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Joseph Pulitzer papers, 1897-1958

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Business File, 1910-1955 (continued)
BOX 64 REEL 49 1923-1930
St. Louis Star-Times, 1928-1940
(5 folders)
St. Louis Times, 1918-1932
(2 folders)
Conrey, Art Department
BOX 65 REEL 50-51 Consolidated Press Association, 1921-1930
(2 folders)
Contempt of court case, 1940
Contracts, 1910-1924
Cost control, 1946
Cost of living figures, 1942; 1945
Costello, John, 1941
Crowley, R. L.
(3 folders)
BOX 66 REEL 51-52 1953-1955
(3 folders)
Darling, J. N., 1915
DeCrowell, William, 1930
Dietrich, B. J.
Dilliard, Irving
(2 folders)
BOX 67 REEL 52-53 1948-1954
(5 folders)
BOX 68 REEL 54 1954, undated
Donations and subscriptions, 1913-1931
Driscoll, Joseph, 1948-1952
Editorial costs, 1939
Editorial page
Agriculture, 1918-1954
American Telephone and Telegraph Co., 1947-1949
Atomic bomb and energy, 1946-1950
Big business and Dwight D Eisenhower, 1924-1925
Book reviews, 1940-1943, 1946
Cannon case, 1942-1943
BOX 69 REEL 54-55 Censorship, 1942
Child labor, 1937
City-county cooperation, 1954
Civil liberties, 1948-1955
Coal strike, 1943
Committee for Economic Development, 1951-1953
Communism, 1948-1955
Compliments and criticism, 1951-1955
Congress of Industrial Organizations, Political Action Committee, 1944
Conservation, 1951
Constitution, 1940, 1942
Constitutional amendments, 1937-1938, 1944
Costs, 1939, 1946
Defense, 1951, 1953-1954
Editorial applicants, 1943, 1945-1946
Editorials, 1943-1946
BOX 70 REEL 56 Edmundson, Charles, 1946
Fair trade laws, 1952
Far East foreign policy, 1952-1955
Foreign affairs, 1951-1955
Freedom of information, 1950-1953
BOX 71 REEL 56-57 1949-1951
Hannegan, Robert, 1942
Health insurance, 1949-1951, 1953
Italy, 1948
Jehovah's Witnesses, 1942-1943
Kirschten, Ernest, 1947, 1949-1950
Kline, Henry B., 1944-1950
Knauff, Ellen, 1950-1952
General, 1936-1938, 1952-1953
Taft-Hartley legislation, 1952, 1954
(2 folders)
BOX 72 REEL 57-58 1947-1951
(2 folders)
Letters to the editor, 1939-1954
(2 folders)
McCarthy, Joseph R., 1950-1954
Milton, George Fort, 1944-1945
(2 folders)
Mirror of public opinion, 1952
Missouri politics
BOX 73 REEL 58-59 1944-1954
Missouri Valley Authority and Tennessee Valley Authority, 1943-1945
(2 folders)
National politics
BOX 74 REEL 59-60 1948-1950
Nuremberg trials, 1945-1946
(2 folders)
Pauley, Edwin M., 1946
Policemen's Union, 1945
Politicians, 1953-1954
Presidential campaign, 1952
(1 folder)
BOX 75
REEL 60-61
(1 folder)
Prohibition, 1931-1932
Public utilities, 1933-1947
Randolph, Robert A., 1942
Reed, James A., 1921-1922
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1945
Ross, Charles G., 1936-1937
St. Louis, Mo., politics, 1920-1941
(2 folders)
BOX 76 REEL 61-62 Slum clearance, 1945-1954
(2 folders)
Smith Act, 1954
Smoke elimination, 1939-1943
Staff communications, 1942-1947, 1950
Stassen, Harold, 1947-1948
Steel seizure, 1952
Subscribers, 1930
Supreme Court, 1937
Symposium, “What We Are Fighting For,” 1943-1944
BOX 77 REEL 62-63 Taft-Hartley Act, 1946-1950
(2 folders)
(2 folders)
Terral, Rufus, 1946-1949
Toledo Plan, 1946-1947
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