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Brand Whitlock papers, 1890-1934

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Literary File, circa 1895-1933 (continued)
"The House Across the Street," manuscript
Frank Hunt Hurd
"In Time of War and Tumults"
"In the Tempest of the Revolution"
"J. Bonapart Jones," poem by Whitlock
"J. Hardin and Son," photostat of partial manuscript
"J. Hardin and Son," partial manuscript
Tom Johnson; articles by Whitlock
Sam Jones, introduction to his letters by Whitlock
"Karla," manuscript in two drafts
BOX 74 "Lafayette"
Original manuscripts
Pages 1-999
BOX 75 Pages 1000-2212
BOX 76 Pages 2213-2926
BOX 77 Pages 3094-7516
BOX 78 First revision
Pages 1-739
BOX 79 Pages 740-1705
BOX 80 Second revision
Page 732
BOX 81 Pages 733-1730
BOX 82 Final revision
Pages 1-714
BOX 83 Pages 715-1277
BOX 84 "A Last Message" in Today's Problems, 1910
"Lead Us Not into Temptation," Saturday Evening Post, 27 May 1911
"Life of Lincoln," manuscript
Abraham Lincoln, outline of article
"Life of Lincoln," preface to the third edition
Comment on Lincoln by Whitlock, June 1925
"Lines on a Debtor"
Literature, 1914
American literature
"The Lynching of Lincoln Brooks," 18 Nov. 1897
"Malachi Nolan," Ainalco's Magazine
"The Materialist," poem by Whitlock, 1 Apr. 1908
"Meanest Town in United States"
"The Moral Element in Fiction"
"Municipal Government," manuscript
BOX 85 "Narcissus," original manuscript, revised draft, and final draft; also French translation
BOX 86 "Ohio and the Ohio Man," American Magazine, Nov. 1917
"Ohio and the Ohio Man," manuscript
"On Little Traverse Bay," poem by Whitlock
"On a Lincoln Penny," poem by Whitlock
"The Orator of the Day," manuscript
"The Orator of the Day," Saturday Evening Post, 6 July 1907
"The Pardon of Thomas Whalen," manuscript and printed in Ainslee's Magazine
Miscellaneous poems by Whitlock
"The Poet," short story by Whitlock
Political situation in the United States, summer 1924
"The Preacher's Son," manuscript
"Presumption," poem by Whitlock, Aug. 1899
"Francis Rabelais," introduction by Whitlock
Review of "True Love," by Whitlock
"Ridgeway Hill," partial manuscript
Franklin D. Roosevelt
"The Rule in Shelly's Case," 11 Apr. 1893
"Senate Bill 578," Saturday Evening Post
"The Sleeping Column," Saturday Evening Post, 5 Dec. 1908
"Speaker of the House," outline
"The Story of a Country Town," introduction by Whitlock, Jan. 1933
"The Story of a Personal Item"
"That Boy"
"Thieves Slaves," glossary
BOX 87 "The Thirteenth District"
Partial manuscript, first draft
BOX 88 Second draft
BOX 89 Final draft
BOX 90 "The Turn of the Balance"
First draft
Parts I and II
BOX 91 Parts II and III
BOX 92 Part IV
BOX 93 Part V
BOX 94 Part V
BOX 95 Second draft
BOX 96 Final draft
BOX 97 "The Vindication of Henderson of Greene," manuscript
"What Peter Larus Told Me on the Back at Little Traverse," poem by Whitlock
"What the Millions Want"
Whether the People Are to Be Ruled or Rule," outline
"About Walt Whitman," Conservator, Aug. 1907
"Why I Like to Live Abroad," manuscript
"Why We Should Buy Books"
"A Window on Oxford Street," poem by Whitlock
"Women and Democracy," Metropolitan, 1912
"Poems sent to or collected by Whitlock
Poems of Walt Whitman and notes
BOX 98 "Beaver Island," review
"Belgium," review in New Yorker
"For Congress, Gerome B. Garwood," review, 10 Dec. 1901
"Forty Years of It," review in Commonwealth, Nov. 1925
Influence of "Forty Years of It"
Belgian review of "Forty Years of It"
"Her Infinite Variety," review
"J. Hardin and Son," review in Plain Talk
"Lafayette," reviews
"Letters and Journal of Brand Whitlock," introduction by Newton Diehl Baker
"Narcissus," review
"Strength of Sin," reviews, June 1906
"The Thirteenth District"
Comment by Grover Cleveland, 15 Oct. 1903
Comment by William Dean Howells, Dec. 1902
"The Turn of the Balance," reviews, Mar. and Apr. 1907, 1908
Sermon on "The Turn of the Balance"
"Has Brand Whitlock Told the Truth?" reviews on "The Turn of the Balance"
"Uprooted," reviews
"Brand Whitlock, Mayor Elect of Toledo," World
Interview with Whitlock
Articles on Whitlock, Sept.-Oct. 1934
"Brand Whitlock, Novelist, Lawyer, Mayor," Saturday Evening Post, 17 Nov. 1906
"A Political Novelist and More," by William Dean Howells
Funeral discourse by M. de Leval for Whitlock, circa May 1934
Résumé of Mayor Whitlock's work in campaign book, 1907
Testimonial dinner in honor of Whitlock, 7 Dec. 1915
Service in memory of Whitlock, Sept. 1934
Pamphlet on Whitlock and his works in French, 1935
Whitlock genealogy
Delineation of Whitlock's character by a graphologist, 18 Oct. 1906
Horoscope of Whitlock, 1907
Biographical sketches of Whitlock
BOX 99 Miscellaneous notes of Whitlock's
BOX 100 Unidentified manuscripts and fragments
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