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Joseph Pulitzer papers, 1897-1958

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Family Correspondence, 1897-1955 (continued)
1940-1955 (continued)
(5 folders)
Moore, William S.
Moore, William S., Jr.
Palffy, Eleanor, 1930-1948
Pulitzer, Elinor, 1922-1954
(3 folders)
Pulitzer, Elinor W.
(2 folders)
BOX 3 REEL 3 1925
(2 folders)
Pulitzer, Elizabeth E., 1927-1954
(3 folders)
Pulitzer, Emily, 1935-1936
Pulitzer, Gladys, 1949
Pulitzer, Herbert
(5 folders)
BOX 4 REEL 4 1946-1955
(3 folders)
Pulitzer, Joseph (1847-1911)
(5 folders)
REEL 4-5
(4 folders)
Pulitzer, Joseph (1885-1955)
(2 folders)
Pulitzer, Joseph (1913-1993)
(4 folders)
BOX 6 REEL 5-6 1932-1951
(8 folders)
Pulitzer, Kate Davis
(3 folders)
BOX 7 REEL 6-7 1934-1955
(9 folders)
Pulitzer, Margaret Leech, 1939-1953
Pulitzer, Michael Edgar
(4 folders)
BOX 8 REEL 7-8 1943-1954
(5 folders)
Pulitzer, Ralph, 1920-1939
(7 folders)
Pulitzer, Susan, 1940
Putnam, Henry
BOX 9 REEL 8 Putnam, James L.
Putnam, Margarita
Quesada, Elwood R.
Rosengarten, Emily
Steiner, Jennie, 1940
Webb, Seward
Wenckheim, Laszlo, and family, 1948
Wickham family, 1925
BOX 9-31 REEL 8-23 General Correspondence, circa 1915-1955
Letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent and grouped by year where there are large numbers of letters.
BOX 9 REEL 8 “A” miscellaneous
BOX 10 REEL 8-9 Ackerman, Carl W.
Adams, Franklin P.
Adler, Julius Ochs
Aldrich, Winthrop W.
Alexander, E. Roy
Alexander, Jack
Allen, Gerald B.
Andrews, Bert
Annenberg, Walter
Arnall, Ellis
Astor, Mary
Atherton, Ray
Aylesworth, Merlin H.
“B” miscellaneous
BOX 11 REEL 9 Babson, Roger W.
Badger and Browning & Hersey, Inc. See also Container 12, Canham, Erwin D.
Baker, Ray Stannard
Baldwin, James H.
Baldwin, Lewis W.
Baldwin, Roger
Baruch, Bernard M., 1924-1955
(2 folders)
Beale, Howard K.
Becker, Neal Dow
Bel Geddes, Norman
Bellamy, Paul
Belmont, Eleanor Robson
Berlin, Irving
Bernays, Edward L.
Bickel, Karl A.
Blackwell, Betsy Talbot
Bowers, Claude G. See Container 20, Meyer, Eugene
Brisbane, Arthur
Bryan, John Stewart
Bryan, John Stewart
Busch, Adolphus, III
Busch, August A., Jr.
Busch, Catherine
Busch, Marie
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Bye, George T.
Byrd, Marie
Byrd, Richard E.
Byrnes, James F.
BOX 12 REEL 10 “C” miscellaneous
Canfield, Mary Cass
Canham, Erwin D. See also Container 11, Badger and Browning & Hersey, Inc.
BOX 13 REEL 10-11 Carlin, George A.
Catlege, Turner
Chandler, Dorothy
Chandler, Harry
Chandler, Norman
Chandler, Philip
Chandler, William G.
Chenery, William L.
Childs, Marquis
Choate, Robert
Churchill, Winston S.
Clapp, Verner W.
Clark, Champ
Clark, Thomas C.
Clemens, Cyril
Cobb, Frank I. See Containers 30-31, World
Cochran, John J.
Coddington, David
Coghlan, Ralph
Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
Conant, James B.
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