| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
General Correspondence and Related
Papers, 1908-1961
(continued) |
BOX 33 |
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ben, 1928-1960
Smith, Emily, 1940-1961
See also Containers 37-38, Woodrow Wilson
Birthplace Foundation
Smith's Transfer and Storage Co., 1924-1956
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1920-1955
Sparkman, John, 1960-1961
Stamford, Earl of, 1924-1926
State Department, 1925-1945
Stephens (Brad) & Co., 1945-1946
Stettinius, Edward R., 1935-1947
Stevenson, Adlai E. (1900-1965), 1956-1959
Stimson, Henry L., 1929
Stokes, Frederick A., Co., 1926
Stokowski, Leopold and
Evangeline (nee Johnson), 1923-1929
Strachey, Mrs. John St. Loe (Henrietta Mary Amy
Simpson), 1930
Swanson, Claude A., 1923-1933
Sweetser, Arthur, 1924-1961
See also Container 23, League of Nations;
Containers 40-41, Woodrow Wilson Foundation;
League of Nations
Swem, Charles L., 1924
Swope, Gerard, 1933
Swope, Herbert Bayard, 1944
“T” miscellaneous |
(5 folders) |
BOX 34 |
Taft, William H., and family, 1924-1961
Tarbell, Ida M., 1917-1926
Taylor, James H., 1925-1956
Tedcastle, Mrs. Arthur W. (Agnes B. Vaughn),
Teusler, Rudolph B., 1914-1960
Tolentino, Guillermo E., 1920-1956
Toy, Nancy, 1921-1936
Trask, Katrina
See Container 28, Peabody, Katrina Trask
Treasury Department, 1926-1945
Trotti, Lawar, 1944-1950
Truman, Harry S. and Bess, 1945-1958
Tsurumi, Yusuke, 1920-1935
Tumulty, Joseph P., 1919-1938
“U” miscellaneous |
(2 folders) |
Ury, A. Muller, 1935-1944
“V” miscellaneous |
(3 folders) |
BOX 35 |
Van Dyke, Henry, 1924-1935
Virginia, state of, 1930-1932
Virginia, University of, Charlottesville,
Va. |
Alumni, 1927-1944
General, 1926-1934
“W” miscellaneous |
(10 folders) |
BOX 36 |
Wakefield National Memorial Association, 1924
Walsh, Thomas J., 1924-1926
Warren, Charles, 1916-1961
“We the People,” 1942-1944
Welles, Sumner, 1941
Westwood, Howard C., 1961
White, Enoch L., 1924-1925
See also Container 26, Lesh, Paul E.;
Container 56, Legal records
White, Henry, 1919-1926
White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., 1932-1934
Wickersham, George W., 1930-1934
Wilkins, Emily, 1954-1961
Wilson, Joseph R., family,
See also Container 27, McElroy, Alice
BOX 37 |
Wilson, Nathaniel, 1918-1922
Wilson, Woodrow
Birthplace Foundation
See also Container 4, Alsop, Em Bowles;
Container 33, Smith, Emily
BOX 38 |
BOX 39 |
Woodrow Wilson Centennial, 1954-1958
BOX 40 |
Woodrow Wilson
Foundation |
BOX 41 |
BOX 42 |
Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge |
Woodrow Wilson Memorial Society |
Woodrow Wilson memorials and
institutions |
Woodrow Wilson papers |
Woodrow Wilson “S”
Street House, Washington, D.C.
See also Container 11, Bullock, Helen D.
Wise, Stephen S., 1925-1941
Women's National Democratic Club, Washington,
D.C., 1916-1961
Woodrow family, 1933-1936
Wyrick Spring Co., 1921-1922
“Y” miscellaneous |
“Z” miscellaneous |
BOX 43 |
Unidentified |
Fragments |
BOX 44 |
Messages of Condolence
Largely letters and telegrams received on the death of Mrs. Wilson, with a few
copies of telegrams sent. |
Unarranged. |
BOX 44 |
Death of Mrs. Wilson, 1961-1962
BOX 45-55 |
Writings File, 1929-1943
Holograph and typed drafts of Wilson's autobiography, My Memoir (Bobbs Merrill, 1938), with changes and emendations by her and her
assistant, Marquis James. Also included are film scripts of a movie on the life of
Woodrow Wilson written by Lamar Trotti. Related correspondence is included. |
Arranged by type of writing. |
BOX 45-54 |
My Memoir, 1927-1940
See also Containers 21-22, James, Marquis
BOX 55 |
Film script of Woodrow Wilson, 1943
BOX 56 |
Legal File, 1898-1944
Miscellaneous papers relating to Wilson's ownership of Galt & Co. and to the
estate of Woodrow Wilson. |
Arranged by type of material or case. |
BOX 56 |
Legal records, including will
of Woodrow Wilson, 1898-1944
See also Container 23, Lesh, Paul E.;
Container 36, White, Enoch L.
BOX 57-61 |
Miscellany, 1860-1961
A sampling of invitations, greeting and calling cards; genealogical material;
lists of addresses and telephone numbers; poems; a sampling of White House form
letters; other memorabilia, including a play, “The Schoolmaster” by Helga Sanburg,
and The Democratic Book, 1936; and an edited copy of a diary kept at the White House by Ike
Hoover during President Woodrow Wilson's administration. |
Arranged by type of material. |
BOX 57 |
Memorabilia, copy of diary kept during Wilson's
administration by Ike Hoover |
BOX 58 |
Memorabilia |
Christmas cards |
Calling cards |
Invitations |
BOX 59 |
Notebooks |
World War II ration books |
Miscellaneous drafts and notes, undated
BOX 60 |
Photograph albums |
New York University Hospital, New York, N.Y.,
Presidential inaugural, 1961
“The Schoolmaster: Chronicle of a Prophet,” play
Helga Sandburg |
BOX 61 |
The Democratic Book (1936),
presentation copy |
BOX 62-64 |
Financial File, 1906-1961
Miscellaneous papers relating to personal financial matters, the Galt family
business, and to financial arrangements with publishers. A sampling of household
bills is included. |
Some material arranged alphabetically by name of financial institution, company,
or type of material. |
BOX 62 |
“Biographical Account, ”
See also Container 63, National Newark and
Essex Banking Co.
California property, 1953-1954
Canada Property, 1948-1955
Chatham Phoenix National Bank and Trust Co.,
Federal income tax returns, 1926-1931
Galt & Bro., 1906-1953
Harris, Forbes & Co., 1924-1933
BOX 63 |
Heath, D. C. & Co., 1924-1925
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1924-1947
Manufacturers Trust Co., 1943-1942
National Newark & Essex
Banking Co., 1925-1935
See also Container 62, “Biographical Account
Whiting, Weeks & Knowles, 1933-1946
Miscellaneous bills and receipts, 1942-1961
BOX 65-66 |
Printed Matter, Awards, and
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