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Edith Bolling Galt Wilson papers, 1833-1961

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Sporadically kept notes.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 1 1907, 1909, 1935
BOX 1-3 Family Correspondence, 1833-1946
Letters sent and received and copies of letters sent to members of Wilson's immediate family. Includes a few early family letters and miscellaneous drafts by Wilson.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 1 1833-1850
BOX 2 1916-1929
BOX 3 1930-1946, undated
BOX 4-43 General Correspondence and Related Papers, 1908-1961
General Correspondence including with distant relatives.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent or organization, with separate folders for important or frequent correspondents.
BOX 4 “A” miscellaneous
Alderman, Edwin A., 1924-1945
Almond, J. Lindsay, 1957-1961
Alsop, Em Bowles, 1961 See also Containers 37-38, Woodrow Wilson Birthplace Foundation
American Legion, 1924-1945
American Red Cross, 1918-1955
BOX 5 Andrew, Minnigerode, 1927-1931
Arliss, George, undated
Axson, Stockton, 1915-1928
“B” miscellaneous
(6 folders)
BOX 6 (3 folders)
Baker, Newton Diehl, 1913-1932
Baker, Ray Stannard
(2 folders)
BOX 7 1927-1932
(10 folders)
BOX 8 1933-1946
(9 folders)
BOX 9 Bakhmeteff, Boris A., 1927
Balfour, Arthur, 1919-1921
Baruch, Belle, 1924-1961
Baruch, Bernard M., 1919-1961
Benham, Edith See Container 20, Helm, Edith Benham
Berry, Martha, 1930-1941
Bingham, Robert W., 1921
Blair, Henry W., 1945
Bobbs-Merrill Co.
BOX 10 1939-1953
Bok, Edward W., 1924-1926
Bolitho, Hector, 1957-1961
Bolling family, 1915-1961
Bones, Helen, 1915-1961
Bowers, Claude G., 1934-1956
BOX 11 Brand, Katharine E., 1939-1952 See also Container 24, Library of Congress
Bridges, Robert, 1928
Brownlow, Louis, 1924, 1956
Bullock, Helen D., 1956-1960 See also Container 42, Woodrow Wilson “S” Street House
Byrd, Harry F., 1928-1959
“C” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 12 (5 folders)
Canada property, 1927-1945
Cantacuzene, Madame Julia, 1949-1954
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 1926
Cecil, Lord Robert, 1924
Civil War Centennial Commission, 1958
Clark, John H., undated
Clemenceau, Georges, undated
Cleveland, Frances Folsom, undated
Close, Gilbert F., 1919
Cobb, Frank J., 1921
Colby, Bainbridge, 1925-1930
Columbia University Press, 1925-1960
Coolidge, Calvin, 1924-1933
Cootes, F. Graham, 1933-1946
Covington, J. Harry, 1925-1927
Crane, Charles Richard, 1915-1940
BOX 13 Cranston, Ruth, 1943-1946
Creel, George, 1918-1945
Crum and Ferguson, architects, 1924-1925
Czechoslovak Legation, 1926-1933
“D” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 14 Daniels, Josephus, 1916-1947
Davidson College, Davidson, N.C., 1925-1956
Davies, Joseph Edward., 1928-1961
Davis, John W., 1924-1940
Davis, Norman H., 1921-1938
Day, Donald, 1951-1954
Delano, Frederic A., 1924-1929
Democratic National Committee, 1921-1960
District of Columbia, 1925-1944
Dodd, William E., 1921-1938
Dodds, Harold W., 1945-1956 See also Container 29, Princeton University
Dodge, Cleveland H., 1920-1926
BOX 15 Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1924-1949
Drain, Dale D., 1953-1957
Dumont, Frederick F., 1915-1918
Du Pont, Jesse Ball (Mrs. Alfred I.), 1933-1961
“E” miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Eisenhower, Dwight D. and Mamie Doud, 1954-1961
Elliott, Edward G. (brother-in-law of Woodrow Wilson), 1915-1957
BOX 16 “F” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
Finley, David E., 1934-1960
Finley, John H., 1935
Fitzgerald, Geraldine, undated
Flavin, Arthur T., 1924-1934
BOX 17 Foley, Hamilton, 1924-1941
Forster, Rudolph, 1921
Fortunato, Vladimir, 1924-1925
Fosdick, Raymond B., 1924-1961
“French Ambassador,” 1926-1927
Frishmuth, Harriet W., 1930-1931
Furman, Bess (Associated Press), 1932-1954
“G” miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 18 (4 folders)
Gaines, Francis P., 1933-1961
Galt family, 1885-1931
Gardener, Helen H., 1917-1925
Garfield, Harry A., 1924
Genthe, Arnold, 1915-1944
BOX 19 Gentry, Carline, 1925-1927
Gerard, James W., undated
Glass, Carter, 1924-1951
Graham, Frank P., 1927
Grant, Ulysses S. (1881-1968), 1958-1959
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