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United States. American Commission to Negotiate Peace records, 1898-1919

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BOX 1-2 State Department Intelligence Reports, 1914-1919
Despatches, daily news and intelligence summaries, reports, and memoranda.
Arranged alphabetically according to type of material.
BOX 1 Daily news summaries, 25 May-3 June 1918
Garret, John W., the Hague, 1918
Guthrie, George W., Japan, 1916
Smith, F. Willoughby, Russia, 1914
Memorandum from Tokyo, Japan, 1914
Reports, Yale, William, concerning events in the Middle East, 1917-1919
(36 folders)
BOX 2 Intelligence summaries, France, 31 Dec. 1919-25 June 1919
(4 folders)
BOX 3-4 Economics Reports, 1918-1919
Articles and reports on economic conditions.
Arranged alphabetically by name of author.
BOX 3 Appleton, Henri, "Effects of the Annexation of Territories upon the Debts of the State Annexed or Dismembered and upon Those of Provinces, Departments, etc., Annexed," undated
Fairchild, Fred Rogers, "Report upon the Public Debt of the Principal Countries," vols. 1-2
Joseph, Samuel, "Immigration as an International Problem," 1918
Marsh, Margaret Grant
"The Brussels Sugar Convention," undated
"Measurements of Vessels," undated
Prion, Willi, "The Paris Economic Conference," translation of that part of the article called remarks, undated
United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, "Forest Resources of the World: Their Extent, Utilization and Economic Importance, 1918
United States Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, "Mineral Production of the World for 1913 . . .," undated
Veblen, Thorstein B., "Memorandum–Outline of a Policy for the Control of the 'Economic Penetration' of Backward Countries and of Foreign Investments," undated
Young, A. A., "International Agreements with Respect to Unfair Competition," undated
BOX 4 Miscellaneous
The Secretariat, Committee on Restriction of Supplies and Commerce of the Enemy, Ministry of the Blockade and Liberated Regions, "Food Rations in the Belligerent Armies on the Western Front," 1916
"Forest Area, Production and Consumption of Different Countries," 1918
"The Future Tendencies of the World Timber Trade," undated
"Skouriotissa Cupriferous Pyrate Mine Island of Cyprus," with attached copy of the lease of the Cyprus Mining Co., owner of the mine, undated
BOX 4-10 International Law, 1898-1919
Articles, reports, and pamphlets on international law.
Arranged alphabetically by name of author.
BOX 4 Cavaglieri, Arrigo, "The Doctrine of the Succession of State to State and Its Legal Value," undated
Chamberlain, J. P., "Sanctions of International Law," and "Comment on Mr. Chamberlain's Memorandum," undated
Crocker, Henry G., "The Extent of the Marginal Sea in International Law," 1918
(4 folders)
BOX 5 Fusinato, Guido, "Territorial Changes, Their Judicial Bases and Their Consequences," for translation, undated
Gregory, Charles Noble
"Abstract of Cases Contained in Lloyd's Reports of Prize Cases," vols. 1-4, 1919
"The Destruction of Prizes," 1918
Haas, Edith, translator, "The Preliminaries of the Conference of London," by G. Troubetzkol, from the Review d'Histoire Diplomatique, vol. XXIII, undated
Huber, Max, "The Succession of States: International Practice in the Nineteenth Century," 1898
Munro, Henry, "The Berlin Congress," 1918
Sayre, Francis B., "Experiments in International Administration," 1918
BOX 6 Snow, Alpheus H., editor, "The Question of Aborigines in the Law and Practice of Nations: A Collection of Authorities and Documents," 1918
Taussig, F. W., "Colonial Tariffs and the Open Door," undated
Willoughby, W. W., and Charles G. Fenwick, "States Less Than Sovereign," 1918
(2 folders)
"Treaties: A Summary Memorandum," undated
Pamphlets relating to international law
Government Publications Office
Fenwick, Charles G., Wardship in International Law, 1919
Hyde, Charles Cheney
Blockade, 1918
Certain Effects of Change of Sovereignty, 1919
International Rivers, 1918
Land Warfare, 1918
Maritime War, 1918
National Character in Relation to Property in Time of War, 1918
Neutral Persons and Property within Belligerent Territory, 1919
Langner, Lawrence, and William Wallace White, Basic Patent and Trade-Mark Laws of the Principal Belligerent Powers . . ., 1919
