il Trovatore
The Illustrious Stranger
In for a Holiday
In the Wrong House
Inkle and Yarico
Ireland as It Is
The Irish Attorney
The Irish Lion
The Iron Chest
(2 folders)
BOX 11 Jane Eyre
Jenny Lind at Last
Jessie Brown
John Bull
(2 folders)
Little Em'ly
Mary's Birthday
A Most Unwarrantable Intrusion
Mr. Scroggins
My Friend Isaac
Nature's Nobleman
Nearly a Tragedy
The Nervous Man and the Man of Nerve
Never Reckon Your Chickens
New Footman
A New Way to Pay Old Debts
The Naiad Queen, with notes by Ford
Nick of the Woods
No Thoroughfare
The Noble Heart
Nobody's Child
Norah Creina
Not at Home
Not Guilty
Nothing Like Paste
Nothing Venture, Nothing Win
BOX 12 Nursey Chickweed
Our Clerks
Pas de Fascination
Peter Wilkins
Pygmalion and Galatea
Queen of the Frogs
The Queen's Heart
Richard the Second
Richard the Third
Rival Tenants
The Robber's Wife
Romance and Reality
The Rose of Ettrick Vale
St. Mary's Eve
Sam's Courtship
Sarah the Creole
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