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Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America. Diocese of Alaska records, 1733-1938

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Geographical File, 1733-1938 (continued)
St. Michael-Ikogmiut-Kolmakov, 1842-1934 (continued)
BOX D223 REEL 154 Clergy salary, 1846-1906
(4 folders)
Credit, 1845-1855
Cumulative, St. Michael Redoubt and Ikogmiut, 1917
Expenses, cumulative, St. Michael Redoubt, 1902-1911
Expenses, cumulative, St. Michael Redoubt and Ikogmiut, 1902-1921
Clergy salary, 1878-1884
(2 folders)
BOX D224 REEL 155 1890-1893
(3 folders)
(4 folders)
BOX D225 REEL 155 1892-1893
Income and expenses
(6 folders)
BOX D226 REEL 155 1896-1910
(6 folders)
Income, cumulative, 1902-1921
Kolmakov–Transfiguration Chapel, overall accounts, 1845-1866
St. Michael Redoubt
Alaska Commercial Company, complaint of non-payment, 1899
Income, cumulative, 1902-1906
Income and expenses
(2 folders)
BOX D227 REEL 155-156 1896-1908
(3 folders)
Separate report, income and expenses, 1842-1843
St. Michael Redoubt and Ikogmiut, overall accounts, 1845-1877
Savings accounts, 1876-1880
Separate accounts
Income, 1888
Income and expenses, 1878-1887
(2 folders)
Various accounts, 1847-1910
(2 folders)
BOX D228 REEL 156 Financial supplies
Church regalia, bells, books, candles, supplies, provisions, 1843-1913
(3 folders)
Icons for Andreevskaia Chapel, 1849
Icons for Ikogmiut, 1856-1857
Icons for Kolmakov Redoubt, 1844-1849
Icons for St. Michael Redoubt, 1843-1844
Ikogmiut–Holy Cross Church
Incoming, 1890-1891
Incoming and outgoing
(4 folders)
BOX OV D229 REEL 156 1860-1867, 1876-1878
(oversize volume)
BOX D230 REEL 156-157 1889-1902
(8 folders)
BOX D231 REEL 157 Outgoing, 1892
Separate reports, 1880-1885
Kholikichat Chapel, 1912
Medical supplies, 1851
Mission, 1877-1914
Receipts, shipping, 1891-1912
Received, 1863
St. Michael Redoubt
Incoming and outgoing, 1894-1895
Receipts, 1894-1914
Unalaska, request for supplies from, 1882
Unalaska, return of church regalia to, 1846
White-laced ledgers, 1846-1860
Wine, 1877-1894
Instructions, ecclesiastical
On record keeping, 1884-1885
Instructions, secular
Scientific research, 1846-1861
Ikogmiut–Holy Cross Church, 1848-1878
(3 folders)
BOX D232 REEL 157-158 Kolmakov–Transfiguration Chapel, 1845-1878
St. Michael Redoubt–Protection Chapel, 1845-1878
Yukon and Kuskokwim Parishes, 1845-1889
(4 folders)
Colin, Thomas, 1875
Lukin, Semen and Stepanov, Ivan, 1846-1848
Kalmakov, Roman, 1897
Kisselev, Savelii Vasiliev, 1846
Record ledger [1847-1882], request for, 1882-1883
Register, obyski with 1838 instructions, 1847-1882
Parish record
Cumulative, 1899
Parish records, church/clergy registers
Ikogmiut–Holy Cross Church, and other areas
(9 folders)
BOX D233 REEL 158-159 1860-1897
(27 folders)
BOX D234 REEL 159-160 1901-1922
(11 folders)
Cumulative, 1902-1921
St. Michael Redoubt–Protection Chapel, 1896-1917
(7 folders)
Cumulative, 1903-1906
St. Michael Redoubt and Kolmakov Redoubt, 1845-1850
(6 folders)
BOX D235 REEL 160 Parish records, church service registers (also education–school records and travel reports)
Ikogmiut–Holy Cross Church, and other areas
(17 folders)
BOX D236 REEL 160-161 1897-1917
(3 folders)
Parish records, church service registers
St. Michael Redoubt–Protection Chapel, 1894-1895
Parish records confession list
Confession of the clergy, 1904
Golovin, Grigorii, report by, 1843
Ikogmiut–Holy Cross Church, and other areas (including conversion reports)
(11 folders)
BOX D237 REEL 161-162 1861-1880
(11 folders)
BOX D238 REEL 163-164 1881-1888 See also Oversize
(8 folders)
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