Meurer, Christian, The Program of Freedom of the Seas, 1919
Miller, David Hunter, Secret Statutes of the United States, a Memorandum, 1918
Munro, Henry F., The Berlin Congress, 1918
BOX 7 Snow, Alpheus Henry, The Question of Aborigines in the Law and Practice of Nations, 1919
Warren, Frank Lord, Jr., The Neutrality of Belgium, 1918
Willoughby, W. W., and Charles G. Fenwick, Types of Restricted Sovereignty and of Colonial Autonomy, 1919
Declarations of War Severances of Diplomatic Relations 1914-18, 1919
Neutrality Proclamations 1914-18, 1919
Intelligence Department, Naval Staff, Bosnia Geography, 1918
Lansing, Robert, The Relation of International Law to Fundamental Rights, 1919
Memorandum on the Reciprocal Adjustments of Rights and Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights Pending the War, 1919
Preliminary Report of the Committee of the American Society of International Law on the Codification of Principles of Justice in Times of Peace between Nations, Appointed under the Resolution of the Society of April 24, 1909, 1919
BOX 8 Reports
"Annexations of Territory and their Principal Consequences," undated
""A Brief Statement concerning the Early History of Sovereignty of the Sea Down to the Publication of Grotius' Mare Liberum in 1609," undated
"Controversies between States of the American Union," undated Debates in the British Parliament on the Naval Prize Bill and the Declaration of London, 1911-12, 1918, galley proofs
(3 folders)
BOX 9 Debates in the British Parliament, 1911-12, on the Declaration of London and the Naval Prize Bill, page proofs, 1919
(4 folders)
The Proceedings of the Hague Peace Conferences, Conference of 1907, Volume III, Meetings of the Second, Third and Fourth Commissions, galley proofs of the second half of the English edition, undated
BOX 10 United States Constitution, typewritten, library copy, undated
British House of Lords debate proceedings, circa 1900
(3 folders)
BOX 10 International Organizations, 1918
Articles and reports relating to international organizations.
Arranged alphabetically by name of author.
BOX 10 Bryce, James, letter extract, undated
Jaffe, William, "Synopsis of a Review of Die Gestaltung des Völkerrechts nach Weltkrieg," by Professor Nippold, 1918
Lippmann, Walter, "League of Nations," undated
BOX 10-11 International Relations Reports, 1918
Articles, reports, and pamphlets on international relations.
Articles and reports are arranged alphabetically by name of author. Pamphlets are grouped separately and arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX 10 Beer, George Louis, "Abstract of George Louis Beer's Paper Entitled International Control of Tropical Dependencies," undated
Brooks, Charles S., "Index to Certain English Periodicals 1908-18," 1918
Cook, E. Cozens, review of Welt-Zuckerindustrie und Internationales und Kiloniales Recht, by Wilhelm Kaufmann
Smith, David Eugene, "Suggestions relating to International Currency," 1918
BOX 11 Pamphlets concerning international relations
Proceedings of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference, 1918
"Rose Book" of Chile, 1918
"Texts of the Finland 'Peace,'" 1918
"Texts of the Roumanian 'Peace,'" 1918
"Texts of the Russian 'Peace,'" 1918
"Texts of the Ukraine 'Peace,'" 1918
BOX 11-42 Special Reports on Countries, Peoples, and Regions, 1917-1919
Articles, memoranda, reports, pamphlets, and miscellaneous material with attached and related material such as charts, maps, transcriptions, bibliographies, and abstracts.
Arranged by name of country or region and therein according to author, compiler, transcriber, or editor.
BOX 11 Africa
Andrews, G. F., "French North Africa," 1918
(2 folders)
BOX 12 Beer, George Louis
"Central Africa, The Economic Aspects of the Problem," 1918
"Egyptian Problems," 1918
(2 folders)
"The German Colonies in Africa," 1918
(2 folders)
BOX 13 "Middle Africa, Problems of International Cooperation and Control," 1918
Fay, Sidney B., "Conditions of the German Colonies in Africa in 1914," 1918
Hannah, Ian, "South and East Africa," undated
LePlae, Edmund, "The Belgian Congo during the War", undated
Jones, R. W., "Notes on the Topography of Nigeria," undated
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