The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Edith Bolling Galt Wilson papers, 1833-1961
General Correspondence and Related Papers, 1908-1961 (continued)
Harrison, Altrude [nee Altrude Gordon, Altrude Grayson], 1915-1959 See also Container 19, Grayson, Cary T.
Hatch, Alden, 1945-1961
Heath, D. C. & Co., 1924-1938
Helm, Edith Benham, 1916-1930
Hitchcock, Martha H. (Mrs. Gilbert M.), 1934-1960
BOX 21 Holt, Hamilton, 1925
Hoover, Herbert and Lou Henry, 1927-1958
Hoover, Irwin H., 1916-1926
Houghton-Mifflin Co., 1925-1942
House, Edward Mandell, 1925
Houston, David F., 1925-1926
Howard, Sir Esme, 1927
Hughes, Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles Evans Hughes), 1933
Hulbert, Mary Allen (“Mrs. Peck”), 1915
Hull, Cordell, 1930-1951
Hurley, Edward M., 1920-1940
“I” miscellaneous
“J” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
Jaffray, Elizabeth, 1920-1924
James, Marquis See also Containers 45-54, My Memoir
BOX 22 1938-1944
Jefferson (Thomas) Memorial Foundation, 1924-1927
Johnson, Evangeline See Container 33, Stokowski, Leopold and Evangeline
Johnson, Lyndon B., 1955
Johnson, Robert Underwood, 1921-1927
Jones, Jesse H., 1921-1957
Jusserand, Jules J., 1918-1925
“K” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Kennedy, John F. and Jacqueline, 1960-1962
Keyes, Frances Parkington, 1927
BOX 23 “L” miscellaneous
(7 folders)
Langdon, William C., 1928
Lansing, Robert, 1916-1919
Lawrence, David, 1928-1960
League of Nations, 1924-1944 See also Container 33, Sweetser, Arthur
Lesh, Paul E. See Container 36, White, Enoch; and Container 56, Legal records
BOX 24 1925-1944
Liberty National Bank, 1932-1938
Library of Congress, 1924-1961 See also Container 11, Katharine E. Brand
BOX 25 Life Magazine, 1942-1956
Little Brown & Co., 1924-1934
Lloyd George, David , 1919-1923
Low, Sir A. Maurice, 1925-1926
“M” miscellaneous
(8 folders)
BOX 26 “Mc” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
McAdoo, Eleanor Wilson, 1924-1061
McAdoo, William G., 1915-1930
McCormick, Cyrus H., 1924-1936
BOX 27 McElroy, Alice Wilson, 1927-1960 See also Container 36, Wilson, Joseph R., family
MacKenzie-King, William, 1955
Malone, Dudley Field, 1915
Marshall, George C., 1945
Marshall, Thomas R., 1915-1954
Masarky, Frances, 1925-1928
Maury family, 1915-1916
Meredith, Edwin T., 1924-1953
Mesta, Perle, 1944-1959
Meyer, Agnes E., 1935
Miller, David Hunter, 1924-1928
Morgenthau, Henry (1856-1946), 1916-1934
Motter, Vail, 1932-1961
Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1924-1925
“N” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
National Cathedral, Washington, D.C., 1924-1946
National Recovery Administration, 1933-1934
New York Southern Society, 1932
New York Times (Louis Wiley), 1925-1929
New York World (Ralph Pulitzer), 1924-1925
“O” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 28 “P” miscellaneous
(7 folders)
Paderewski, Ignace Jan, 1915-1962
Page, Mrs. Walter Hines (Willa Alice Wilson), 1924-1925
Palmer, Alexander Mitchell, 1932-1961
Palmer, Frederick, 1930
Payne, John Barton, 1924-1932
Peabody, George Foster, 1922-1923
Peabody, Katrina Trask, 1920
BOX 29 Pennington, Louis, 1918-1949
Pershing, John J., 1919-1920
Poland, 1928-1945
Polk, Frank L., 1920-1943
Pollack, Channing, 1925
Postmaster, Washington, D.C., 1926-1941
Postmaster General, 1924-1940
Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., 1924-1961 See also Container 14, Harold W. Dodds
Putnam, G. P., and sons, 1939-1945
“Q” miscellaneous
“R” miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 30 (4 folders)
Randolph, Harrison, 1915-1928
Reading, Lord Rufus Daniel Isaacs, 1933
Redfield, William C., 1924-1926
Reid, Edith G., 1915-1933
Reid, Ogden, 1927
Rembski, Stanislav, 1946-1960
Review of Reviews, 1924
Rickenbacker, Edward V., 1935
Rinehart, Mary Roberts and Stanley, 1934-1956
Romania, 1926-1927
Romulo, Carlos P., 1957
Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Eleanor, 1926-1961
Roosevelt, Eleanor Butler, 1940
Rowe, Leo S., 1925-1945
Ruffin, Sterling, 1905-1939
Rusk, Howard A., 1957-1961
“S” miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 31 (5 folders)
BOX 32 (2 folders)
Sachs, Isaiah Holsaak, 1928-1932
Saturday Evening Post, 1938-1943
Sayre, Francis B., and family, 1915-1962
Seibold, Louis, 1919-1941
Seymour, Charles, 1925-1929
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