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Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America. Diocese of Alaska records, 1733-1938

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Geographical File, 1733-1938 (continued)
St. Michael-Ikogmiut-Kolmakov, 1842-1934 (continued)
BOX D239 REEL 164-165 1889-1894
(6 folders)
BOX D240 REEL 165-166 1895-1934
(2 folders)
Ikogmiut and St. Michael Redoubt, cumulative, 1902-1921
Obraztsov, Feoktist, report by, 1860
St. Michael Redoubt –Protection Chapel, 1894-1895
St. Michael Redoubt and Kolmakov Redoubt–Protection Chapel, 1847-1851
(5 folders)
Parish records, notification
Acknowledgments, announcements
(2 folders)
BOX D241 REEL 167-168 1861-1916
(3 folders)
Lists of, 1846
Popechitelstvo collections
Reports, 1848-1854
Record journal
Archives (description of transactions), 1845-1867, 1875-1878
Belkov, Zakharii, outgoing reports, bookkeeping, 1877-1880
Amkan, Nikifor, 1907-1911
Belkov, Zakharii, and Orlov, Ioann Efimov, 1877-1903
Belkov, Zakharii, and Zass, Nestor (bishop), 1883
BOX D242 REEL 168-169 Fire in the church in the Ikogmiut, 1856
Korchinskii, Iakov, 1898-1900
Miracle with the mad Stefan in Ingrihak (Ingahamiut), 1847-1848
Orlov, Petr Grigoriev, 1901-1902
Peremezhko, Ilarion, 1866-1867
Vakulskii, Amphilokhii, 1902-1903
Reports/ ukaz
Acknowledgments, 1844-1879
Ekaterinovskii, Petr (bishop), 1860
Tsar family, 1844-1878
Travel journal
Amkan, Nikifor, and Vakulskii, Amfilokhii, 1910-1911 (also includes church service)
Belkov, Zakharii, 1877-1892
BOX D243 REEL 169 Netsvetov, Iakov Egorov, 1857-1863
(4 folders)
Obraztsov, Feoktist (monk), 1858-1859
Peremezhko, Ilarioin (monk), 1861-1868
(5 folders)
Vakulskii, Amfilokhii (includes church service record for Pustynskii, Innokentii (bishop), 1908
Travel reports
Belkov, Zakharii, 1888
Kryzhanovskii, Ioann, 1880
Netsvetov, Iakov Egorov, 1854
Orlov, Ioann Efimov, 1895
Vital statistics
Kolmakov Redoubt, 1862
Separate reports, 1871
Separate reports; cumulative, 1896-1932
BOX D244-D247 REEL 169-171 Yukon-Kuskokwim, 1835-[1919]
BOX D244 REEL 169-170 Yukon-Kuskokwim
Conversion reports
Orlov, Ioann Efimov, 1895-1900
(5 folders)
Andreevskaia Odinochka
Travel reports
Obraztsov, Feoktist (monk), 1858
School, 1902-1914
Cumulative, 1902-1914
St. Sergius Chapel, 1897-1905
Kutak-Kukin, Nikita Ivanov, 1898-1902
Diocese administration
Personnel change, 1908-1909
Financial reports
Expenses, 1902-1914
Income, 1902-1914
Income and expenses, 1896-1914
(6 folders)
Overall account, 1899
BOX D245 REEL 170 Financial supplies
Incoming and outgoing, 1895-1908
(3 folders)
Orders, receipts, 1898-1914
Matrimony petitions/investigations
Ledger, 1895-1896
Parish records, 1898-1899
Parish records, church/clergy registers
St. Sergius Church, 1896-1917
(11 folders)
BOX D246 REEL 170-171 Parish records, church service registers
St. Sergius Church, 1896
Fragment, [1910]
Parish records confessional list, 1895-1915
(7 folders)
Korchinskii, Iakov, 1896
Orlov, Ioann Efimov, 1897-1901
Pavlov, Konstantin, 1902-1906
Vakulskii, Amfilokhii, 1910-1916
BOX D247 REEL 171 Travel journal
Berezkin, Matvei, and Vakulskii, Amfilokhii, 1908
Korchinskii, Iakov, 1896
Orlov, Ioann Efimov, and Kashevarov, Petr Petrov, 1895-1896
Vital statistics
Census, 1902-1914
Separate reports, 1902-1914
Belkov, Onisim, donates house to church for chapel, 1903
Education–school records
Class journal, 1890
Sts. Peter and Paul Chapel, 1864-1865
Malakhov, Petr (homicide); Ovchinnikov, Lavrentii, 1839-1851
Death certification
Certificate ledger, [1919]
BOX D248-D262 REEL 171-181 Kodiak Island and Area, 1815-1933
BOX D248 REEL 171-172 Kodiak Island
Baptism certification
Fendrick, Elena, 1894
Jackson, Vasilii, 1895
Mugaviknak, Nikolai, 1898
Stepanov, Georgii, birth, 1910
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