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Joseph Pulitzer papers, 1897-1958

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Business File, 1910-1955 (continued)
BOX 44 REEL 32-33 General, 1934-1946
(7 folders)
BOX 45 REEL 33-34 Maintenance of membership, 1942-1944
(3 folders)
Typographical Union, 1942-1945
American Newspaper Publishers Association
American Society of Newspaper Editors, 1923-1954
BOX 46 REEL 34 Anderson, J. H., 1933; 1935
Armstrong, Sam, 1943-1952
Artists Guild, 1925-1927
Associated Press
Constitution, 1928-1942
Court case, 1943-1945
General, 1912-1940
(8 folders)
BOX 47 REEL 34-35 General, 1941-1955
(3 folders)
Pictures, 1932-1939
Radio, 1926-1940
Time of publication, 1943-1941
Wirephotos, 1937
Aviation, 1932-1940
Barclay, R. W., 1943
Batty, Frances M., 1925
Baumhoff, Richard, 1943-1952
Baxter, N. W.
Behymer, F. A., 1919-1951
Belin Telestereograph, 1912-1927
BOX 48 REEL 35-36 Bell, J. R., 1947; 1951
Bethel, A. L., 1922
Betts, Curtis, 1935-1951
Bland, R. C., 1921-1922
Book reviews, 1921-1954
(3 folders)
Bovard, Oliver Kirby
Biography by Edwin Markham
BOX 49 REEL 36 1924-1932
BOX 50 REEL 37 1933-1938, undated
(2 folders)
Draft essay on economics
Editorial page, 1935-1938
Resignation, 1933-1938
BOX 51 REEL 37-38 Thesis, 1938-1951
Brandt, R. B., 1924-1929
Brennan, F. H., 1927
Britton, F. H., 1919
General, 1913-1953
(3 folders)
Proposed new building, 1941
Burbach, G. M., 1922-1948
Burkhart, W. N., 1935
Business manager
Hentschell, Charles J.
BOX 52 REEL 38-39 1951-1955
(3 folders)
Post Dispatch notebook, 1949-1954
Pulitzer, Joseph (1913- 1993), 1947-1955
Rates and economics, 1951-1954
(2 folders)
Business office, 1926-1932
Business papers
Receipts and expenditures, 1920-1945
(3 folders)
BOX 53 REEL 39-40 Shields, William D. S., 1938-1940
Cartoons, 1913-1938
(2 folders)
Carvell, G. E., 1946-1951
Chambers, Stuart M., 1927-1950
(3 folders)
BOX 54 REEL 40-41 Christmas Festival Fund, 1924-1933
Audit Bureau of Circulations, 1941-1955
(2 folders)
Carvell, G. E., 1939-1955
Complete edition, 1929-1950
(2 folders)
Current circulation, 1938-1940
Dealers, 1922-1941
BOX 55 REEL 41 Density of population, 1924-1944
Early Saturday night, 1924-1931
Early Sunday, 1934-1936
8:00 a.m. edition, 1927
Election, 1924; 1928
Extra edition, 1946
First city edition, 1927-1930
General, 1929-1955
(7 folders)
Hanlon reports, 1921-1934
Kershaw, G. R., 1948-1955
BOX 56 REEL 42 Mail edition, 1923-1927
Newsboys, 1934-1935
Overseas edition, 1945
Price, 1915-1953
(4 folders)
Profit, 1946
Progress reports, 1924-1939
BOX 57 REEL 42-43 1950-1955
(2 folders)
Reports, 1947-1949
St. Louis Newspaper Publisher's Association, 1931-1939
Suggestions and complaints, 1914-1954
(2 folders)
(3 folders)
BOX 58 REEL 43-44 1940-1955
(2 folders)
Cline, Leonard
Coghlan, Ralph
(4 folders)
BOX 59 REEL 44-45 1940-1944
(5 folders)
BOX 60 REEL 45-46 1944-1948
(8 folders)
BOX 61 REEL 46 1948-1954
(3 folders)
Comic strips, 1916-1952
(2 folders)
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