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Brand Whitlock papers, 1890-1934

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BOX 57-58 Miscellaneous Correspondence
Unarranged correspondence and duplicate letters sent and received.
Organized in separate groups.
BOX 57not filmed Unarranged
BOX 58not filmed Duplicates of letters received and sent
BOX 59-63 REEL 27-28 Subject File, circa 1890-1922
File pertaining to Belgium and Toledo, Ohio.
Containers 62 (in part) and 63 have been reproduced on microfilm shelf no. 20,471, negative reels 27-28 (not a service copy).
BOX 59not filmed Belgium
Affidavits and testimonies on treatment of civil population, 1914
List of diplomatic agents of United States to Belgium, (1832-1914), 10 July 1915
King Albert I, King of the Belgians, speech at Toledo, 7 Oct. 1919
Effect of American note, 20 Apr. 1916
American Red Cross medallions
Conditions in Antwerp, 18 Aug. 1914
Photostat of "Avis" on use of Belgians, 21 Oct. 1914
Atrocities, testimonials, 1914, 1915
Address by Baron von Bissing
Battle reports
Booklets on Belgian situation, 1914, 1915
Critical bibliography on Belgian spirit
Bibliography on history of Belgium
Notes on Belgian bishops, 24 Nov. 1915
Effect of occupation on Brussels
Burgermeister of Antwerp
Cardinal Mercier letters to von Bissing, 24 Apr. 1916
Edith Cavell, 10 and 12, Oct. 1915
Ceremony at Hotel de Ville
Civil government
Comité National
Communiques from European newspapers, 11, 12, and 14 Oct. 1916
List of Belgians shot or imprisoned by Germans [?]
Conditions in Belgium, 30 Aug. 1917
Conference of Burgermeister of Malines and civil commissar, 8 May 1915
Conference of London, 1830-1833
Conscription of Belgians into German army, 28 Mar. 1918
Consiel Communals
Frans and Alfred Courtens
Death of King Albert
"Daux Drapeaux et une idea, poem by the Spanish minister in Belgium
Checklist of naval and military events by date, 1914, 1915
German administration in Belgium, 2 Sept. 1916
BOX 60not filmed English Red Cross in Belgium, 1915
L'Eventail on Whitlock
Extract on history of Belgium
Belgium under the German occupation, 39 June 1915
Extract on the history of the Belgium flag
Festivities in Belgium, 4 Aug. 1924
First days of the war, Aug. 1914
Flemish problem
Address by Louis Franck
German laws in Belgium
German occupational conditions, 22 Apr. 1915
Alexander Halot and prison sentence
Honors bestowed upon Whitlock by the Belgians, 1919
Indemnity, Feb. 1915
Belgians honor U.S. Independence Day, 4 July 1918
BOX 61not filmed Belgian integrity
Article on the king and queen
"La Belgique aux Etats-Unis D'Amerique, a poem
La Collegiale de Brusselles
Lille and Indomnity, 23 Jan. 1915
Loans to farmers
Military governor
Military movements
Comte von Moltke
National anthem
News despatches on the war, circa Mar. 1917
News despatches, 1916
Belgian newspapers sent to London, 1914, 1915
Burgermeister Lemonnier, 12 Aug. 1916
Notes and bibliography on the history of Belgium
Note of thanks to Whitlock for U.S. aid, 19 July 1919
German notices, 1915
Notices, regulations, and other items, by von Bissing
Orders concerning Belgian men, 7 Nov. 1916
Note to papal nonce, 28 June 1922
Reunion of Parliament
Persons to whom Whitlock medallions were sent
Right of ownership of pigeons, 9 Sept. 1916
Poem on Belgian destitute
Press release on vacation of Whitlock
Belgian prisoners
Protest of Belgian government to Germans
Regulations under the occupation, Mar.-Apr. 1915
Relief in Belgium, 1914-1917
Removal of American legation
Requisitions imposed upon Belgians by the Germans
Royal Commission of Patronages
Ruhr Valley
Russian relations
Situation under the occupation, 1917
Belgian songs
Syllabus of parliamentary history, 1922
Count Torring
Article, "Under the Occupation," by Whitlock, 1918
United States role in European war
The Villalobar monster, article on the Spanish minister, Jan. 1934
Visit to United States of king and queen, 1919
War conditions, Mar. 1917
White Book, May 1915
Madame Wiart condemned to prison, May 1915
Itinerary of President Wilson in Belgium
Zimmerman Note, 31 Jan. 1917
BOX 62 REEL 27 Toledo, Ohio
John Peter Altgeld, 25 June 1917
Tablets on grave of John Peter Altgeld, 1902
Application for bond, 1913
Application of congressional representative of Ohio, 1909
Appointment book, occasional entries, 1909
Arrests made, July 1900-1909
Availability of Whitlock
Resolution of barbers union
Bonds of city of Cleveland, Ohio, 5 July 1912
Bridge contract, 3 Mar. 1910
Bridge controversy, 29 Sept. 1906
Bridge erection
Campaign books, 1907, 1909
Political cartoons of Toledo News Bee, 1907
Certificates of membership and election, 1888-1913
Cherry St. Bridge statistics
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