The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Edith Bolling Galt Wilson papers, 1833-1961
General Correspondence and Related Papers, 1908-1961 (continued)
Poland, 1928-1945
Polk, Frank L., 1920-1943
Pollack, Channing, 1925
Postmaster, Washington, D.C., 1926-1941
Postmaster General, 1924-1940
Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., 1924-1961 See also Container 14, Harold W. Dodds
Putnam, G. P., and sons, 1939-1945
“Q” miscellaneous
“R” miscellaneous
(4 folders)
BOX 30 (4 folders)
Randolph, Harrison, 1915-1928
Reading, Lord Rufus Daniel Isaacs, 1933
Redfield, William C., 1924-1926
Reid, Edith G., 1915-1933
Reid, Ogden, 1927
Rembski, Stanislav, 1946-1960
Review of Reviews, 1924
Rickenbacker, Edward V., 1935
Rinehart, Mary Roberts and Stanley, 1934-1956
Romania, 1926-1927
Romulo, Carlos P., 1957
Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Eleanor, 1926-1961
Roosevelt, Eleanor Butler, 1940
Rowe, Leo S., 1925-1945
Ruffin, Sterling, 1905-1939
Rusk, Howard A., 1957-1961
“S” miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 31 (5 folders)
BOX 32 (2 folders)
Sachs, Isaiah Holsaak, 1928-1932
Saturday Evening Post, 1938-1943
Sayre, Francis B., and family, 1915-1962
Seibold, Louis, 1919-1941
Seymour, Charles, 1925-1929
Sheldon, Edward W., 1917-1925
Shouse, Jouett, 1925-1930
Smith, Alfred E., 1928-1931
BOX 33 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ben, 1928-1960
Smith, Emily, 1940-1961 See also Containers 37-38, Woodrow Wilson Birthplace Foundation
Smith's Transfer and Storage Co., 1924-1956
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1920-1955
Sparkman, John, 1960-1961
Stamford, Earl of, 1924-1926
State Department, 1925-1945
Stephens (Brad) & Co., 1945-1946
Stettinius, Edward R., 1935-1947
Stevenson, Adlai E. (1900-1965), 1956-1959
Stimson, Henry L., 1929
Stokes, Frederick A., Co., 1926
Stokowski, Leopold and Evangeline (nee Johnson), 1923-1929
Strachey, Mrs. John St. Loe (Henrietta Mary Amy Simpson), 1930
Swanson, Claude A., 1923-1933
Sweetser, Arthur, 1924-1961 See also Container 23, League of Nations; and Containers 40-41, Woodrow Wilson Foundation; League of Nations
Swem, Charles L., 1924
Swope, Gerard, 1933
Swope, Herbert Bayard, 1944
“T” miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 34 Taft, William H., and family, 1924-1961
Tarbell, Ida M., 1917-1926
Taylor, James H., 1925-1956
Tedcastle, Mrs. Arthur W. (Agnes B. Vaughn), 1925-1940
Teusler, Rudolph B., 1914-1960
Tolentino, Guillermo E., 1920-1956
Toy, Nancy, 1921-1936
Trask, Katrina See Container 28, Peabody, Katrina Trask
Treasury Department, 1926-1945
Trotti, Lawar, 1944-1950
Truman, Harry S. and Bess, 1945-1958
Tsurumi, Yusuke, 1920-1935
Tumulty, Joseph P., 1919-1938
“U” miscellaneous
(2 folders)
Ury, A. Muller, 1935-1944
“V” miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 35 Van Dyke, Henry, 1924-1935
Virginia, state of, 1930-1932
Virginia, University of, Charlottesville, Va.
Alumni, 1927-1944
General, 1926-1934
“W” miscellaneous
(10 folders)
BOX 36 Wakefield National Memorial Association, 1924
Walsh, Thomas J., 1924-1926
Warren, Charles, 1916-1961
“We the People,” 1942-1944
Welles, Sumner, 1941
Westwood, Howard C., 1961
White, Enoch L., 1924-1925 See also Container 26, Lesh, Paul E.; and Container 56, Legal records
White, Henry, 1919-1926
White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., 1932-1934
Wickersham, George W., 1930-1934
Wilkins, Emily, 1954-1961
Wilson, Joseph R., family, 1921-1935 See also Container 27, McElroy, Alice Wilson
BOX 37 Wilson, Nathaniel, 1918-1922
Wilson, Woodrow Birthplace Foundation See also Container 4, Alsop, Em Bowles; and Container 33, Smith, Emily
BOX 38 1942-1962
BOX 39 Woodrow Wilson Centennial, 1954-1958
BOX 40 Woodrow Wilson Foundation
BOX 41 1950-1961
BOX 42 Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge
Woodrow Wilson Memorial Society
Woodrow Wilson memorials and institutions
Woodrow Wilson papers
Woodrow Wilson “S” Street House, Washington, D.C. See also Container 11, Bullock, Helen D.
Wise, Stephen S., 1925-1941
Women's National Democratic Club, Washington, D.C., 1916-1961
Woodrow family, 1933-1936
Wyrick Spring Co., 1921-1922
“Y” miscellaneous
“Z” miscellaneous
BOX 43 Unidentified
BOX 44 Messages of Condolence
Largely letters and telegrams received on the death of Mrs. Wilson, with a few copies of telegrams sent.
BOX 44 Death of Mrs. Wilson, 1961-1962
BOX 45-55 Writings File, 1929-1943
Holograph and typed drafts of Wilson's autobiography, My Memoir (Bobbs Merrill, 1938), with changes and emendations by her and her assistant, Marquis James. Also included are film scripts of a movie on the life of Woodrow Wilson written by Lamar Trotti. Related correspondence is included.
Arranged by type of writing.
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