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William Sowden Sims papers, 1856-1951

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Addition, 1884-1951 (continued)
BOX 145 Jellicoe, John R., 1920
Kittredge, Tracy B., 1919-1940
(2 folders)
Letters of congratulations, 1917-1930
(2 folders)
Little, Brown & Co., 1936
McKean, Josiah, 1913-1919
Moses, Edward P., 1920
Niblack, Albert P., 1918-1919
O'Laughlin, John Callan, 1925
Pleadwell, Frank L., 1916-1919
Pollen, A. H., 1918
Poundstone, Homer C., 1903-1936
Pringle, Joel Roberts Poinsett, 1918
Rathom, Joel R., 1922
Retirement letters, 1922
Reuterdahl, Henry, 1919-1928
Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1936
Rodgers, Raymond, 1917
St. George's School, Newport, R. I., 1919-1935
Sims, Gordon, 1919
Stark, Harold R., 1920-1932
Symington, Powers, 1914-1920
Tobey, E. C., 1919-1921
Voysey, Charles, A., 1917-1938
Voysey, Violet, 1917-1938
White, R. Drace, 1908-1912
BOX 146 Speech, article, and book file
1904-1935, undated
(3 folders)
Article file, 1904-1935
“The Practice Character of the Naval War College,” 1912
Articles about Sims, 1936, undated
Lecture tour managers, 1919-1932
Pound Lecture Bureau, 1920-1922
Speaking engagements, 1914-1924
Notes, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 147 Miscellany, 1894-1950
Biographical material, 1916-1929
Birthday greetings, 1914-1922
Books given to Sims, 1918-1923
Calendars, 1932-1935
California trip, 1923
(3 folders)
BOX 148 Cards
Christmas cards, 1917-1936
(2 folders)
Christmas letters, 1917
Claims of relationship with the Sims family, 1917-1935
(2 folders)
Articles about Sims, 1909-1937
Death and funeral, 1936
BOX 149 Farewell letters, 1919
Financial papers, 1917-1935
Funeral and estate, 1936
Gifts of books, 1918-1932
Gifts to Sims, 1910-1926
(2 folders)
Honors, academic and military, 1906-1936
Invitation file
(6 folders)
BOX 150 1919-1925
(7 folders)
Boston, Mass., 1923-1926
(2 folders)
Invitation and speaking engagements, 1913-1934
Newport, R. I.
BOX 151 Given and received, 1923-1934, undated
(2 folders)
List of names, undated
Namesakes and godchildren, 1918-1933
Naval matters, 1907-1935
Newport, R.I.
City manager plan, 1926-1927
Public life, 1916-1932
Photographs and portraits
Langiér, A., 1917-1925
Quistgaard, J. W., 1913-1928
Resco, Micheline, 1922-1923
Photographs of portraits, 1913-1915, 1933, undated
Photographs and portraits of Sims, 1917-1937
BOX 152 Request for photographs, 1909-1936
Printed matter, 1894-1940
(2 folders)
Programs and menus, 1905-1918
(2 folders)
BOX 153 Programs and menus, 1918-1936
(2 folders)
Requests for autographs, 1918-1936
Miscellaneous, 1905-1906, 1919, undated
Unfinished business, 1918-1939
BOX OV 1 Oversize
Arranged and described according to the series, container, and folder from which they were removed.
BOX OV 1 Miscellany
Photographs (Container 113)

Contents List